The Collegian

September 23, 2005     California State University, Fresno

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Finding Twenty Bucks

Students Sound Off

Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Hate Speech is not Free Speech

The Collegian totally missed the mark on its “coverage” of the very real conflict that occurred Thursday between students and the venom-hurling preachers who visit campus. As a champion of free speech, I hesitate to criticize how it manifests, but this can no longer be ignored. This is no longer about free speech, but about hate speech that creates a threatening and hostile learning environment.

Thursday’s fray had more than 100 participants and lasted hours. Those of us who joined the preachers on the platform to protest were asked to remove ourselves by the campus police. If The Collegian had any interest in covering the real issues, it would have captured a passionate protest against sexism, homophobia and religious intolerance most students normally walk past.

Women have to walk circuitous routes to get from class to class to avoid being demeaned and abused.

When we are repeatedly and publicly called whores because of the way we dress and when a visiting preacher is allowed to wear a button on his shirt that says “AIDS: Homosexuals Contribution To The World,” it’s time for us to take a stand. It’s time for us to take our campus back from these hatemongers.

How can The Collegian help? By not running derogatory and blatantly sexist comic strips like Friday’s “Girls and Sports” which only serves to perpetuate the myth that all women (not girls) athletes are ugly. I’m sure the women who play those sports would agree with me. Ironically, placed next to the comic was a quote from Will Rogers that read “Everything is funny as long as it’s happening to someone else.” Was that intentional, or just ignorant?

Michelle Colvin
women’s studies, senior

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