The Collegian

September 14, 2005     California State University, Fresno

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No holds barred for Roberts' scrutiny

Restroom Weight Worries

The good and the bad of Blackboard

Letter to the Editor

Wasted Daze

Letter to the Editor

Evolution is for everyone

Intelligent design should be taught in public schools alongside the theory of evolution for one simple reason: evolution is not supported enough by the evidence to warrant its being taught unopposed.

In his insightful book, "The Facts on Creation vs. Evolution," John Ankerberg has documented a collection of quotes by accomplished scientists that harshly attack the theory of evolution. These quotes include the following: evolutionary theory is “absolutely impossible,” something more “at home in Alice and Wonderland,” “evolution is a fairy tale for grown-ups” that has “helped nothing in the progress of science,” “evolution can be thought of as sort of a magical religion,” and “virtually all the fundamentals of the orthodox evolutionary faith have shown themselves to be either of extremely doubtful validity or simply contrary to fact.”

It’s no small wonder that the theory of evolution can be considered contrary to fact when one realizes that it is diametrically opposed to a universally observed phenomenon: the law of entropy, according to which all systems inevitably move toward disintegration and disorganization.

Every system in the universe is inevitably moving towards deterioration and incidentally, that includes the sun. Every exception to this rule is merely local and temporary.

Evolutionary theory teaches that over a period of billions of years, organisms on our planet have been consistently bucking the phenomenon of entropy by becoming increasingly complex and organized.

Some believe that disagreement with them proves that you don’t have an open mind.

An open mind evaluates the evidence impartially.

-Brad Taylor
graduate student