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The Collegian

10/20/03 • Vol. 127, No. 24

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Health Center offering flu shots to students, faculty, staff this week

Health Center offering flu shots to students, faculty, staff this week

The student health center is offering flu shots this week to students, staff and faculty to prevent infections as the flu season draws near.

Immunizations cost $10 each and are available from 9 to 11 a.m. and from 2 to 4 p.m. at University Health and Psychological Services, located west of the Lab School on Shaw Avenue.

The health center will dispense 500 shots this year, available on a first-come, first-serve basis. People will be referred to other locations to receive their shots if the supply runs out.

People are more susceptible to the flu during winter because they are indoors longer and come into close contact with others more often, said Anthony Molina, a staff physician at the health center.

“ This year we’ve amped up production, hoping that the virus doesn’t get transmitted,” Molina said.

Cynthia Osborne, a nutrition and health educator in the health center, urged everyone to take advantage of the offer.

“ It takes about two weeks for the antibodies to work,” Osborne said. “So you’d want to get the shot right now.”

She said flu shots are not 100-percent effective but added, “It’s a pretty safe bet that you’re going to get the vaccine for the flu virus out there.”

Some people experience harmful side effects. It’s not uncommon to experience muscle aches and headaches, Molina said.

He also cautioned those allergic to eggs to be careful about getting vaccinated.