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University to begin printing schedule of courses for fall semesterBy Laban Pelz Fresno State’s schedule of courses catalog will be returning to its printed form once again for the fall semester. “ We will be bringing back the hard copy of the schedule of courses because, well, we listen,” said Paul Oliaro, dean of students and VP of student affairs, citing the responses from students who found the electronic version of the schedule unsatisfactory. “ Whether we will continue doing so in the future will depend on feedback.” This announcement and others came from a meeting of the Associated Students Thursday night. Oliaro also announced that the admissions, records and evaluations offices in the Joyal Administration building will be closed Wednesdays from 8-10 a.m. for the next few weeks. Noting the long lines of students waiting for computers in the library, AS approved the spending of $56,000 to lease 25 laptops for Fresno State student use in the library. The lease would last three years. “ It is the policy of this school that students must have access to a computer,” AS Vice President of Finance Michelle Jurkovich said. The 25 Dell laptops donated by AS will be in addition to the 50 laptops the library already has purchased with a grant. AS also discussed concerns of proposed budget cuts to educational outreach programs and unanimously resolved to continue supporting these programs. |