Associated Students, Inc. presidential candidates Camalah Saleh, Carlie Hall and Guadalupe Zamudio Telles faced off in a debate on Monday, March 24.
The debate was held in the Resnick Student Union Room 207 and was moderated by Collegian’s reporters Lauren Aiello and Josiah Poynter.
The debate saw a packed house, and some attendees helped bring in extra chairs to accommodate the full room.
Fresno State Interim Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Phong Yang gave an introductory speech where he emphasized the importance of respect and kindness during campaign season and thanked ASI for all the work that they have put in.
“You are the very best that Fresno State has to offer, and our campus community expects nothing less from you,” Yang said.
Yang also encouraged students to fill out questions for the candidates to answer later during the debate.
After Poynter and Aiello introduced themselves and explained the rules for the debate, the questions for the candidates began.
The candidates discussed issues of diversity, campus involvement, the current political climate and campus infrastructure.
The Collegian’s questions were intended for all three candidates and brought up their goals, associations and skill sets. Students also got the opportunity to ask questions of the candidates. Some of them were geared toward specific candidates. The following questions are a sample of approximately 12-15 that were asked.
Collegian question: How will you ensure transparency and accountability in your administration?
Saleh explained that ASI representatives are there to ensure both transparency and accountability and emphasized the importance of these things because ASI has the ability to take campus issues to legislative levels.
“I plan to use my connections with elected officials through my internship [and] government experience to also foster that,” Saleh said.
For Hall, transparency and accountability currently lack in Fresno State. She emphasized how important these two qualities are to her.
“I think that by bringing students to the table and letting them have opinions and voice their thoughts on these things is the best way to hold the university accountable,” Hall said.
Zamudio Telles discussed her work as vice president of finance where she says she has been able to communicate services offered on campus to the student body.
“I believe that transparency equals trust,” Zamudio Telles said. “We need real student solutions to real problems.”
Collegian question: On social media, you have all shared with potential voters your involvement in either the Turning Point U.S.A, the Gamma Alpha Omega sorority or Students for Palestinian Liberation. How has your involvement in these organizations made you qualified to lead the student body?
Saleh said that her involvement in Students for Palestinian Liberation has made her more open to different perspectives, which will help in her potential presidency.
She emphasized that this organization created a space for students to advocate for what they were grieving and seeing in the Israel-Hamas War.
“It is that role, if I’m being honest, that led me to believe that my leadership is important and applicable in this space,” Saleh said.
Hall, similar to Saleh, said that her leadership roles have taught her important lessons that she will carry with her to her possible presidency.
She also discussed the importance of looking beyond one another’s differences and unifying as a campus.
“We have a very diverse campus in terms of viewpoints [and] opinions; that includes political views, religion et cetera, and I’m prepared to lead every student in the same way,” Hall said.
Zamudio Telles highlighted the idea of coming together as one student body, an idea of hers that was developed during her time in the Gamma Alpha Omega sorority.
“At the end of the day we’re all here for one moment and goal and it’s to receive our education and become leaders in the community,” Zamudio Telles said.
Student question: With current concerns around immigration citizenship rights, how do you plan to advocate for DACA students?
Saleh opened her response stating that she and her family are immigrants, which has made this issue significant to her.
She then emphasized that these students need to feel safe and secure on campus.
“When you advocate for these students, this needs to be a safe campus for them…because they’re so afraid that they’re going to be harmed, they’re going to be deported, but that is not the space or the climate of our university,” Saleh said.
Hall, in the name of transparency, explained that national issues such as this do not have a place in ASI.
“As much as we might want to do something that’s going to change a whole national issue, we have no control over doing that,” Hall said.
She then added that every student at Fresno State needs to be supported, regardless of their circumstances.
Zamudio Telles, who is a first-generation student, also holds the issue of immigration close to her heart.
She said that DACA students deserve advocacy and resources, things that she is determined to provide if she is elected.
“Although we cannot change things on a national level, we can help support our students in those cases,” she said.
Later, a question was brought to Zamudio Telles by a student.
Student question: You make all these promises, but you are currently the ASI Vice President of Finance, so why don’t you fix all the things you complained about two years ago?
Zamudio Telles responded by addressing the ASI Positive Grant that she started this year, which gave 15 students $200 each.
“I’m a leader [and] when I mean action, I mean action,” she said.
She spoke about how hard she has worked to develop this project and that it takes time to bring ideas to fruition.
Then, a question for Saleh was raised.
Student question: You have taken some divisive stances that you mentioned earlier, for example, the Palestinian Conflict and the sit-in protest. How do you plan on representing students from all walks of life?
Saleh is currently involved in Students for Palestinian Liberation, an organization that supports Palestine regarding the Israel-Hamas War.
Despite her advocacy for Palestine, Saleh said that she is not at Fresno State to push any certain agenda onto the student body.
“I’m running on issues that affect every student: parking, food insecurity and infrastructure,” she said.
She also, in an accusatory statement, said that Hall was counter-protesting at the sit-in protest that the Students for Palestinian Liberation put on.
“Candidate Hall was an anti-protestor, and we still had that space be safe for all students, because we are peaceful regardless of our beliefs,” Saleh said.
To this, Hall rebutted, claiming that this was a false statement.
“I’m not really sure where the candidate to my right is coming from, but I absolutely was not,” Hall said. “I absolutely was not protesting any sort at the Palestinian sit-in protest, I was just observing.”
The 30-second rebuttal time was exhausted and another question for all three candidates was asked.
Student question: With the current implications of the dismantling of the Department of Education, how will you advocate for all students on campus and state level?
Saleh began by clarifying that this issue will have an impact on Fresno State students, regardless of it being a national policy. She explained that she and Danielle Vu, her running partner, will take their advocacy to legislative levels as necessary.
“When you take into consideration the Department of Education or DACA students, that will affect us directly because that is what is happening,” she said.
Hall emphasized that these issues need to be addressed pragmatically, primarily, by building connections between ASI and representatives who work on a city and state level.
“This is something that I’ve done throughout my college career, [using] my connections [to] advocate for [the] student body and our campus on a higher level… I think there’s a lot to be done,” she said.
Zamudio Telles brought up her involvement in the California State Student Association [CSSA] and her past advocacy work.
“I’ve been a part of the CSSA, which helps with lobbying and advocating for student needs and also addressing those big issues,” she said. “I will continue to do so as ASI president.”
Then, another question was brought to Hall.
Student question: You violated the campaign policies by posting endorsement videos from elected officials. If you don’t have integrity during the campaign, then how can students trust you will have integrity as ASI president?
Approximately two weeks ago, Hall posted a video where she was receiving an endorsement from California Assemblymember David Tangipa.
It has since been removed from her social media.
Hall said that everything that has been included in her campaign has been approved by the ASI election commissioner and the ASI director, and if an issue was raised with her, she has been compliant with the guidelines.
“I just want to assure everyone here that [while] the opponents might be focused on my campaign, I’m focused on the students and I’m focused on your voices, I’m focused on your concerns,” she said.
Then, Saleh and Zamudio Telles made rebuttals.
“If a candidate can’t play by the rules, how can they even be a leader for us,” Saleh said.
Saleh said that ASI is a non-partisan organization, and Tangipa’s endorsement goes against this notion, therefore making it a violation.
Zamudio Telles explained that Hall’s accused violation is not relevant to her and her goals.
“Whether [other candidates] would like to violate violation codes or do whatever they want; it is no longer my issue,” Zamudio Telles said. “I’m here to, again, represent the student voice.”
After the debate was completed, two audience members shared their reactions with The Collegian.
“It was kind of nice to see how everybody on each side is wanting to provide for our campus and our community,” said attendee and Fresno State student Sarah Hernandez.
Hernandez explained that, as someone who is not well-versed in ASI specifics, it was important for her to hear from each candidate.
This was student Taryn Irigoyen’s first time attending an ASI debate, and she came in support of Hall and her slate.
“This is my first time even being aware of an ASI election, which sounds horrible, but I think the Next Step slate has done a great job of making all students aware of it,” Irigoyen said. “I think [Hall] did a great job and I’m excited for this next step for Fresno State.”
ASI elections will be held from April 1-3. Each Fresno State student received an email providing a username and password to access their electronic ballot.
The election results will be counted in the RSU Room 207 on Thursday, April 3, and is open to public attendance.
The Collegian will also provide coverage of the results following the event.
Francine • Mar 24, 2025 at 10:01 pm
HELLL YEAH CAMALAH @camalahxdanielle