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The Collegian

5/7/04 • Vol. 128, No. 41

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Etiquette not dead in society, only crippled by convenience

Letters to the Editor

Etiquette not dead in society, only crippled by convenience


Please—no more cheap clothes, splintering furniture, lint-covered carpets, moldy bathroom sinks or chili-encrusted microwaves. For the allure of a little time and money saved, our generation has forfeited the sense of propriety that would contribute to a higher quality of life. Only recently did the distinction between my own standards and those of the women born a few generations before me, become obvious. I spent a recent Sunday visiting my 83-year-old great aunt and her 92-year-old friend and I was amazed by how neatly attired and made-up they were, and by how much pride they took in having clean apartments that were decorated and inviting.More>>

Letters to the Editor

Pentagon should prove detainees' guilt

The Pentagon recently stated that six of the 595 detainees at the United States Naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba would face trial by a military tribunal. Only two of the six suspects have been officially charged. According to Pentagon officials, the suspects being held at Guantanamo Bay are hard-core terrorists and the “worst of the worst.” If that is the case, then where is the proof? Why won’t the Pentagon charge all the suspects and produce some evidence that will stand up in a court of law? Could it be that some of those men might be innocent victims caught up in the turbulence of war?More>>