The Collegian

May 3, 2006     California State University, Fresno

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Peaceful demonstrations a good sign

American democracy – and basic geography

Immigrants and the American dream

Letters to the Editor


Peaceful demonstrations a good sign
WHILE THE EFFECTS of “A Day without an Immigrant” cannot be easily determined, the historic event was a great example of a successful and efficient protest. More>>

American democracy – and basic geography
LAST AUGUST, HURRICANE Katrina came ashore near the city of New Orleans, causing billions of dollars in damage and killing more than a thousand people in the course of the storm and its aftermath. More>>

Immigrants and the American dream
LAST MONDAY’S WALKOUTS and demonstrations on campus and throughout the country showed Americans just how valuable immigrants are to our nation’s economy. Perhaps Dave Carpenter of the Associated Press phrased it most concisely, “A lot of work wouldn’t get done without them.” More>>

Letters to the Editor
I occasionally pick up a copy of The Collegian while waiting for my last class of the day. I usually find articles that I agree with as well as articles that I disagree with.  More>>