The Collegian

2/14/05 • Vol. 129, No. 55     California State University, Fresno

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Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Brother Anthony gets a bad rap

Hey, what is up with all this bashing on Brother Anthony, calling him an over-zealous fanatic and other marginalizing names? Name calling is great and easy when the person is not in front of you.

I give him credit for having the guts to stand and state what he feels is wrong with society. While his tactics are not mine, at least we can say he is putting to use our hard-earned student money that was used to construct the free speech area. I assume it was not donated by some good samaritan.

Debate is good. Yes, good. Our society, with the mainstream media feeding us their sound-bite conclusions on tough issues, robs from us the fruit of critical analysis.

Not debating moral issues that Brother Anthony challenges us with causes us to be myopic in our views and stuck in our biases. Challenging and questioning your beliefs will burn away the fat and bring you closer to a clearer and better understanding of the issues.

So two thumbs up for Brother Anthony. I say we need more people like Brother Anthony, maybe in different venues and more civil environments.

Nonetheless, we need to be challenged out of our malaise and apathy. Peace, and God save us all.

—John Lo
Grad. student, biology