The Collegian

2/25/05 • Vol. 129, No. 59     California State University, Fresno

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42 sex offenders near campus

Cheerleaders win championship

Women find a place on campus to share experiences

Health Center fee increase passes


42 sex offenders near campus
The government has created another place for convicted sexual offenders to congregate after serving their jail terms — the Internet.  More>>

Cheerleaders win championship
Fresno State cheerleaders really had something to be cheerful about this month when they came home as national champions. More>>

Women find a place on campus to share experiences
The Women’s Resource Center here on campus provides a place where women can go to feel safe, talk about whatever is on their minds and have someone listen. More>>

Health Center fee increase passes
The student health referendum passed Thursday with a vote of 393 to 96. More>>