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New computer Internet stations coming to USUBy Eisa Al Nasmi Four e-mail computer stations will be available in the Student Union for student and faculty use within the next few weeks, said Mehrzad Zarrin, associate director of the University Student Union. The stations will be located in the Pavilion, the lounge area between the recreation center and the food court. The project is a collaborative work between the USU board of directors and CVIP. Michael Juarez, operations manager of CVIP, said the software will restrict unauthorized access because only students and faculty members with valid Fresno state e-mail accounts can log in. The software will also limit the time of access for every user. The exact time is still not specified. In addition to the e-mail stations, the counters of cabinets holding the computers will be extended for laptop use, Zarrin said. Zarrin said even though there are labs around campus, the Student Union is the best place to have computers because of its convenience. “ At one time or another, every student will pass by the Student Union. By going to computer labs just to check their e-mails, students will exert more effort than needed,” she said. Student Nicole Carter said it is a good idea to have e-mail stations in the USU because most of the time it is hard to find a free computer in the library. “ It takes an hour to just check your e-mail in the library—if the USU computers are only for checking e-mails, then that would be nice,” she said. Zarrin said if the project succeeds and there is a need for more stations, the USU will be willing to expand the project. |