The Collegian

September 23, 2005     California State University, Fresno

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School crop unhurt

CSU Student Code to get first update in 20 years; staff to get first raise in three

Hurricane relief update

Campus crime lower

AS won't fund concert

AS won't fund concert

By Chhun Sun
The Collegian

The Associated Students Finance Committee Thursday denied $1,650 to help fund the University Student Union Productions Hurricane Relief Concert.

The Oct. 6. event is scheduled to take place at the Satellite Student Union andwill feature Inner Vision, a reggae group from the United States Virgin Islands.

All proceeds will go to the Hurricane Relief Effort Fund.

Despite overruling the requirement to submit a proposal at least six weeks in advance, the committee said USU didn’t meet several standards. AS does not finance an event if it asks for a fee, and the USU event would charge $5 for entrance.

Also, the 7 10 p.m. time was not the ideal slot the committee was looking for.

The finance committee also approved to purchase 15 more copies of The New York Times in effort to continue the campus Readership Program. The daily circulation will jump up to 715 newspapers, including the 100 free copies provided by The New York Times for faculty and staff consumption.

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