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The Collegian

4/28/04 • Vol. 128, No. 37

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Bill aims to lower textbook costs 30 percent

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Peace Corps volunteer options to be discussed

The Collegian wins awards

Peace Corps volunteer options to be discussed

For graduates who aren’t sure about what to do with their future, spending the next two years as a volunteer in the Peace Corps might be an option.

The Peace Corps is an agency of the federal government in which volunteers have served 138 countries since 1961. Peace Corps volunteers perform various duties from youth outreach and community development to information technology.

Volunteers work and live in the communities, learning local languages and cultures.

“ Peace Corps Volunteers need to be individuals who are extremely open-minded, flexible, and have a strong sense of service and adventure,” said Kate Kuykendall, a recruiter for the San Francisco Peace Corps Office and a former volunteer.

Volunteers receive benefits including deferment of school loans and a $6,075 check upon completion of service.

Kuykendall will discuss the application process and mission of the Peace Corps today in an informational meeting.

She will share her experiences within the Peace Corps, show a video highlighting assignments and answer any questions about the Peace Corps application process.

The meeting will take place from 3 p.m. until 4:30 in USU 311.