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March 22, 2006     California State University, Fresno

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Students to aid Big Brothers Big Sisters by bowling

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Students to aid Big Brothers Big Sisters by bowling

By Katie Hicks
The Collegian

“Clayton and Jonathan have been matched up since April of 2003.

They meet once a week to ride bikes, work in the garden, or volunteer at a retirement home. Jonathan lives with his grandma, Beth, who has raised him since he was a baby. Clayton is his Big Brother.

Beth knew that Jonathan needed a male role model in his life, especially since he was entering the pre-teen stage so she looked to Big Brothers Big Sisters for help. Jonathan waited for two years before being matched with Clayton but it was well worth the wait. Just like Beth said, ‘I know now why we had to wait so long. We had to wait for Clayton.’”

Andrea Cole, the match support specialist from Fresno’s local Big Brothers Big Sisters said this is one of the true accounts of a young life that has been helped by a volunteer. But hundreds of children in the Valley like Jonathan, need a positive role model, are still waiting for their Big Brother or Sister.

So Fresno State students have decided to get involved.

Students are scheduled to Bowl for Kids Sake Thursday from 7-10 p.m. in the University Student Union bowling alley.

The event, sponsored by the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization of Fresno, Madera and Kings counties, will raise money and increase awareness of the program as they strive to meet their goal of one million matches by 2010.

Money raised at each event provides funding to increase volunteer recruitment, marketing and service delivery that is needed to encourage more adults to volunteer.

This is the first year that Big Brothers Big Sisters has challenged Fresno State students to get involved, said Jenna Breadmont, fund development associate with the organization.

“We have eight or nine teams signed up so far,” Breadmont said. “It’s mostly clubs or organizations on campus that have volunteered.”

Breadmont said each bowler must collect a minimum of $40 in pledges to participate in the event and all of the money goes toward making Big Brothers Big Sisters successful.

For more information, or to find out how you can help call Big Brothers Big Sisters at 268-2447 or check out their Web site at

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