Monday, February 12, 2007                                                                        Serving California State University, Fresno since 1922

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Card companies need Valentine's Day messages for real relationships

Time for university officials to own up

The One-Finger Salute


Card companies need Valentine's Day messages for real relationships
ON A ROUTINE visit to Target the other day, I passed by the greeting card section. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I was bombarded with images of pink and red hearts, symbolizing love, or some emotion resembling it. More>>

Time for university officials to own up
Friday’s article, “University funds misdirected,” which addressed the issue of more than $600,000 in diverted donations, demonstrates how reluctant university officials are to reveal serious errors that directly or indirectly affect students. More>>

The One-Finger Salute
Thumbs down to the lame phrases that adorn Conversation Hearts, particularly with this year’s animal-themed candies. Among things that, indeed, hinder conversation, “UR A TIGER” probably tops the list. More>>