The Collegian

5/04/05 • Vol. 129, No. 83     California State University, Fresno

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Everyone, do the ArtHop

Students' artwork on display at Fresno Met

Ensembles with renowned saxophonist to kick off new conert series


Everyone, do the ArtHop
It’s evident that word is getting around. The hottest activity in Fresno on the first Thursday of every month is the ArtHop, providing music, sculpture, painting, multimedia and other various forms of art for public viewing. More>>

Students' artwork on display at Fresno Met
Paintings full of color, emotion, meaning and experience by five Fresno State art majors are on display at the Fresno Metropolitan Museum. More>>

Ensembles with renowned saxophonist to kick off new conert series
Fresno State Jazz Bands A and B and Jazz Combo I will host the first annual Women in Jazz concert featuring renowned saxophonist Mary Fettig today at 7:30 p.m. in the Concert Hall. More>>