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The Collegian

3/5/04• Vol. 128, No. 18

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A Plan for Peace

AS approves five members to its Elections Committee

A Plan for Peace

Possible solutions to Israel/Palestine conflict presented at Middle East forum

Prospects of peace between Israel and Palestine were discussed in a Middle East forum Wednesday night.

Political economist Leila Farsakh and President of the Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace Marcia Freedman posed possible solutions to resolve the conflicts.

Farsakh mentioned the idea of a two state solution, which calls for the continuation of construction of a wall that separates Israel and Palestine.

The Geneva Initiative pushes for the wall to be built in order to benefit Israel.

The initiative is a Middle East accord created in November 2003, which aims to present an alternative to the “road map for peace,” a plan proposed by the Bush administration in April 2003.

“ I can see the need for such a fence,” Freedman said, referring to the security the initiative’s wall will provide. “It’s promising in a way, but can lead to a situation that is very dangerous.”

A portion of the wall separating the two territories exists in a Qulqilya and runs for 145 miles. If the wall is continued, it could be 445 miles long and up to 25 feet tall with barbed wire topping.

Taking a political view of the situation, Freedman said that it could lead Israel to show insecurity.

Farsakh mentioned five major issues that arise when the Camp David negotiations for peace are discussed regarding the conflict between Israel and Palestine: settlement, refugees, Jerusalem, borders and security arrangement.

Unfortunately, Farsakh said, a fair and realistic solution to the Palestine refugee problem has not been achieved.

Borders between the two territories are not yet decided. Jerusalem has been looked at as a potential capitol for both Israel and Palestine. In that case, all religious sites in Israel and Palestine would have to be openly accessible.

Freeman said in regard to the Israel Palestine conflict that “there is a real possibility for a solution with international help.”