The Collegian

February 6, 2006     California State University, Fresno

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Time to improve campus appeal

Wiretaps and other surveillance could set dangerous precedent


Time to improve campus appeal

WITH THE ONGOING construction around campus it is time for the university to improve maintenance to existing buildings and set an architectural standard for future construction.

A cursory look at the existing buildings around campus clearly shows a lack of standards in terms of both construction and landscaping.

Some of the university’s most heavily used buildings, McLane Hall and those in the “Quad” were built in the construction style of their era and are vaguely reminiscent of Cold War-era bunkers.

The newer buildings on campus, such as the business building, library expansion and education building are built in a completely different style. The library is perhaps the most egregious example as the two halves of the building are constructed in completely different styles.

The overall appeal of the campus would be greatly improved if a standard architectural style were chosen for all future construction and renovation beginning with the new library that is slated to be built in the next several years.

There are other issues that need to be addressed more immediately around campus as well.

The fountain in the campus center has been inoperative all semester and is an eyesore in its present state.

Because it is one of the campus’s few iconic structures (just look at the new student ID cards for proof of this) it is important that it be made operational as soon as possible.

This is not in any way intended to be an attack on the hardworking employees who labor tirelessly to keep Fresno State in as good of shape as possible. It is instead a call to improve the overall look and appeal of the campus.

The school’s overall image, after all, is largely dependant on its aesthetic appeal.

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