The Collegian

4/25/05 • Vol. 129, No. 79     California State University, Fresno

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Pow wow celebrates life

Victimology symposium starts Wednesday

Web site offers alternatives to buying textbooks

Campus marks Armenian Genocide 90th anniversary


Pow wow celebrates life
Men and women danced to drum beats and chants as the Native American pow wow celebration made a comeback to Fresno State this weekend for the first time since 1999. More>>

Victimology symposium starts Wednesday
The third American Symposium on Victimology will be held in the University Center at Fresno State from April 27 to 30 and will feature presentations from some of the most distinguished professionals in victimology, including Fresno State’s criminology professors Eric Hickey and John Dussich.  More>>

Web site offers alternatives to buying textbooks
Students searching for a better way to sell textbooks back at the end of the semester and buy them at the beginning need not look any further than, a new Web site that offers college students a way to trade books online. More>>

Campus marks Armenian Genocide 90th anniversary
Students gathered in the Free Speech Area Friday afternoon to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide of 1915. More>>