The Collegian

September 1, 2006     California State University, Fresno

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Financial aid given to more students

Students, alumni prep for first game, tailgating

Financial aid given to more students

By Jullian Yalung
The Collegian

Fresno State’s Financial Aid department is giving out more money to more students — and faster than it ever has before.

As of last Wednesday, Financial Aid has given out nearly $29 million to students in need. The department has dispersed funds twice since then.

“We have awarded 1,000 more students than last year at this time,” Maria Hernandez, Fresno State’s financial aid director, said. The department has also given $1.2 million more in aid than what was offered to students last year at this time.

While tuition and student fees can be paid online or in the office with cash, credit or check, Financial Aid is an option for students who are cash poor.

The Financial Aid office helps students receive financial assistance through loans, grants, and work-study programs.

Joe Castillo, a 5th year Recreation and Leisure Studies student, has been receiving Financial Aid for the past 4 years.

“This year I have noticed that the Financial Aid office has only become more accommodating for students,” Castillo said, “The hours are convenient and it seems as though they even work through their lunches.”

With the money that Castillo is receiving through Financial Aid, he said he will be able to pay for his tuition and books with ease.

While in line to speak with a Financial Aid adviser, Castillo said he heard students complaining of the wait and the process.

Students who only wish to accept or decline their loans may now do so online through their accounts. Students can access loans through their student portfolios.

“I think each year we try to streamline and automate things as much as possible,” Hernandez said. This year students received more e-mails reminding them when their paperwork was due and updating them on the status of their financial aid.

Hernandez said both the record-high enrollment for the freshmen class and students submitting their paperwork before the deadlines are what contributed to more financial aid dispersed at a faster rate this year.

“Considering the amount of people they [Financial Aid advisers] assist,” Castillo said, “they are extremely helpful and are always smiling.”

Last year alone, the Financial Aid advisers assisted in providing over $65 million in aid to students at Fresno State.

“Employees in the Financial Aid office and in the Joyal building, in general, are the unsung heroes on this campus,” Castillo said. “They are the reason this campus runs.”

To be eligible for financial aid grants students must demonstrate financial need, have a high school diploma or a GED, be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a regular student, be a U.S. citizen or an eligible noncitizen, have a valid social security number, make satisfactory academic progress, sign a statement on the FAFSA document and register with the Selective Service if required.

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