Sidewalk cracks cause student woes
It has happened to all of us: your professor keeps you in class for the full length outlined in the syllabus. How dare she! Even worse, you are getting out of your class in Science II and you have 10 minutes to get to Family and Food Science. When I am in this kind of hurry, I do not normally notice a lot of my surroundings. What I still do notice is the multitude of cracks that have made their home in the miles of sidewalk we have here on campus. More>>
The men strike back at sexism
Today brings us, once again, Fresno State’s prouction of “The Vagina Monologues,” my annual reminder that I sat on a brilliant idea far too long. The Penis Rants now may never see the light of day.
To all the men who were hoping to write a poem to their genitalia, or talk to a crowd of strangers about it – well, they’ll just have to do it on a public bus like everyone else. More>>
CSU should work toward energy efficiency
The 2001-2002 energy crisis has lead to a 55 percent increase in our student fees. To keep education affordable, preventing another crisis should be of great concern to the CSU. The sustainability policy offered by the RenewCSU campaign sets three ways the university system can help prevent another energy crisis: conservating energy, purchasing clean energy, and building “green” to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design silver standards. More>>