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Welty satisfied with Bee's correctionNewspaper admitted several errors in Feb. 15 audit article University President John Welty said he is satisfied with the efforts of the Fresno Bee to correct erroneous information printed about Fresno State. Welty’s concerns stem from an article printed in the Feb. 15 edition of the Bee. The article implied Fresno State’s auxiliary organizations had wasted or stolen more than $3 million. The Bee’s information came from an annual audit of the organizations. According to Welty, that information was misinterpreted. “ Imagine you were the subject of an IRS audit and a newspaper chose to focus on the IRS auditor’s findings in your situation without adequately addressing your responses to the audit or the corrective actions you had taken,” Welty said in a message posted on FresnoStateNews.com. “Such a one-sided report would fail to show where you successfully answered the auditor’s questions or how you were able to justify deductions or other concerns in an audit. That wouldn’t be fair, just like the Bee’s version of this story just isn’t fair.” Although Welty noted 20 errors in the article, the Bee admitted four discrepancies. “ Unfortunately, the original article raised issues about wasted money. This is a very devastating accusation in the midst of the serious financial situation which we face,” Welty said. “However, I am pleased that the Bee acknowledged their error and responded to our concerns in a very responsible and professional manner.” Welty said the situation has changed his view of the Fresno Bee. “ I was very disappointed in the original article because it did not meet the standards which I feel a major newspaper should adhere to,” Welty said. “I hope this experience will result in an improved newspaper, just as the audit will strengthen our auxiliary organizations.” Fresno Bee Executive Editor Charlie Waters was unavailable for comment. |