Letters to the Editor
Speech is free for all
In response to the letter to the editor submitted by Michelle Colvin on Friday, Sept. 23.: hate speech is free speech.
Free speech is protected by the U.S Constitution. It doesn’t matter if it is the KKK or the author of The Vagina Monologues.
The courts have drawn a line and that line is crossed when speech consists of inciting direct physical harm, which is illegal.
I am a very conservative Christian. I don’t see myself as a fundamentalist.
Of course there are people who would spit in my face for my beliefs on homosexuality and abortion.
The difference between me, the fundamentalist, and those who are for homosexuals and abortions is that I am willing to listen, analyze and discern the opposing argument.
I may think you are mistaken but I still agree that you, and everyone else, have the God–given right to speak.
I have stood and supported the preachers in the Free Speech Area, but anyone believing AIDS is God’s punishment is mistaken.
Death happens in a sinful world and many times nature and humanity is to blame. God bless.
John Lo
graduate studies
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