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Student group defends its role in communityTheir organization is not racist, said members of the Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan ( MEChA) at a press conference held Thursday at the Peace Garden. The conference was an attempt to counterattack statements against Cruz Bustamante, democratic candidate for governor and current lieutenant governor, for his affiliation with MEChA during his years at Fresno State, said Maria Aguilera, president of MEChA. “ We wanted to address the misinterpretation and negative statements that had been said about MEChA and its alumni,” Aguilera said. Past and current members of MEChA attended the conference and gave their perspective of the organization. “ Fox and its affiliates accused MEChA of being similar to the Ku Klux Klan and that it is separatist,” Aguilera said. Irma Serrano-Garcia, an alumni and a former member of MEChA, said MEChA could not be racist because it has a history of coalition bonding with other organizations. According to University relations, Bustamante studied public administration at Fresno State from 1973 to 1977. He was a member Of MEChA and was a student senator. Bustamante doesn’t support the recall of Gov. Davis but wants voters to put him in the office if the recall takes place. Bustamante will host the “Welcome Home” committee on Sunday at the Fresno Convention Center from noon to 1:30 p.m. |