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April 7, 2006     California State University, Fresno

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It's time for some new TV shows

Motivational speakers and our love of hypocrisy

It's time for some new TV shows

I Make This Look Good

Chhun Sun

HE PLANTS HIS skinny butt on the sofa in his living room. He stretches out his body across the sofa with his legs dangling on the side. He takes sips of his soft drink while he switches channels on the TV from the sofa, all in search of something funny, something that will entertain him for the next few hours — or, sometimes, until he finally gets it into his head that he has work to do around his apartment.

This has been his favorite hobby lately, to watch TV as if time doesn’t matter, like it’s a full-time job. But, sadly, time does matter. At the same time, he knows he needs to enjoy this pleasure. He just wishes there were more good things to watch than Oprah talking about how she can buy a planet and how spoiled some 16-year-olds can be, then, maybe, he wouldn’t feel so guilty of doing such a deed.

This is why he came up with several ways to make his days more interesting, especially with Spring Break just a few days away. What he means is that he has some TV show ideas, and he said that he doesn’t care if they actually become real TV shows because all he cares about is that your day is better entertained.

Rachel McAdams: Peeling An Orange

This would be an hour-long show on The Food Network.

The art of peeling an orange is a sophisticated process that requires more than 30 minutes. It’s a very peculiar step-by-step method where the importance of not having orange juice squirted in your eyes is not stressed enough.

This is where Ms. McAdams comes in.

This 20-something actress will give her viewers a different perspective of orange peeling. You will suddenly want to peel an orange with care, because you will understand it is just not any fruit. That if you peel it correctly, you will get much more satisfaction. Not only that, Ms. McAdams will also have special guests — like Jessica Alba, Eva Mendez and Keira Knightley — to offer their unique ways of peeling an orange.

Club Girls

This would be on MTV.

Go to a nightclub on any night and become astounded by the bevy of hot girls dancing or drinking a sexy drink. Before getting caught up in the moment, remember that it won’t last forever, because these girls apparently don’t exist outside of the club.

At least that’s the myth. That these hot girls have lockers at the clubs and the only time they come out is when they hear loud music and the tinkering of drinking glasses.

To clear this up, there should be a show where several cameras follow the girls through their everyday routine, from the moment they wake up looking perfect, to the time the first Lil’ Jon song starts, to the last drunken guy leaving the club.

The show will also be an opportunity for people to get a glimpse of who these women are. They probably have personalities, jobs, families and even something to say.

How many times have you heard this comment, “Wow. I always see you here”? This is a chance to show them that you have other things to do and hitting the clubs is just one thing you do to have fun.

The Pickup Artists

This reality show would be on ABC.

According to author Neil Strauss, there is a secret society that the world has no idea about. In his book “The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists,” he takes readers into a world where all girls, even the 10s, are attainable for guys who are 5-and-below. This world he’s talking about? It’s the world we’re living in.

It’d be only right for us to take a view of this world, to see the techniques these pickup artists use to pick up girls.


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