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The Collegian

9/19/03 • Vol. 127, No. 11

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Lab school fire case becomes arson today

Bike theft, alcohol violations occurring most

Craig School of Business replaces dean

Scholarships get boost

Part-time arena jobs available next Wednesday

Deadlines Monday for grading options

CSU trustees forecast next fiscal year

Part-time arena jobs available next Wednesday

Students, faculty and staff at Fresno state will have the opportunity to preview Save Mart Center job opportunities at a special fair Sept. 24 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the University Student Union.

A fair for the general public will be held Sept. 27 at the Satellite Student Union.

“ Because the Save Mart Center is a campus facility, we wanted to give the Fresno State community a chance to see the opportunities first,” said Stephen Tadlock, Save Mart Center general manager. “Interested students and staff will not have to compete with the larger crowds we expect during Saturday’s event.”

Job seekers can expect to find more than 200 temporary positions in areas like food service, parking and ticket taking, Tadlock said. He added that the openings are perfect for students because the positions are so varied and events often occur outside of regular school hours—in the evenings or on weekends.

Staff members in the Career Services office at Fresno State, who have already steered several students to the fair, are expecting a large turnout.

“ We have students who come in every day asking about jobs at the Save Mart Center,” said Alicia Andrade Owen, career counselor and recruitment coordinator for the Career Services office. “Students want to work. They need to work. They are desperate and concerned about paying their bills and staying in school. This is a welcome opportunity for them.”

Visitors to the Wednesday fair will have the chance to fill out applications on the spot and sit down with subcontractors, like food service, for short interviews. The event, Tadlock said, is designed to make the process easier and faster for those seeking Save Mart jobs.

“ If students want to work, we want to employ them,” Tadlock said. “We want as many students and staff as possible to be part of the success of this building.”