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September 16, 2005     California State University, Fresno

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Campus hails Constitution

New student housing in '06

Childhood obesity still rising

CSU trustee wants college prep. done earlier


CSU trustee wants college prep. done earlier

By Chhun Sun
The Collegian

California State University trustee Carol Chandler completed her visit at Fresno State Thursday with a discussion with Associated Students about student concerns, including high textbook prices, the campus parking problem and the possibility that remedial classes may be cut to make room for new undergraduate classes.

Chandler, who was invited to attend the meeting by AS President Jennifer Reimer, said the purpose of the visit was to listen to what the students had to say, and bring it back to the CSU trustees.

But it was the talk of remedial classes getting cut that prompted the most debate.

“We’re hoping the remedial class cuts doesn’t close doors. In fact, we’re hoping it’ll open a lot of doors for students who want to attend college,” Chandler said.

She also said she hopes high school programs can find effective ways for students to prepare for college, such as evaluating their academic progress to see if they can attend a four-year college.

“I hope it will make high school wrap up their programs and start as early as the eighth grade and have students plan their schedule,” Chandler added.

Chandler also discussed the issue of parking.

“Every year, you hear the same complaints about not having enough available parking,” said Business Senator Brent Hansen. “You can see students waiting like vultures for parking spots.”

Chandler said finding a solution for parking is always ongoing, and that building a parking structure on campus is too costly, considering each parking space would cost about $15,000.

In Thursday’s AS meeting, the senate voted unanimously to support Reimer’s efforts to create a textbook task force with faculty “to examine the reasons for high textbook prices at Fresno State and to recommend actions to lower textbook prices,” reads a memorandum by Reimer.