The Collegian

September 7 , 2005     California State University, Fresno

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Blame is not the answer

Editorial: Student ID Problem

Fresno State reaches out to Katrina victims

Wasted Daze


Blame is not the answer
As the operations to recover dead bodies, pump out stagnant storm waters ....andhelp evacuees piece together what is left of their lives continue to pick up speed in the Gulf Coast states, blame and criticism remains to be apportioned to the local government in the affected states and many individuals in the Federal government.  More>>

Editorial: Student ID Problem
As new technology becomes a part of everday life, the customs and laws governing its use always lag behind. Cellular phones come to mind. More>>

Fresno State reaches out to Katrina victims
Fresno State students and faculty are working to provide assistance to victims of Hurricane Katrina. More>>

Wasted Daze