EDITOR’S NOTE: The Collegian would like to remind its readers that this story is an editorial”” which is an opinion. This is not a news story. There is clarification here.
Trump’s America is the Fourth Reich.
This phenomenon of Trump seeming unstoppable is something that just can’t be true. This guy is a reality TV star ”” not a president.
We cannot have a president who verbally berates his enemies in public, gives out their cell phone number and calls them a “pussy.”
The hardcore racist and fascist people supporting Trump don’t want to kick out Muslims and undocumented Mexicans ”” they want to murder them.
These people that normally keep their backward racism under the rock in which they live, are voting to be openly racist. Trump gladly brings the racism and xenophobia out of people ”” as any good fascist would.
That’s what people don’t see. These people pulling up to the polls in their trucks and wielding a rifle shouting out “‘Murica,” don’t care about the economy ”” let alone diversity and social justice.
They were likely anti-Muslim before 9/11, and now use it as an excuse to be openly racist in our supposedly sophisticated, modern 21st century.
If we let them elect Trump, there will be lynchings.

Hardcore liberals are almost as large of a problem.
Liberals are so far to the left of Trump, that they can’t even accept him as a viable candidate for president. And they’re right; he’s not. But he will be, regardless of what they say while they sip their wine and listen to NPR about the plight of some third world country.
Trump represents the rise of a new Hitler and is capable of the same atrocities. It’s like we’re in the 1930s on a runaway train barreling toward World War III.
Trump is good at pointing out the differences in people ”” he labels without objectivity and places blame. Similar to that of Hitler. When he says that Mexican immigrants are “rapists” he is teaching those that are listening that one facet of our population is inhuman. Sound familiar?
What happens when one group subverts another because of their skin tone? Because of their religious beliefs? Internment camps. Death marches. Genocide.
The reality of this situation is that America has done this before. We committed the mass genocide of Native Americans. While our history books brush it off as “smallpox,” our government went unchecked and murdered people.
Native Americans were feared as “scalpers” the same way that Trump is attempting to incite fear that Mexicans are “rapists.”
Or what about the Japanese internment camps that are not so far back in our history? We did that out of fear then, too. Our government played into the fear of groups of people and denied rights and life to over 100,000 people, majority of whom were American citizens.
And Japanese internment didn’t end hundreds of years ago ”” it ended around 70 years ago. People are still living who suffered through our unjust imprisonment.
Just like the majority of Muslims that live in America ”” they are citizens who face the real fear of internment camps because of fear mongering perpetuated by the possible future president.
With our history as a nation who succumbs to fascism in the face of fear, and a possible president with too many likenings to Hitler, we need to do something.
Trump has no foreign policy skills. He will literally corner off the United States into an extremist zone that causes us to be the focus of militarized attacks from countries who would be facing the wrath of an inhuman leader.
Wait until Trump calls Russian President Vladimir Putin a pussy. Let’s see how long it takes for Putin to prove him wrong with nuclear missiles.
Get off your lazy asses and do something about it, you hipsters. You’re not doing anything to stop this madness from becoming a reality. Hopefully you’re smart enough to understand the gravity of your mistake on Jan. 20, 2017 when President Trump is sworn into office. We can celebrate the end of the world together.
Heil Trump!
audi s7 • Apr 23, 2017 at 12:04 pm
It looks to me that you’re failing history, child.
Get used to a life of low level food service, with such a worthless degree.
CowboyUp • Mar 4, 2017 at 3:50 am
My haven’t the last 5 months been revealing. The only people reminding us of nazis are the violent democrat rioters, over a New York liberal, at that.
MikeR • Jun 25, 2016 at 12:13 pm
I would seem this ignoramus ‘ insanely twisted viewpoint of Trump is akin to a really bad acid trip. Propagandist spin to the most ridiculous extreme and he probably thinks himself so perfectly correct and probably has secret Hitler envy. Very sad to see. Probably is projecting the views of his leftist professors.
Beth • Mar 13, 2016 at 11:07 am
I’ve been saying this all along. The man is a terrorist. Plain and simple he should be marked as a traitor to his country and banished.
TimmyH • Mar 16, 2016 at 9:35 pm
But nobody’s listening to you overreact. Remember when people had to DO something before you could claim they were terrorists and traitors and banish them? But I guess you junior Nostradamuses all know what’s going to happen.
Beth • Mar 18, 2016 at 6:15 pm
It’s called human history, he has the same damned thoughts as hitler, he breeds racism, hate and dissent. He tries to make us fear and hate our neighbors. If he gets elected, so many people are going to DIE. I, for one, don’t want to be one of them.
TimmyH • Mar 19, 2016 at 1:58 am
See, I don’t know what Trump said to make you think that, besides close the borders temporarily so that we can get a handle on all this Jihad, stop destructive trade pacts, and that some migrants are criminals, which is reflected every day in the news. But you seem to have some psychic insight I’m missing. Please provide the evidence that suggests any of your assertions. I would suggest that you are parroting the talking points of the establishment that is trying to suck this country under into globalism and drain it dry, and that Trump is the one nationalist who wants to stop it. Obama is dangerously close to sucking us into war with China and Russia, while Trump has good relations with Putin. So perhaps you should look at the people currently holding power first.
Sandy • Feb 26, 2016 at 7:50 pm
Ronald Reagan 22 • Feb 26, 2016 at 2:39 am
This was fantastic. I’ve been doing research on how the 2 are alike and it is shocking how hitler as come back a comb over blonde but so true. Great job with a little more research there will be a video showing hitler and don giving the same speeches, fantastic thank you
Joseph Peacock • Feb 25, 2016 at 9:51 pm
Why has the Fresno State Collegian suddenly become a gossip tabloid for the far left? The recent headlines have been unprofessional and offensive. Comparing Presidential candidate Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler on the front page is outrageous and improper. By the way, editorials should be in the back of the paper and limited the two to three paragraphs and should include at least one opposing view. Your recent rants and antics in the Collegian make CNN look conservative by comparison.
With that out of the way, you should think of reporting the news and not try to slant your left of socialist agenda in every article and as an “editor” focus on grammar, fact and spell checking in your paper.
The February 17th head line covering the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was unprofessional and tasteless. Your previous headline on the possible teachers union strike the word faculty was spelled facuty and in your front page “editorial” attack on Mr. Trump you spelled xenophobia with a Z.
The abuse of your position of editor is appalling and you have set your self, the Collegian and Fresno State up for law suits on the grounds of slander and defamation of character. Your left of socialist views and actions do not represent the views of all Fresno State students, administration and professors. Do you have any specific professors you would like to credit for helping shape your worldview? Please do tell.
You have disgraced yourself as a journalist and have embarrassed Fresno State and the Collegian. Resignation is an honorable option.
Joseph Peacock…. Political Science Major FSU…… Go Dogs!
Common sense • Feb 25, 2016 at 5:32 pm
real conservatives and republicans condemn all racist comments on this page. each individual can decide which ones those are
The Proletariat Barista • Feb 25, 2016 at 1:40 pm
The sleeping giant is finally opening his eyes! After decades of non stop rape and slaughter at the hands of the Jews and their black and brown foot soldiers, the White man is finally reclaiming his nations and his women and children!
Matt Jacobs • Feb 25, 2016 at 2:35 pm
Hm, did someone post this article to Stormfront? The racist dimwits are coming out of the woodwork all of a sudden.
Erik Kolvenson • Feb 25, 2016 at 1:33 pm
Dumb homosexual liberal idiots! The colleges are full of these liberal shitheads! There must be a law against such people working and studying in the american universities.
RedzoneDog • Feb 25, 2016 at 8:44 am
Conservative Writer Ben Shapiro Banned from CSULA
I challenge the Collegian to step up and invite Ben Shapiro to speak at Fresno State. Let’s show how diverse and inclusive we are. Show William Covino that we can do better than that. Please post when you have scheduled that event.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 25, 2016 at 10:56 am
Shapiro wasn’t banned; he was just rescheduled as a (foolish, admittedly) knee-jerk reaction to protesters.
White • Feb 25, 2016 at 7:01 am
Anti-white Propaganda
Rebel Kolton • Feb 25, 2016 at 6:54 am
LMAO! This was hilarious. Trump has the anti white libtards shitting themselves. GO TRUMP!
Edward Vance • Feb 25, 2016 at 6:17 am
An “evil dictator” once said that if the Jews aren’t complaining about you everyday, then you’re not doing your job.
RedzoneDog • Feb 24, 2016 at 9:20 pm
Can you imagine if Trump decides he wants to fight back? He can say that Fresno State is the last university you would ever want to attend. He would win the publicity fight and we would look stupid as usual. In the game of politics, the article was not well thought out in terms of reputation. (Though Fresno State is actually a very nice place to be.)
WEST M.Ed. • Feb 24, 2016 at 8:22 pm
Is this the smut that Fresno wants to be known as when it comes to the Republican Front Runner?! No one Democrats have a Super Majority! in CA we should ALL BAND TOGETHER to unite and find common ground (esp since the race will be decided way before CA). Register new Republicans- grow the party- Be supportive of the new voters the Populist Movement is bringing to our party!
Matt Jacobs • Feb 25, 2016 at 10:55 am
No way. The Republicans lost me over a decade ago, when they made it clear that ideological purity was more important than things like actual ideas to improve the country and genuine fiscal conservatism.
Common sense • Feb 25, 2016 at 5:22 pm
I’m not happy, with the republicans, not doing something about the deficit, when they had congress and the presidency, too.
That’s why the establishment hates ted cruz
He is serious about reducing the deficit ! he wont play washington d.c games.
That said, since we have the electoral system, that makes it almost impossible for 3rd, 4th or 5th parties. If we lose the primary, compromise would be necessary
Rachel Gunther • Feb 24, 2016 at 5:58 pm
I hope your parents can get a refund on your liberal education because judging from this post, you are clueless on history, critical thinking skills, and common sense. Tolerance of other points of view is obviously a skill you never learned either. Enjoy your myopic world now because common sense conservatism is back, just in time to save your patootie from the death spiral of Political Correctness.
Sherri • Feb 24, 2016 at 5:48 pm
Trash! Complete Trash! Delete this shit!!
karen kellock • Feb 24, 2016 at 5:24 pm
What a ridiculous article.
Lisa Hollis • Feb 24, 2016 at 5:22 pm
Who wrote this ignorant ostracized garbage? They’re wacko.
preston simms • Feb 24, 2016 at 4:58 pm
it was poorly written but csu writing standards are very poor
RedzoneDog • Feb 24, 2016 at 1:32 pm
Many of the posts here elude to the fact that at least the topic is being discussed. However, whenever conservatives try to discuss the topic, they are labeled racists. How can we discuss something when we are being called racists? Also, there is a tendency on college campuses to refuse speech from conservatives. Here is an example; please read the following. Wiliiam Covino – our former provost and VP refuses to allow conservative speaker his scheduled time to speak.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 24, 2016 at 2:11 pm
“However, whenever conservatives try to discuss the topic, they are labeled racists.”
Please give a specific example. I see way more complaining about supposedly being called racist than actual accusations of racism.
Keep in mind that there’s a big difference in reaction based on how you go about the discussion. As with one guy (@thebestposterever:disqus) below, who decided “your grandkids will all be Hispanic” is an insult, saying racist things like that tends get one labelled a racist.
RedzoneDog • Feb 24, 2016 at 2:42 pm
There are some who don’t jump right away to the racist support line. However, it is quite insulting for me to be labeled a racist because I am of the opinion that for instance, robbing a store and reaching into a patrol car to assault a police officer is not a good way to show your innocence. In the end it was proven that the officer was justified in the shooting. But meanwhile, if your opinion was that the officer was justified, you were immediately a racist. Hands up don’t shoot is being perpetuated even though it was false. That’s what society is now.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 24, 2016 at 3:26 pm
You’re blowing past a lot of information that’s extremely relevant here.
For one, has it ever occurred to you why many in the black community automatically took the side of the dead teen? If you jumped straight to assuming the worst of those people, then you just might sound a bit racist (bear me out here) to some. Here’s why: have you read the rest of that report, in summary or whole? It very easily explains why there was so much distrust of the Ferguson PD, and it should cause any person, conservative or liberal, outrage. http://www.redstate.com/leon_h_wolf/2015/03/15/many-conservatives-blowing-it-ferguson-doj-report/
Now, is that necessarily racist? No. There are a lot of basic prejudices or biases that can cause a person to miss something like that. However, if someone is emotionally invested (particularly if that person is part of the black community), it won’t be hard for them to jump straight past that to assuming racism. That doesn’t make it right, but it is understandable, if you’ve ever known someone who has been subjected to something like that (and yes, I have).
“Hands up don’t shoot is being perpetuated even though it was false. That’s what society is now.”
As before, “hands up don’t shoot” has less to do with Ferguson, in particular, and is a sentiment that has grown far beyond its original context. These days, it’s a call for greater accountability for police, and to address systematic problems with the way blacks, particularly black men, are treated.
It’s not like false narratives are unique to one section of the political spectrum, either.
RedzoneDog • Feb 24, 2016 at 3:55 pm
As a society, of course we need to be fair. On the way to that goal, we still need to keep order. Your viewpoint is easily taken due to the fact that you point out, as you say, the relevant points of the issue. There’s really not much that we disagree on. You think minorities should be treated fairly- so do I. This comes down to how do we accomplish it without stepping on one to elevate the other. But, no one should assume that another doesn’t care. All lives matter – not just black lives. We need to be able to say that without fear of retaliation. We can’t be afraid to say Islamist terrorism. Does that sound reasonable to you? Just as we need to say that our border must be protected so that we know who is here. Also, we need to be able to identify voters before they vote. I will end this discussion by saying – may the force be with you!
Matt Jacobs • Feb 24, 2016 at 4:42 pm
“All lives matter – not just black lives.”
I really recommend against using that phrase. There’s a simple reason: “Black Lives Matter” is an attempt to address a specific problem. Responding with “All Lives Matter” is dismissive of the specific concerns that group has, so yeah, it’s sometimes greeted with anger, for good reason. http://www.alternet.org/media/5-minutes-larry-wilmore-explains-why-saying-alllivesmatter-offensive
“We need to be able to say that without fear of retaliation.”
You can say it without fear of retaliation, but if you use any phrase, including that one to dismiss the specific concerns of a protest movement, you shouldn’t be surprised at a harsh response.
“We can’t be afraid to say Islamist terrorism.”
People can say that phrase if they want, but they shouldn’t feel required to say it, either. It’s not like adding adjectives makes much of a difference.
“Just as we need to say that our border must be protected so that we know who is here.”
We have a very militarized border already. At this point, spending more money on bigger, longer walls and more troops is significantly diminishing returns, spending lots more money for ever smaller effect. We can get far greater returns by reforming the immigration policies that encourage the situation, thus dis-incentivizing the illegal crossings, and removing much of the support structure that makes them common.
“We need to be able to identify voters before they vote.”
Perhaps, but voter ID laws don’t address voter fraud in any of its known forms. If voter fraud is really your concern, then mail-in votes should be your concern, as the vast majority of known fraud occurs through those.
Common sense • Feb 24, 2016 at 8:50 pm
i’m sure you are referring to the dismissive phrases used against the tea party protest movement . i’m sure. Btw re your other post. Many liberals do tend to call, the tea party falsely racist
Matt Jacobs • Feb 25, 2016 at 10:28 am
Why would I necessarily need to refer to Tea Party protesters? It pretty much happens to all protesters. http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-ways-powerful-people-trick-you-into-hating-underdogs/
That said, the Tea Party movement undermined itself in a number of ways, which is also not unusual among protest movements. There has been a lack of consistency, and they continually fail to take opportunities to make use of other protest movements with similar goals.
The Tea Party’s racism problem had a lot to do with its vague and conflicting stated goals, which made the accusation difficult to counter. The obsession with hating Obama personally, again without a clear basis in actual policy, didn’t help either. That doesn’t make it fair, but it is what gave opponents the opening.
Common sense • Feb 25, 2016 at 11:09 am
From my viewpoint, I always thought the tea party had clear goals on policy . They are the same, as ronald reagan’s goals. A stop to the excessive spending, bankrupting the country .
Matt Jacobs • Feb 25, 2016 at 11:45 am
Thing is, deficits under Reagan were massive, and he raised tax rates again when he realized revenues were way too low. If budgets were the main concern, the best Republican president for fiscal responsibility was Eisenhower, not Reagan.
“Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter.” – Dick Cheney
Common sense • Feb 24, 2016 at 8:39 pm
name me some conservative false narratives
Matt Jacobs • Feb 25, 2016 at 10:38 am
I’ll give you two big ones:
“Conservatives are fiscally responsible”
Not remotely the case based on the last half-century or so of history. Republicans, and conservatives in general, expect Democrats to make cuts, but, when they are in office, “Deficits don’t matter”. The last truly fiscally responsible Republican president was Eisenhower. If you want fiscal responsibility, you have to look to Democrats like Jerry Brown.
“Tax cuts stimulate the economy”
Historical studies have proven that there is no correlation between tax rates and economic prosperity. http://www.businessinsider.com/study-tax-cuts-dont-lead-to-growth-2012-9
Common sense • Feb 25, 2016 at 2:59 pm
You can’t count the 1950 to 1986 period in terms of Gross rates. Because even though the rates we higher than today for high earners. They were really lower because there were many many more deductions. I do give you kudos that you actually come back with a substantial somewhat logical arguments. That is superior to most on the left side who posts in comment sections
Matt Jacobs • Feb 25, 2016 at 5:05 pm
Sure, deductions can make it difficult to figure out exactly what was paid, but it seems pretty clear that taxes were higher, particularly at the top ends of the spectrum, yet it did not have the effect on the economy that is predicted by the popular conservative line.
Honestly, my opinion on the matter is that we should have higher taxes on individual wealth at the top ends of the spectrum, lower corporate taxes with fewer loopholes, and remove or eliminate the capital gains tax benefits. I believe that tax structure would encourage business owners to reinvest more of their money in their businesses, to the benefit of the economy, rather than pay large salaries and bonuses towards individual wealth.
That said, I don’t consider myself “on the left”. I personally consider myself a moderate, leaning a little left on some issues, and right on others. I used to be Republican, but I got fed up with the ideological purity and lack of any sort of realistic fiscal conservatism. I’m currently independent.
Common sense • Feb 24, 2016 at 8:46 pm
Hilary clinton accused most or all republicans of racism. Witout citing any specific examples just a few weeks ago. liberals do it every single election cycle to the party of lincoln
Matt Jacobs • Feb 25, 2016 at 10:44 am
I’ve seen where she accused Trump, and indicated some elements of racism behind refusing to allow Obama to nominate a SCOTUS judge, but that’s not “most or all republicans”.
Common sense • Feb 25, 2016 at 5:29 pm
during multiple times of the 2008 primary campaign vs mr obama., there is audio and video with clinton saying republicans (in general seek to bring back jim crow laws and suppress minority and disabled people from voting). similar comments from vp biden
GetRhonda • Feb 24, 2016 at 12:18 pm
This….from the same idiots who elected Obama. They’ll never wise up.
Vote for Donald Trump!
denisicle • Feb 24, 2016 at 11:30 am
Dear Editors: THANK YOU!! I’m a 63-year-old woman who has watched Trump’s political ascendance during the past year, and the thought kept crossing my mind regarding how Hitler rose to power. You aren’t the only ones posing these opinions, as Danielle Allen, a Harvard University political theorist and columnist with the Washington Post, spoke of the same on February 21, 2015 in an op-ed piece entitled “The moment of truth: We must stop Trump.”
I am sure that there are many neighbors in the Fresno area that vehemently disagree with your point of view (I’m a SF Bay Area native). So what? You keep on shining lights on problems so that the roaches that are the problem cannot hide. Your generation, and my generation at your age (i.e., early 70s) are a lot alike, and we stand with you. I am sorry your generation has inherited so much garbage (to put it politely) to deal with . . . it wasn’t supposed to be that way, but it seems that greed has overpowered good, at least as far as gaining the microphone goes. Shout often, and shout loud (but be sure when you shout that you are correct).
Reject hatred and division — Vote Democratic (across the board) for a better country
RedzoneDog • Feb 24, 2016 at 1:18 pm
“but be sure when you shout that you are correct” – and the author certainly failed on that point.
Darrell • Feb 24, 2016 at 10:52 am
So you would rather have a Commander -in-Chief that lied to the American people, fabricated a story to sell and agenda, and indirectly caused the death of a US Ambassador? How about a COMMUNIST that wants to raise the corporate tax rate to 90% to pay for all the freeloaders in the country? The same one that will shutter and ban YOUR newspaper in favor of state controlled media. The same one that will take your job prospects from you because the new corporation will not be able to afford taxes and expanded health care, and still tow the “party line” when publishing its state sponsored stories.
Love the alternatives. at least with Trump, I might have a job, a defended nation, and not have to force my teenagers to compete with 150,000 illegal aliens being welcomed to the country EACH MONTH!
ggm281 • Feb 24, 2016 at 10:50 am
“That’s what people don’t see. These people pulling up to the polls in their trucks and wielding a rifle shouting out “‘Murica,” don’t care about the economy ”” let alone diversity and social justice.”
Really?? This is journalism?. Could perhaps you actually send a reporter to the polling places and perhaps take some video of this occurring? Nevada is just a 1 hour flight away. Surely you could have provided some documentation rather than your fevered drunken dream from last night.
I’m certainly not a Trump supporter. In fact, I cannot find a single candidate on either side that I don’t actively dislike. But really, if you are training to become journalists (believe it or not, no one is going to pay you for your opinion writing until you gain some actual experience), perhaps you should invest more of your time in practicing your art. This is just drivel.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 24, 2016 at 11:10 am
“perhaps you should invest more of your time in practicing your art”
Yeah, like… um… writing articles and editorials for… um… a school paper or something. Yeah! Do that!
ggm281 • Feb 24, 2016 at 11:27 am
This is creative writing (even campaign speech writing), not journalism. If this is the caliber of teaching going on in university humanities programs, no wonder there is so much noise about the student loan debt. Hyperbole is NOT a journalist’s tool.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 25, 2016 at 10:52 am
Editorials, including inflammatory opinions, are part of journalism, even when the opinion is one you disagree with. Learning how to express a viewpoint is part of journalism, and an element that all students should learn, for that matter.
Another piece is learning to express disagreement by actually addressing their statements, instead of attacking the person or institution. So, it really doesn’t seem that you have a good basis for attacking their education, since you aren’t doing any better.
ggm281 • Feb 25, 2016 at 12:42 pm
I sincerely hope you do not teach journalism. Teaching students that hyperbole is a reasonable way to express a viewpoint is absurd. Teaching them to posit made up scenarios of what a primary site they didn’t witness is teaching them to be dishonest at the outset. If you think that is a high journalistic ideal, you are certainly in the mainstream of current thought. And that is why the press enjoys a “trustworthy” rating quite similar to that of the US Congress. Certainly nothing to be proud of!
Matt Jacobs • Feb 25, 2016 at 2:32 pm
I always find it entertaining when a person decides to question another person’s irrelevant and unstated credentials, as if their own irrelevant and unstated credentials place them above the other.
You could try responding to the comment I actually made, instead of ranting about viewpoints I did not express. As before, I’m not seeing you doing any better than they did, so you should consider stepping down from your high horse.
ggm281 • Feb 25, 2016 at 2:47 pm
You are preparing them for lovely jobs as contract workers writing articles for company newsletters.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 25, 2016 at 2:55 pm
You apparently have terrible reading comprehension, in addition to your poor rhetorical skills.
Since you’ve decided for yourself that I’m bad at the job you’ve decided I must have, what fictional credentials do you have that make you an expert in journalism?
P Truong • Feb 24, 2016 at 9:07 am
I happen to agree with your characterization of this demagogue and hatemonger but even if I did not, I would still support your right to air your opinion. If you are not offending some people some of the time, you are simply not doing your job. Journalism is not the same as writing for Reader’s Digest.
Kirk Kaiser • Feb 24, 2016 at 8:26 am
I support the editorial process. Opinions are important and make you think. This is not editorial. This is a meme. It has no place on the front page of a paper.
RedzoneDog • Feb 24, 2016 at 7:54 am
Trump wins again in Nevada! He won 41% of the Hispanic vote. Not bad for a racist. He has just about won the nomination.
TRUMP for President 2016!!!!!
TheBestPosterEver • Feb 24, 2016 at 4:31 am
Fresno is where you end up when you take the wrong exit off of the Freeway. Nobody purposely GOES to Fresno outside of scoring Meth or Heroin. I think about 5% of the population were kidnapped by Mexican drug dealers or Bookies, and maybe escaped or were let go with a warning.
If anyone ever tells you “I’m moving to Fresno”, what they’re saying is ,” My life is over, my Crank and alcohol addiction is too expensive, I’m going to buy a trailer and eat Top Ramen and puke all day”.
Or they found a job as a hair stylist, or a gas station attendant, or a parking attendant.
slugsucker • Feb 24, 2016 at 10:44 pm
TBPE, thank you for repeatedly demonstrating that you indeed got your masters in trolling and graduated at the top of your class.
SmackSitDown • Feb 24, 2016 at 3:13 am
Public deceit, Photoshop, Presidents riding animals, MNhawk trying to ride Matt!
We’re missing Jeb Bush….. Has anyone seen Jeb? Matt, can you page Jeb please?
Sound like 911 – All the integral parts required for a conspiracy (is it still a theory)
Geez Hawk, Ease up! – Matt did a good job expressing his opinion.
Matt, the picture kinda gave your story a wedgie.
Jerry Duncan – “Educational system failure” Alert, Alert!! Gee thanks Jerry. Must of made you so happy to point out the obvious, then blame it on Matt. Let me tell you about Matt. He had the balls to put his opinion out there, whereas your own was a cheap shot, and inserting a historically renowned phrase, not even of your conception. Shame Jerry,
Rory (where’s the rest of your name?). “Dis is da gwatest newpapur in da Tate”
Tsingtao – quit hanging out with Rory!
Felicia……..ill see you later
Person223. Have you been to war? I have, and seen the worst things happen to the nicest people. You like to claim a military heritage? Good – be proud and remind everyone that freedom was anything but. Great men fought and died, for this country yes, but more so for the man next to him. Tell all these guys to stop bullying, respect your country and yourself.
Be strong 223.
SgtWD • Feb 24, 2016 at 3:10 am
This is a prime example of one persons opinion which holds no merit. However that is the beauty of America. Everyone is allowed their own opinion.
Wouldn’t it have been nice if the writer had research and statistics to back up that opinion? The writer said “The hardcore racist and fascist people supporting Trump don’t want to kick out Muslims and undocumented Mexicans ”” they want to murder them.”
Let’s limit our response to just this one sentence. They want to murder them. Think about the people, your fellow American Citizens, the writer is referring to. If they truly are the hardcore it could be surmised they are well armed. Heck they are probably some of those militia types and they call have lots of guns and beer.
Now ask yourself how many news stories have you heard about muslims and Mexicans getting killed? The answer is ZERO. Why is that? Because the writer has no basis for his opinion. I’m sure he has feelings about his opinion but feelings do not equate to having a basis for an opinion.
All in all I will say that the writers opinion piece has certainly stirred up a few peoples emotions. Of course it would have been better if the writer were able stir up legitimate thought provoking ideas but that was not the case.
This opinion piece reminds me of a meme about gun control. If those with guns were as really bad and violent as liberals made them out to be, do you really think there would be any liberals around to tell their stories?
slugsucker • Feb 24, 2016 at 12:09 am
The intent was there, but the production and quality of this piece were shoddy and sophomoric at best. Here is a much better critique offered by Matt Walsh and published on The Blaze yesterday. I’ve copied the text for those too lazy to click on the link, but I have also included the link at the bottom.
Dear Donald Trump Fan,
I’m going to tell you the truth, friend.
You say you want the truth. You say you want someone who
speaks boldly and brashly and bluntly and “tells it like it is” and so on.
According to exit polls in South Carolina, voters who want a president who
“tells it like it is” are an essential demographic for Trump, just as they’re
an essential demographic for Judge Judy and Dr. Phil. You say you want abrupt
and matter-of-fact honesty, and you want it so much, you’ll make a man
president for it regardless of whether he defies every principle and value you
claim to hold.
Personally, I think you’re lying, and I’m going to test my
theory. In fact, I believe I’ve already proven my theory because you’re now
offended that I called you a liar. But Trump has called half of the Earth’s
population a liar at some point over the past seven months, and you loved every
second of it. You said you loved it not out of cruelty or spite, but out of
admiration for a man who’s willing to call people liars ”” even if he’s lying
when he does it.
Yet here I am employing the same tactic ”” accurately, I
might add ”” and you recoil indignantly. Over the course of this campaign season
I’ve said many harsh words about you and your leader, all of which I stand by,
but you’ve never respected my harsh words, or the harsh words of any Trump
critic. Indeed, you insist that our tough criticism of you only vindicates your
support of Trump, while Trump’s vulgar and dishonest criticism of everyone else
also vindicates your support of Trump. You’re tired of people being critical,
but you love Trump because he’s critical. You say you like Trump for his style,
but you hate his style when it’s directed at him or you.
You say you like
Trump for his style, but you hate his style when it’s directed at him or you. You
say you want someone who’s politically incorrect. You’re so desperate for
political incorrectness ”” a supremely ridiculous reason to vote a guy into the
Oval Office, but never mind ”” that your esteem for him only grows when he
belittles the disabled, mocks American prisoners of war, calls women dogs,
calls his opponents p*ssies, calls for the assassination of women and children,
says he’d like to have sex with his daughter, brags about his adultery, etc.
You’re excited by the most vile statements and most
cretinous behavior imaginable ”” not remotely deterred by any of it, no matter
how many times he gloats over infidelity, curses his opponents, and publicly
ogles his own children ”” because, you say, it’s politically incorrect. That is
how unfathomably desperate you are for someone to come along and just say
what’s on their mind, you claim. You’re so fed up with political correctness
that you celebrate political incorrectness without distinguishing between the
healthy sort and the “LOL I slept with married women and I’m not sorry” sort.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t personally agree, you say, you just respect the
hell out of someone who’s willing to shoot straight, even when ”shooting
straight” means comparing Ben Carson to a child molester, calling the entire
electorate of Iowa stupid, and referring to women as “pieces of ass.”
Trump won South Carolina on the support of Evangelical
Christians who were so impressed with his alleged straight talk that they
overlooked the fact that he’s a crass, cruel, unrepentant philanderer who says
he does not need God’s forgiveness, and who praises Planned Parenthood as
“wonderful” and his radically pro-abortion sister as a “phenomenal” candidate
for the Supreme Court. That’s how much you pretend to admire bluntness in a
man. So much that it overrides literally everything else.
By your logic, then, you should be filled with an immense
and irresistible affection for me when I call Donald Trump a crooked,
underhanded con artist and you a reckless, ignorant dupe. You should fall madly
in love with me when I accuse Donald Trump of being a spoiled, overgrown brat
and you of being a cultish groupie enamored with fame. You should well up with
pride and salute me as I mention that Donald Trump is a stuffed, soiled diaper
sagging in the pants of American politics and you’re the poor, pitiful sap
trying to elect it president. You don’t have to agree, but man, isn’t it
refreshing that I’m willing to tell you what’s on my mind? Shouldn’t you leave
a thousand comments under this article praising me for being politically
incorrect, willing to attack not only Donald Trump but his blue collar
supporters? In fact, if you’re sincere in your alleged regard for the bold and
audacious approach, I expect you’ll have launched a nationwide write-in
campaign for me by tomorrow morning.
But that’s not how this works, is it? You’ve already melted
into a boiling puddle of rage and self-pity, haven’t you? You’re incensed and
offended that I could be so “judgmental” and “dismissive” and “critical,” and
100 other qualities you find so orgasmically satisfying when they’re displayed
by The Great Trump. You say you want some straight-shooting, honest,
politically incorrect tough talk, but that’s simply a lie. If it were true, my
inbox would not be filled to capacity with cartoonishly shocked and outraged
Trump fans every time I utter a word of criticism in his direction. It
shouldn’t matter that my criticisms are sharp and severe; you ought to revere
me all the more for it. I thought you were tired of people walking on egg shells?
It turns out you don’t want Donald Trump to walk on egg
shells, but you have fortified your own perimeter with a thick layer of egg
shells and you expect anyone who comes near it to tip toe with extreme caution.
It turns out you want to be coddled and cuddled and pandered to and excused.
You’re in favor of whatever Trump says because Trump said it, but when it comes
to how people talk about you and him, you expect to be treated like a soft and
delicate flower.
You flock eagerly to a flamboyant, authoritarian billionaire
fascist, and you feel you ought to be completely insulated from criticism while
you do so. Everyone else ought to be subject to relentless and profane
invective from an elderly Manhattan real estate heir, but you and he should be
above reproach.
Tell it like it is? I’ll tell you like it is: In my life
I’ve never encountered a group of people more averse to being told how it is.
Of course, you believe you’re entitled to this attitude because you’re “angry.”
Your “anger” indulges you with the moral authority to take leave of your reason
and your common sense. Your anger, you believe, places you beyond judgment,
even as you attempt to drag this country into a future of (more) tyranny and
cultism. You believe the rest of us ought to take your supposedly righteous
rage into account while you refuse to take anything but your own infatuation
with spectacle and celebrity into account. Whatever concerns we raise,
including the ones I’m raising now, can be written off in an instant. “WE’RE
TIRED OF POLITICS AS USUAL! WE’RE ANGRY!” And that’s supposed to be some kind
of rhetorical hall pass, permitting you to do and say what you please
Well let me be the first and perhaps the only to say this
out loud, although millions of people share this sentiment quietly: I don’t
care about your anger. There’s some more truth for you, friend. There’s some
more “tellin’ it like it is.” Two can play at this game, you know. And the only
difference is that I’m right.
I couldn’t take your anger seriously even if I wanted to.
After all, you say you’re angry that people are too afraid to speak their
minds, but, as we’ve established, you don’t really want anyone but Donald Trump
to speak his mind.
You say you’re angry about the corruption in Washington, but
you support a slimy swindler and fraudster who boasts of his bribery schemes
and makes no apologies for shamelessly exploiting political corruption for
personal gain.
You say you’re angry about illegal immigration, but you
rally around a guy who supported amnesty as recently as 2013, employed illegal
immigrants, and donated millions of dollars to open borders politicians like
Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Clinton.
You say you’re angry about the establishment, but you
worship a candidate who said only a few weeks ago that “you got to be a little
establishment” in order to get things done, and who admits he “was the
establishment” right until he ran for president.
You say you’re angry that Republicans won’t fight, but you
hail as a warrior the same guy who says he’ll happily “work with the
Democrats,” which probably explains why Sen. Harry Reid praised him and Jimmy
Carter called him “malleable.” It is not uncommon for me to hear from Trump
fans that they’re angry at “GOPe” Republicans for “cutting deals” and
“compromising” in one breath, and in the very next that they want Trump because
he’s really good at cutting deals and compromising.
Right down the list, you are blithely embracing every single
thing you say you’re so angry about. Trump is the very embodiment of
corruption, deception, cowardice, and elitism. He is precisely the sort of man
you supposedly detest. Trump is exploiting America’s frustration with men like
Trump. Trump is running against Trump. You are voting for Trump because you
hate Trump. You are angry at politicians because they act like Trump and make
deals like Trump and go to cocktail parties with men like Trump and look down
on the little guy like Trump and possess the integrity of Trump, and so you’re
solution is to elect Trump. Your anger at Trump leads you to Trump. Perhaps
this explains why you’re so worried about politicians who are “controlled by
donors,” but you aren’t at all concerned about a politicians who is the very
donor you didn’t want controlling the political process. “I’m sick of these
donors influencing the government! I have an idea: let’s make one president!”
Trump is the very
embodiment of corruption, deception, cowardice, and elitism. It seems more like
schizophrenia than anger. Aside from chronic mental illness, there are only two
explanations for a person who avidly supports the continuation of a thing
because he’s angry at that thing: either he’s fantastically stupid, or he’s not
actually angry at all.
Friend, I should tell you the most popular theory among
non-Trump supporters is that you fall into the former category. When we talk to
each other in private, almost everyone agrees you’re stupid. Again, you should,
by your own words, hold me in the highest esteem for telling you this
uncomfortable fact. People think you’re stupid, just as they thought about
Barack Obama supporters in 2008.
The parallels between the two groups are indeed profound, as
exit polls attest. Once again, people are voting because “they want change,”
unconcerned by the fact that the change is ambiguous, non-specific, and, in
fact, not really ”change” at all. A lot of people, grasping for an explanation
as to how voters might be suckered by the same shtick three times in a row,
just chalk it up to stupidity.
By the way, you should doubly love what I’m doing here
because it appears very close to apophasis, which is a rhetorical device where
the speaker coyly makes an accusation or insult in the context of denying or
distancing himself from the unkind remark. “Many people believe my neighbor Jim
is a thieving jerk who borrowed my garden hose last July and didn’t return it,
but I’m not going to talk about it.” That kind of thing.
It’s a strategy Trump employs all the time, and you always
go along with it, like when he called Megyn Kelly a bimbo by saying “I refuse
to call Megyn Kelly a bimbo because that would be politically incorrect.” Like
clockwork, you insisted that he didn’t call Megyn Kelly a bimbo; he merely
brought up the fact that he would call her a bimbo if it weren’t so rude to do
Well, in similar fashion, I’m not calling you stupid, I’m
just saying that other people call you stupid. You should therefore defend me
against any accusation that I’ve called you stupid, just as you would Trump.
But the difference is that I’m not being coy here. I really don’t think you’re
stupid. I certainly don’t think I’m any smarter than you. I subscribe to the
second theory: I don’t believe you’re really all that angry.
Your anger, to whatever extent it exists at all, is surface
level. It’s a purely emotional experience, fed by a mob mentality. You’re angry
in the way a rioter or looter is angry. Your temper might be flaring and your
heart rate jumping and you might be filled with the uncontrollable urge to
break a window, but underneath that anger is really something much closer to
boredom and apathy. You don’t feel a real, intense, profound, deep and
meaningful disgust at the corruption and malfeasance in Washington, because if
you did there is simply no way you would support a man like Trump.
Unless, like I said, you’re stupid. But you aren’t stupid,
and a non-stupid person, a serious person, who truly, deeply, intensely loathes
the current state of affairs, who genuinely desires that his country be revived
for the sake of his children, would not be turning to a blustery, boorish
reality TV character with a catchphrase and a fake tan for answers.
I’m just telling it like it is here, friend. I’m telling you
what’s on my mind. I’m being completely and painfully honest with you. I don’t
believe your anger. I think you want a
spectacle, not a solution. A celebrity, not a statesman. A circus performer,
not a leader. I think you want to be entertained. I think you’re not taking
this seriously enough. I think you’re intellectually lazy so you’ve accepted
authoritarianism as a stand-in for strength. I think you’re following the trend
of the day. I think you’re wrapped up in media hype.
In other words, I think your anger, if it exists, is
misplaced. You should be angry at yourself, because if this country falls
finally and irrevocably into despotism, it’ll be your fault. You’ll have chosen
it. You’ll have elected it and applauded it. That, my friend, is what makes me
And that’s just how it is.
Matt Walsh
Chuckmo • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:24 pm
Actually, my biggest complaint with this piece is how poor the writing is. Looks like someone needs to revisit some basic high school grammar.
Carolyn Marie Winnett • Feb 23, 2016 at 10:14 pm
I am not a fan of the opinion. However, people are talking. Views and likes are multiplying. Seems as though that was their goal; they have done something right.
KatrinaAnon • Feb 23, 2016 at 7:55 pm
Trump isn’t a socialist. I doubt anyone would think Trump ever has been a socialist.
However, Hitler was a socialist.
Robert Kalomiris • Feb 23, 2016 at 7:25 pm
In a way I get it, This is an attention grab to get students talking about politics. But it’s done in such a sensationalist and lazy way that it becomes part of the tension that inhibits serious political discussion instead of starting one of its own. I would expect this from an internet forum post, not the front page of a college newspaper.
The Oppo Man • Feb 23, 2016 at 7:06 pm
And let me add this, If you wrote this article in Nazi Germany, you would be in Auschwitz by morning. Donald Trump, as Obama is finding out, must adhere to the strict meaning of the constitution, ie. Freedom of speech, so pick a copy up free of charge on the internet. And learn a bit about politics for Christ sakes, he has to win the RW nomination. He will move center very quick if he wins. They don’t teach you that in college, believe me. He’s got you scared doesn’t he?
The Oppo Man • Feb 23, 2016 at 6:58 pm
This is just epic philosophical writing. I’m sure you’ll win the American Philosophical award for accuracy. Comparing a RIGHT WING Capitalist to a radical LEFT WING socialist who detested capitalists. YOU’LL DO WELL IN COLLEGE. Don’t worry SJW’s you’re not going into concentration camps. Perhaps take a course in History at your college and actually learn who Hitler really was. Also take a course in Logic and take a day to understand the fallacy of Hasty Generalization’s. I’ll take building a company worth $10 billion over a community organizer that will be worth $50 million in 10 years after his Presidency for books and speeches AND STILL HAS THE LEFT ENVIOUS AFTER 7 YEARS. YOU WERE SOLD THAT BILL OF GOODS. Get a degree and get a job because your days of accuracy in journalism are numbered.
chiwawa • Feb 23, 2016 at 6:33 pm
Gotta love the people who actually believe that they are the only smart people, and that anyone who votes for a different candidate than they would like Trump, have got to be the most idiotic people on earth.
markmesposito • Feb 23, 2016 at 5:54 pm
Did you publish this on the yellow newsprint, Mr. Kane?
Clan Boggs • Feb 23, 2016 at 5:52 pm
The New York Daily News CEO is another Babylonian Talmudist who has attacked Trump. Why? Because Donald Trump has announced that he will audit the Rothschild, Rockefeller controlled Federal Reserve Bank, Inc. and second because Trump has vowed to show the American public the 28 pages from the 9/11 report that the Bush Family redacted. These 28 pages show how the Bush Family and the Saudi’s were complicit in the planning and execution of the 9/11. For those uninformed American’s who believe the Saudi’s are “Arab Muslims” think again. Saudi Arab elites are what is known as “Donmeh” which are Muslims on the outside and Babylonian Talmudists spiritually. The Rockefeller’s financed the Saudi’s Wahhabist movement in order to bring about a clash of civilizations. To learn how toxic Babylonian Talmudism is for any nation visit http://www.destroyers.us
V Saxena • Feb 23, 2016 at 4:49 pm
I happen to be East Indian, yet I agree with Donald Trump on illegal immigration and even somewhat on radical Islamic terrorism — though I think the moratorium should only apply to countries directly tied to terrorism. Regardless, I guess I must be a Nazi as well. Perhaps Nazi Ghandi? HEIL VISHNU, bishes!
calbeck • Feb 23, 2016 at 3:32 pm
Amazing parody piece. I was greatly entertained… it’s nice to see the Collegian’s editorial board doesn’t take itself too seriously.
obbop • Feb 23, 2016 at 3:04 pm
You kids made me laugh with this article. It is comedy gold and is helpful to the horde of folks akin to me who are promoting Trump as the next president. Thank you for your effort though it is likely that your assisting Trump was unintentional.
Thanks again!!!!
Clan Boggs • Feb 23, 2016 at 2:05 pm
If “Tim McAtee” is the author of this exceedingly foolish article, let me just say that his ignorance regarding history and geopolitics is inter-dimensional. Tim of the Scottish/Irish McAtee Clan is attacking Donald of the Scottish MacLeod Clan and associating him with the National Socialist leader and descendant of Babylonian Talmudists [Adolf Hitler], a man whose grandmother was an employee for the Satanic Talmudist Rothschild family and is said to have become pregnant by a Rothschild leading to the birth of Adolf Hitler’s father, Alois Hitler. The Rothschild, Rockefellers, etc. own and control the Federal Reserve Inc., and are financing the North American Union which will combine America with Mexico and Canada, destroying America. Donald Trump is against the Rothschild and Rockefellers’ generational onslaught and agenda and has called for an audit of the FED and an end to the NAU which Ted Cruz’ wife is a co-author of [www.heiditruth.com]. The division, that Mr. McAtee and men like him are unwittingly or intentionally perpetuating, stems from the offspring of ancient destroyers [Talmudists] who from time immemorial have sought to eliminate God’s creation [Man/Woman]. As a Scottish/Irish American whose family has live in the U.S. since the 16th century I support ‘legal’ immigration and love ALL human beings regardless of their skin-tone. Learn the truth being the recent surge of hatred propaganda at http://www.destroyers.us and please share this information with your friends and family.
Caleb Donley • Feb 23, 2016 at 1:54 pm
Sure this article is poorly written but it doesn’t change the fact that Trump run this country into the ground. He gives no step by step political solutions to any of our countries problems, only that he will ” make america great again” and “build a wall at the mexican border like the Vatican.” Oh and “No Muslims.”
calbeck • Feb 23, 2016 at 3:56 pm
This entire mess is hilarious! -XD
Charles Alan Rotramel • Feb 23, 2016 at 12:27 pm
The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Opinion as propaganda.
RedzoneDog • Feb 23, 2016 at 1:08 pm
It is not the view of one person – it is the view of the board – which means the entire Collegian is biased. Therefore, no credibility.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 3:10 pm
It’s an opinion piece; complaining about bias kind of misses the point.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 1:58 pm
You have a point there. In today’s internet, clickbait counts for a lot, and they certainly grabbed attention with this piece.
Fed_up • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:23 am
What I find interesting here is that the author compares Trump and what the author thinks he will do to Muslims and Mexicans to Hitler, without ever mentioning Jews, who were the target of the Nazis. I don’t see how the murder of six million Jews by the Nazis can be left out of this attempted comparison, unless it was intentional. But the author does point to American history such as Japanese Internment camps. So is the author saying Roosevelt was a facist? Talk about the dumbing down of America.
LaurelAnn Chase-Dunn • Feb 23, 2016 at 10:39 am
https://youtu.be/NQjQdieeDSA Shame on Fresno State. Drive around your city lately? Need more FREE stuff? Then by all means don’t vote Trump.
You’re the leaches of society that think you’re all entitled to FREE everything. Food, Phones, Car Washes? Dear Lord. What ever happened to quality, values and a sense of doing the right thing and earning your worth for a change. Disgusting to say the very least. WATCH Trump on Hannity live in Las Vegas last night. Get a clue.
Rob H. • Feb 23, 2016 at 10:33 am
I remember I worked for the Collegian and also the Campus Police at the same time, one semester. I remember the Campus Police called me in one day, and asked me if I was going to say anything bad about them in the newspaper… I said no, and I meant it. And I never did call out the CP in the Collegian. Not that there was anything to say… the CP were all completely professional when I was there, and I assume they still are. I just had to say this…. who else can I say this to?
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 10:43 am
It happens. I worked with the Facilities and Campus Security departments at a different university, and nonsense would show up in the paper from time to time. We would just roll our eyes and move on. They’re students; if they weren’t still in the process of learning things, what would be the point of college. Part of learning is trying to create, and sometimes failing at it.
TheMadKing • Feb 23, 2016 at 10:03 am
Oh, to be young and stupid again. Well, Junior, Trump is going to be our next President, so you have two choices: stock up on Depends or leave the country. I suppose you could always stay and fight with La Resistance, but I don’t think you have the stones for it. Besides, how could you access your trust fund as an outlaw?
thehotgates • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:58 am
Oh, the Nazi card! Very well, then! Let’s play…
Do you *really* wanna take the red pill? If not, stop reading, now.
OK. I tried to warn you…
This is the Sparks Notes version of the Sparks Notes version of this story. The entire unabridged version takes several years to sort out …and requires a lot of reading.
The socialist ‘march through our institutions’ began in the early 1800’s. It was led by christian socialists. Thomas Paine was an early example of that breed of ideologue. Yes. Thomas Paine was a socialist. He was also involved in the French Revloution, but ended up on the wrong (socialist) side of a three-way civil war.
The Progressive Era was led by Republicans during the 1880’s. Political ideologies shifted to the left, in today’s parlance, by the time of the Wilson administration. Wilson was a socialist elitist. His policies and efforts led us into WWI, in spite of the will of the American people and their protests to stay out of it.
A few decades later, FDR came along. He was another socialist. (Yes, his shirt-tail relative Teddy was a socialist, too.) FDR loaded the Supremes with fellow travelers and socialists. The Congress was also dominated by socialists and fellow travelers. FDR’s economic and foreign policies led directly to the Japanese bombardment of Hawaii. His decision to offer material support to the EU and Britain led to our involvement in the war in Europe. Again, the people of America wanted to avoid any involvement in the war.
In short, WWII wasn’t a fight for freedom, It was a fight over which brand of national socialism dominated the 20th century. America won that war, as you well know. But we were a national socialist country when we won.
During the 1960’s and ’70’s, our political ideologies shifted left, again. The Democrats took on the mantle of Marx and the Republicans that of Mussolini and Germany’s NAZI party.
Compare Mussolini’s “The Doctrine of Socialism” with the conservatives and Republicans of American, today.
Also, compare the Democrats and liberals of America today, with “The Communist Manifesto”
Freedom left America over a hundred years ago. Everything you’ve been taught is a lie.
Oh…The Pledge of Allegiance? It was written by Frank Bellamy, a christian socialist, and ‘enacted’ by FDR and his socialist dominated Congress. It is a pledge to support the state in all things. It is not a pledge to support The Constitution or personal liberty.
So, to respond to your original statement(s), the current GOP campaign is about which fascist to elect. Cruz is a lying fascist. Rubio is a weak and lying fascist. Trump is a fascist. Carson is a fascist. Kasich’s policies are a weird mixture of marxism and fascism.
The Democrats, of course, are mostly marxists. I blame that on the Soviets and the Maoists. They had very efficient and competent spies and propagandists, back in the day. The original blame, of course, lies with the Hamiltonian federalists. Their authoritarianism set the stage for what we now endure.
Thomas Jefferson is long dead, so he isn’t available to run for president, and I hear that jesus is busy preparing to invade the earth. iow, there are no perfect candidates. …even Jefferson had feet of clay.
…and if I have to make a choice between fascism and marxism, I’ll take fascism each and every time. …and I think Trump is the best fascist in the race.
And an FYI: I’m a bi-racial AmInd…so piss off.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 10:07 am
If Thomas Jefferson were president in the modern era, I don’t think you’d like the results. Jefferson believed in radical meritocracy, and opposed aristocracy. As a result, he believed that redistribution would be necessary in the future, in order to cause old wealth to dwindle and give opportunity to those who deserve it. In other words: Jefferson advocated far more “socialistic” (to use that anachronistically) tendencies than you might realize.
thehotgates • Feb 23, 2016 at 10:22 am
Apparently, you’ve never read any of, let alone all of, Jefferson’s works. I have. 😉
This is a good place to begin your education:
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 10:39 am
Here’s the problem: “A collection of scholarly works about individual liberty and free markets” is the very definition of a selection bias. It certainly is not without value, but it’s going to tailor the material in one direction. Jefferson’s views changed over time, in particular after his experiences in France, leading up to and during their revolution.
You particularly see it in his letter to James Madison (not the eventual president, but a different man of the same name) in 1785:
“But the consequences
of this enormous inequality producing so much
misery to the bulk of mankind, legislators cannot invent
too many devices for subdividing property, only taking
care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural
affections of the human mind. The descent of property
of every kind therefore to all the children, or to all
the brothers and sisters, or other relations in equal degree
is a politic measure, and a practicable one. Another means
of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt
all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the
higher portions of property in geometrical progression as
they rise.”
At the time, Jefferson knew that the massive amounts of land was allowing any hard-working men to go west and make their fortune, but he also knew that wouldn’t last forever. Eventually, land would cease being an outlet for hard-working people to get their start. At that point, some form of redistribution would be necessary.
thehotgates • Feb 23, 2016 at 10:50 am
Thomas Jefferson’s original writings are on that site, including his collected letters. In a searchable format. 😉 Try again? …or shall I provide other online sources for the same material, instead? Like this one, for example: https://www.loc.gov/collections/thomas-jefferson-papers/about-this-collection/
…or…this one, for example:
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:15 am
I’m not saying the site is wrong, or useless, just that it’s incomplete, if you want a full understanding of the man’s ideas. Jefferson was a little more complex and interesting than he’s often given credit for, IMO. His viewpoints changed over his lifetime, but I think “meritocracy” best describes what he wanted for America.
thehotgates • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:27 am
Read all of his works. 🙂 I have. …in view of the entire body of his work, you are wrong. Period. Dot. End of discussion. 🙂 You’re parottoing someone else’s pov, imo, and that pov in no way matches anything Jefferson ever said.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:33 am
Then how do you explain Jefferson’s actual words on reducing inequality and using progressive tax rates? You keep saying I’m wrong, but you’re not addressing the fact that I quoted Jefferson’s own words.
thehotgates • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:42 am
Take your argument to this website: https://www.monticello.org/
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 12:28 pm
You say you’re an expert and know Jefferson’s words, but when confronted with some of his actual words, you can’t respond. How disappointing.
thehotgates • Feb 23, 2016 at 12:42 pm
😉 Take your argument to that website. They are the national and global experts on Jefferson. Ask them your question. 🙂
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 1:00 pm
OK, I’ll take that as admission that I’m right regarding Jefferson’s beliefs.
thehotgates • Feb 23, 2016 at 1:31 pm
You can’t be serious. You’ve dismissed Jefferson’s written and recorded works, and further, you’ve dismissed world class experts as irrelevant, whose careers are based upon knowing his work, inside and out.
You’re a fool, son.
Now, go away kid. Go find someone else to play with.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 1:47 pm
I provided Jefferson’s written work as evidence; you did not. Where’s the “world class experts” that disagree with me?
I provided evidence for my viewpoint, and you did not, so who’s the fool?
thehotgates • Feb 23, 2016 at 2:00 pm
I’ve offered references and links. You’ve offered unfounded assertions and …not much else, other than foolishness.
Have a nice life.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 2:04 pm
You linked to the main page of a couple of websites, as if any random link just automatically backs up your opinion. Meanwhile, to claim my assertion was “unfounded”, when I quoted a specific passage, is just dishonest.
I don’t think much of people who claim expertise, but then can’t form a simple argument to defend their viewpoint. I’ve not claimed any expertise on Jefferson, but I’ve been able to provide more evidence of his views than you. What does that say about you?
des111168 • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:57 am
Are there a lot of bed-wetting pansies like this at CS Fresno? Or are these guys just particularly hysterical?
roccolore • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:57 am
I wonder if anyone would have allowed an editorial criticizing Hillary Clinton.
Rob H. • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:38 am
It’s not even a good Photoshop job, guys.
Mike Bergamini • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:39 am
The Photoshop was better than the writing and fact-checking though you have to admit
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:49 am
It’s an editorial, so criticizing “fact-checking” kind of misses the point. The writing could have been better, and the argument more well-formed, though.
Mike Bergamini • Feb 23, 2016 at 10:41 am
When the editorial has a call-to-action, like this one did at the end, I would think that some backing-up of that call-to-action should be in order.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 10:45 am
Oh, I agree that the rant is poorly-argued, and really could have benefited from better research. I gave my constructive criticism of the article itself some time ago. It’s the work of students, though, so producing the occasional malformed product is part of the learning process.
Middleway • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:14 am
Trump is more like Mussolini… even has the same facial expressions.
Mike Bergamini • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:30 am
Source: My ass
RedzoneDog • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:09 am
Please read the following concerning a San Jose State professor – he advocated killing the protestors in Burns Oregon. There was no accountability at all for these dangerous words. The university does not want to get involved. In other words, it’s OK.
scorey • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:55 am
This editorial gives me more respect for millennials ”” well done. I’m thrilled this came from a California State school. The country should feel very uneasy if Trump makes it to the Whitehouse, regardless if you agree with the Nazi label or historic accuracy…That’s nothing more than splitting hairs at this point. Good editorial and journalism.
RedzoneDog • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:02 am
There was very little journalism involved. Unsubstantiated statements written as facts, hyperbole, and the poor use of the english language came through like a freight train. One of the posters described a defamation lawsuit. This may well fall into that category. Let’s hope for Fresno State’s sake that somehow they don’t get sued by the prolific lawsuit king himself, The Donald.
Rob H. • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:07 am
I would feel at least as uneasy if Clinton, a known felon and completely corrupt, were to become president. Do you not understand that she has already accepted millions from foreign governments and corporations? Before she even has the nomination? If that doesn’t bother you, sir, you are no patriot.
JohnnaCal • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:55 am
This is what our “education” system produces. Emotionally driven hysteria filled with unvetted fiction to manipulate people to create fear. This article is pathetic but it does shine a light on what is happening on college campus and why many graduates can’t find work and live in thier parents basement for decades.
Flea Press • Feb 24, 2016 at 11:47 am
HA !
RE: “Emotionally driven hysteria filled with unvetted fiction to manipulate people to create fear.”
….sounds like TRUMP’S platform to attract voters…lmao!!
chicagoxile • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:52 am
Fuc*ing idiots, let me fix your headline to reflect your actual mindset: Any Republican presidential candidate–even one with many centrist positions–is going to get us all killed.
Mike Bergamini • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:27 am
Whaahhhh!! Anyone who disagree’s with my liberal hugbox paradise view of the world is the worst!!!
Coach_Bombay1992 • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:49 am
Haha the writer of this acts like Trump supporters are these terrible people but the level of disdain he clearly has for different opinions and people truly shows who the intolerant one is
Alan Randall • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:46 am
Keep reading up on history according to communist Howard Zinn, it’s doing you a world of good…
Holland Gibson • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:46 am
This “Opinion” screams Defamation suit!!!!
“California Defamation Law
Note: This page covers information specific to California. For general information concerning defamation, see theDefamation Lawsection of this guide.
California Elements of Defamation
Defamation, which consists of bothlibelandslander, is defined by case law andstatutein California. SeeCal. Civ. Code §§ 44, 45a, and 46.
The elements of a defamation claim are:
publicationof a statement of factthat is false,*unprivileged,has a natural tendency to injure or which causes “special damage,” andthedefendant’s fault in publishing the statement amounted to at leastnegligence.
Publication, which may be written or oral, means communication to a third person who understands thedefamatorymeaning of the statement and its application to the person to whom reference is made. Publication need not be to the “public” at large; communication to a single individual other than theplaintiffis sufficient. Republishing a defamatory statement made by another is generally not protected.
*As a matter of law, in cases involving public figures or matters of public concern, the burden is on the plaintiff to prove falsity in a defamation action. Nizam-Aldine v. City of Oakland, 47 Cal. App. 4th 364 (Cal. Ct. App. 1996). In cases involving matters of purely private concern, the burden of proving truth is on the defendant. Smith v. Maldonado, 72 Cal.App.4th 637, 646 & n.5 (Cal. Ct. App. 1999). A reader further points out that, even when the burden is technically on the plaintiff to prove falsity, the plaintiff can easily shift the burden to the defendant simply by testifying that the statements at issue are false.
Defamation Per Se
A plaintiff need not show specialdamages(e.g., damages to the plaintiff’s property, business, trade, profession or occupation, including expenditures that resulted from the defamation) if the statement isdefamation per se. A statement is defamationper seif it defames the plaintiff on its face, that is, without the need for extrinsic evidence to explain the statement’s defamatory nature. SeeCal. Civ. Code § 45a; Yow v. National Enquirer, Inc. 550 F.Supp.2d 1179, 1183 (E.D. Cal. 2008).
For example, an allegation that the plaintiff is guilty of a crime is defamatory on its face pursuant to Cal.CivilCode § 45a. In one case, a non-profit organization (NPO) that advocates for the rights of low-income migrant workers posted flyers claiming a national retailer of women’s clothing engaged in illegal business practices by contracting with manufacturers that did not pay minimum wage or overtime. The retailer brought a defamation suit against the NPO. Although the statements would have qualified as defamationper se, the court concluded the retailer failed to establish the statements in the flyers were false, and therefore the statements could not be considered defamatory. See Fashion 21 v. Coal. for Humane Immigrant Rights of L.A., 12 Cal.Rptr.3d 493 (Cal. Ct. App. 2004).
Public Officials
In California,public officialsare those who have, or appear to the to have, substantial responsibility for or control over the conduct of government affairs. For example, the following persons have been considered public officials in California:
A police officer, an assistant public defender, an assistant district attorney, and a government employed social worker.
Public Figures
In California, to classify a person as apublic figure, the person must have achieved such pervasive fame or notoriety that he becomes a public figure for all purposes and in all contexts. Someone who voluntarily seeks to influence resolution of public issues may also be considered a public figure in California. For example, the following persons have been considered public figures in California:
A former City Attorney who also represented the city’s redevelopment agency;
A licensed clinical psychologist whose so-called “Nude Marathon” in group therapy is a means of helping people to shed their psychological inhibitions by the removal of their clothes;
An author and television personality;
The founder of a Church that has a program for the rehabilitation of drug addicts;
An associate of Howard Hughes, a famous aviator, movie producer, and billionaire, from approximately 1956 to 1970 who functioned as an “alter ego” and “personal representative” of Mr. Hughes;
A real-estate developer who was interested in building a housing development near a toxic chemical plant; and
A “prominent and outspoken feminist author” and anti-pornography advocate.”
Holland Gibson • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:39 am
First the vulgar language is so unprofessional. Yes this may be an “opinion”, but you should base your opinions on facts not the opinions of others. It’s fascinating that liberal college students seem to always follow the exact same script that their professors have drilled into them. Now I don’t agree completely with all of the candidate’s, but I am informed on all of their positions and I wouldn’t go crazy comparing them to the world’s most discussing rulers.
How about you try and come up with a true argument and not go on a typical left-wing liberal rant.
Fail Fresno State, it’s sad that you call yourselves a higher education institute!!
RedzoneDog • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:22 am
The question now becomes – can Trump sue the Collegian for libel? When you claim that someone is going to start killing people when he is in office, that’s really serious.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:18 am
One day you children pursuing journalism will graduate, and find out just how worthless your worthless degree is.
One clue, child. Even editorials don’t resort to photoshopped imagery. Journalistic frauds do. I know your career prospects are pretty much nil, but going Full Jayson Blair will probably push those prospects to absolute zero.
J.R. • Feb 23, 2016 at 5:06 pm
You’re wrong. I know plenty of people who graduated with a journalism degree. And a majority of them have great careers in journalism. There are ample opportunities in journalism. No degree is “worthless,” by the way.
Rob H. • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:08 am
As a former writer for the Collegian, approximately 1,000 years ago, I would like to say that you are entirely off-base here. Oh, Trump is an idiot, I agree. But I don’t think he will get us all killed. I’m not sure he is ideologically driven enough to do that.
TheBestPosterEver • Feb 23, 2016 at 7:50 am
Can you major in Meth Lab Sciences at CSU Fresno?
Rob H. • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:01 am
You can, and it is a very lucrative field.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:02 am
It probably has better employment prospects than a Journalism Degree from Fresno.
TheBestPosterEver • Feb 23, 2016 at 7:46 am
Fresno graduate: HI I’m here for the job interview
Employer : It says here in your resume you are born and raised in Fresno, and graduated from CSU FRESNO
Fresno graduate: Yes Siree
Employer: That concludes the interview. Thanks for stopping by
lily1217 • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:53 am
that was priceless!!!
preston simms • Feb 24, 2016 at 4:58 pm
we will call you lol
jehanne • Feb 25, 2016 at 7:14 am
What is with the glasses on our Lord? You need to be more selective of who you decide to mock or goof around with. IMO Luke 23:34
Robert Graham • Feb 23, 2016 at 7:42 am
Listen to http://www.jailwatch.org/trump.mp3
Robert Graham • Feb 23, 2016 at 7:41 am
Dump Fresno State liberal retards.
James Lynch • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:31 am
Or! Or, or, or… you could maybe not be a dick? You could also try to write a thoughtful comment demonstrating your points as to why you have problems with the editorial, as some others have.
Instead, you’ve managed to share vitriol and a website nobody wants to go to. Luckily, we live in a liberal society where the “retarded” are taken care of, loved, and are assisted. So fear not, my friend – you’ll be just fine.
RedzoneDog • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:56 am
“You could also try to write a thoughtful comment demonstrating your points” – perhaps that’s the starting point when you are writing for a paper.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:58 am
Certainly, but a better response to poor writing is some actual constructive criticism, not insults.
Quaz E Moto • Feb 23, 2016 at 7:41 am
Yellow Journalism from a bunch of PC whacks.
Robert Graham • Feb 23, 2016 at 7:41 am
You should listen to jailwatch.org/trump.mp3
Robert Graham • Feb 23, 2016 at 7:37 am
The article is disgusting and should be removed. You should listen to the soundbite at http://www.jailwatch.org/trump.mp3
RedzoneDog • Feb 23, 2016 at 7:33 am
Collegian loses all credibility. The hack job was permitted to be printed and supported by the board. What does that tell you? Can you say bias? The paper is now an officiallly biased paper that you cannot expect a fair reporting process. The journalism department and the board has failed it’s students.
J.R. • Feb 23, 2016 at 5:08 pm
Before you insult the Fresno State journalism department, you should proofread your comments.
TheBestPosterEver • Feb 23, 2016 at 7:25 am
Fresno, a complete embarrassment and blight on California. Almost since my birth and being raised in SoCal, Fresno is the brunt of so many jokes. Drugs, Illegal Immigrants, white broke meth heads, no real jobs, no innovation, and now this crap….unsurprisingly from another “Cal State” babysitting indoctrination center.
Listen up you Fresno failures. NOBODY is going to hire you, and you are going NOWHERE. You will fade away from alcoholism or meth in your trailer parks or broken down homes with 10 foot tall unmoved grass, all your grandkids will be Hispanic, you will get herpes, and 40 years from now Fresno will STILL be known as a garbage dump.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:27 am
“all your grandkids will be Hispanic”
Racist insults, how painful… I’m truly stung. I suppose you’ll be ranting about “white genocide” next.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:03 am
Still haven’t figured out Hispanic is not a race, have you?
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:22 am
If racists were informed, knowledgeable people, they wouldn’t be racists. I didn’t treat Hispanics as a race, @thebestposterever:disqus did, and apparently thinks having Hispanic grandchildren would be a bad thing.
However, go ahead and defend the racist if you want to.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:33 am
No, you haven’t. But if you did, you wouldn’t be a racist, would you?
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:35 am
Treating Hispanics as if they were a race is not racist; using “all your grandkids will be Hispanic” as an insult is racist.
Sorry that’s difficult for you to follow, though.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:40 am
After all, if you were versed in any actual history, you’d know true Hispanics were the Spanish conquerors and their descendants, which is why 25% of Mexicans are lily white.
But, hey, journalism. Because history and geography are pretty darn hard!
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 12:00 pm
Wow. You really don’t understand, do you? Go back and try reading carefully, for comprehension.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 12:03 pm
I understand very well. Maybe it would be best if you white trash weren’t always trying to stir up racial unrest, every time you lose an argument? That way you wouldn’t always be mixing up geography and race?
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 12:09 pm
Oh, you think you won an argument? To win an argument, you actually have to start by actually arguing about the same thing the other person is. Sure, you can run the length of a basketball court with a football, and declare a touchdown, but it doesn’t actually mean anything.
Trying to ignore that I was responding to a specific statement makes it easier for you to pretend you made a devastating point, but it actually means you just suck at reading comprehension.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 12:21 pm
Or you can just engage in wankery. After all Trump is going to kill us all because of his racism towards an imaginary race. Or something.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 12:24 pm
Right, because going off in another completely random direction is a great indicator of your ability to form a coherent argument.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 12:30 pm
Because nothing says random direction more than riffing on the title of the editorial. You’re running out of steam. Maybe you should try telling me an actual race Trump is racist against, instead of having to make one up?
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 12:34 pm
Wait… what?
Either you’re going on yet another tangent, or your reading comprehension is worse than I thought. I never said anything in these threads about Trump being racist.
James Lynch • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:54 am
Thank you for speaking from personal experience about your state of affairs in life post-graduation. That was very brave of you.
slugsucker • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:18 pm
Nah, no stereotyping, regional and cultural bias, or generalizations here. Keep moving along!
Roninf9 • Feb 23, 2016 at 7:12 am
‘Donald Trump is going to get us all killed’
‘Us’ meaning who exactly?
Certainly not ‘These people pulling up to the polls in their trucks and wielding a rifle shouting out “‘Murica,”’ These people meaning White men.
Obviously you are deathly afraid of White men, specifically organized White men looking out for their own interests and who won’t stand by while they are dispossessed and displaced in the nation created by their ancestors. You are so afraid that you have succumbed to hysterical rantings. But you aren’t afraid of death. What you are really afraid of is humiliation. The humiliation that comes from comparing yourself to something you can never live up to and which you can never be.
Trump 2016!
CKAinRedStateUSA • Feb 23, 2016 at 6:31 am
Apparently not only does the editorial board/writer suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome, but also an appalling ignorance and stupidity.
For a very long time, I’ve studied the history of those times. Visited Dachau.
Perhaps it’s time for the “student(s)” to do likewise.
LeLeMans • Feb 23, 2016 at 6:22 am
Such precious little mal-educated Special Snowflakes. Pearl-clutching lefties all. It’s going to be worth electing Trump just to see all of these ignorant twits have the vapors for the next 4 years. And although we certainly don’t want anyone to die, we DO want secure borders and we in fact don’t care about your “diversity” agenda. When you demand diversity in brain surgeons and airline captains, I’ll know you’re serious.
roccolore • Feb 23, 2016 at 5:47 am
Democrats are the fascists who want more rapefugees flooding America.
JD • Feb 23, 2016 at 1:23 am
Amazing this opinion is even worth printing. Ted Cruz for president …
dturbo6go • Feb 23, 2016 at 12:13 am
Dear Collegian:
You guys are being mislead by revisionist history and you’re lapping up the evils of the Democrat/Socialist/Progressive Party.
Try to be a little more American, rather than a failed radical.idiot.
“The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans is suffering from
some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they’re okay,
then it’s you.”
Blu-Shea Moninni • Feb 22, 2016 at 11:37 pm
I agree with the writer 10000% everything he say’s in this article is true & when he say’s he going to get America’s kill that quote was right on point & the so call conservatives won’t be excluded in the blood shed,why should the writer be politically correct? Trump isn’t all he does is speak “HATE” & his follower’s want a Trump America, I hope and I pray they won’t get there way..I’m proud of the Collegian good work!!!!
dturbo6go • Feb 23, 2016 at 12:27 am
Congratulations Collegian, you have graduated into the hallowed halls of “Tabloid journalism” I’m sure there will be plenty of jobs for you at the National Enquirer, after you graduate.
Be careful on the outer space alien stories, they’re a bit overused.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:32 am
Fresno State English major, are you?
Brian Murillo • Feb 22, 2016 at 11:22 pm
I concur with this apt comparison. Trump’s well documented rhetoric is xenophobic, tribal, and nativistic. He has the right to express his vitriol, and his proponents have the right to support his divisive candidacy; however so do his opponents have the right to compare him to historical figures that used the same type of inflamatory rhetoric.
James Lynch • Feb 22, 2016 at 11:16 pm
It is impossible to disagree from an objective standpoint that Trump’s policies are reflective of fascist ideology.
Trump is unapologetically racist and corporatist. He panders to the zealous who would see the church melded with the state. He is unsupportive of human rights, is sexist, is dominantly focused on national security, and is vehemently anti-intellectual, as are the majority of his rather vicious supporters. He is obsessed with crime and punishment, hyper-nationalism, and is bloodthirsty for preemptive military strikes.
His campaign is not one based on good ideas or a record of solid leadership – it is solely the trademark of human baseness, primitiveness, and alpha male chest bumping that, as ought to be expected, impresses only the simpleminded among us.
Though I did not care much care for the author’s writing style nor the immediate push to suggesting conservatives will murder the “others” in our society, I understand the sentiment clearly, and am very glad the Collegian published this editorial. Though I would have written it differently, I stand in solidarity with the Collegian and encourage the publication of more tactfully composed editorials and articles that call out the dangerous nonsense in our nation’s politics.
Well done, Collegian staff.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:31 am
What race is Trump guilty of racism against, beta?
Yet another brand new account. Almost as if the writer is creating sock puppet accounts in an attempt to prop up his fraud.
James Lynch • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:02 am
Hispanics. Are you blind and deaf? Jesus Christ man, it’s 2016. Nobody should be as ignorant as you are in the United States.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 10:52 am
You’re right, beta. No one should be so ignorant that they don’t know Hispanic refers to a point of origin (the Iberian Peninsula), and not a race.
But you that occupy Obama’s half of America and major in things like journalism, tend to be that ignorant.
Maybe you’d wish to try again, so as to not appear such a fail at life?
James Lynch • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:50 am
Forgive the colloquial use of a term for an ethnic group of people who, you most certainly know, was used to refer to Latin American peoples and not specifically Spaniards or the Portuguese. You’re certainly wise enough to have understood that. I suppose nobody is racist then for marginalizing Africans and not “negroids.” “Hispanic” is used to denote an approximation of race in many situations, including in census surveys.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:56 am
Why would I forgive the rank ignorance of the intellectually lazy?
Maybe you racist white trash types shouldn’t be in such a hurry to stir up racial unrest every time you fail at an argument? 25% of Mexico is white, descended from Spanish conquerors. 25% came over from Asia, 10,000 years ago give or take. 50% are a mixture of the two.
Again, which race is Trump racist against? Maybe Muslims!
James Lynch • Feb 23, 2016 at 12:17 pm
You wouldn’t. It was a satirical statement, MNHawk. Humor is wasted on you.
You’re a big boy – go figure it out yourself with Google. I’m not your encyclopedia for information that takes us down irrelevant rabbit holes. Also, despite “Mexican” being a term for a nationality, for example, the English speaking world’s colloquial use of the term “racism” deals directly with marginalizing those who are not immediately recognizable as Caucasian or from western regions of Europe.
If my previous post did not suffice as an answer to you, then no matter what I post, we will never come to a conclusion.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 12:26 pm
Maybe racists just aren’t very funny? After all, you’re still here trying to insist Mexicans aren’t recognized as Caucasians.
Maybe the ‘Trump is a racist’ bit should be ixnayed, because those that use the line of attack just aren’t very educated in geography, history, and race?
Felicia Van Buren • Feb 22, 2016 at 10:05 pm
I feel like the Pro-Trump response to this editorial exemplifies why Trump’s rhetoric so dangerous. Whilst others can debate amicably over politics, you can clearly see the vulgar and violent behavior portrayed by the people not only on campus but within even the comment section. Despite following a candidate who has yet to even release a comprehensive or even remotely address a single piece of specific legislation on how he is supposely going to make good on all these promises, but when others speak out and express their concerns over the behavior of his followers…they behave exactly how everyone is describing. This lack of intellect, general social skills, and academic professionalism is EXACTLY WHAT WE ARE CONCERNED ABOUT. For a group who claims to champion free expression, you all seem painfully quick to harass and threaten people who express opinions that are in contrast to your own. Maybe this is the kind of issue that our local news organizations, not just collegiate ones, should be turning a light on. The dangerous and cult-like behavior of the Trump supporters.
dturbo6go • Feb 23, 2016 at 12:31 am
Your comment of: “Whilst others can debate amicably over politics,”! What are you, deaf, dumb and blind?
The left does not retreat, it does not apologize, it labors on until you have become a proper drone of their ideology. (Collectivism)
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:28 am
Ready for the little woman who enabled a rapist, are you? Or are you for the candidate that promises $20 trillion in free stuff by taxing “others” $9 trillion?
Cult-like indeed.
Coach_Bombay1992 • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:08 am
“Whilst others can debate amicably over politics” you’re trying too hard to sound smart dear.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:21 am
Pot, meet kettle. Putting people down, without offering anything of substance, is not a substitute for actual thought.
Coach_Bombay1992 • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:29 am
It’s not a put down it’s advice. Thats a sentence no one would ever say unless they were purposely trying to come off as either smart or pretentious. But thank God she has you as her white knight.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:36 am
Oh please, don’t try to condescend to people and pretend you’re being helpful; you’re just coming across as arrogant. Heaven forbid someone point out that you try to sound superior, while actually saying nothing of substance.
Heh. Yeah, “white knight”, the last resort of the butthurt.
Coach_Bombay1992 • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:51 am
I know thats why you’re white knighting so hard, all of your butthurt
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:53 am
LOL. You couldn’t even come up with a different insult, other than to re-use “white knighting”.
Coach_Bombay1992 • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:55 am
Yep you got me
Mike Bergamini • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:21 am
Because comparing someone to Hitler without a single shred of evidence is such a mature and level-headed debate…
Jeff T • Feb 22, 2016 at 9:47 pm
The old internet rule is that the first person in an argument to compare their opponent to Hitler automatically loses. In this case, everyone who read this has lost. I loathe Trump, but no more than I loathe this mindless, childish nonsense.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:54 am
“Godwin’s law”, though the corollary about losing was a later addition by others. The original was just that the odds of someone being compared to Hitler is greater, the longer an argument goes on,
Not the best writing, but hardly the worst I’ve seen. They are students, after all, and part of learning is occasionally producing a poor product. There are people apparently far older producing worse drivel in these comments.
Jayde • Feb 22, 2016 at 9:31 pm
I am very proud of you. You speak the truth that many people refuse to believe. Don’t let the haters stop you from speaking the truth. Ever.
Mike Bergamini • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:35 am
Truth generally relies on facts to differentiate it from opinion, though… There were none here.
JoeR_40 • Feb 22, 2016 at 8:29 pm
Saw at school today, how embarrassing
Rod Corless • Feb 22, 2016 at 8:16 pm
Funny how the writer doesn’t give their name. I have to believe that they don’t stand by their words which mostly are insults and baseless claims, the writer kind of reminds me of Trump. I hope the collegian publishes hate speech directed at the left as well but I won’t hold my breath over it in fear of passing out. Nice try collegian, you could never be as partisan and biased as the Fresno Bee yet it’s a good start. Now watch, I’m posting this with my name because I stand by my words…
bakron2 • Feb 22, 2016 at 7:41 pm
This is only an editorial, and honestly I’ve had some of the same thoughts. I’ve seen a lot of characteristics and even traits of personality similar to Hitler and it does scare me. Hitler wanted to make the old Germany great again, he was charismatic just as Trump. I am hoping that our system will keep him within our law if he does become President, and he very well could.
Stanly Theman • Feb 22, 2016 at 5:59 pm
This is completely disrespectful to everyone you claim to be protecting, most of all THE JEWS WHO SUFFERED UNDER HITLER. Mexicans know who Trump is, he’s their boss. The man who hires them. Muslims know who he is, he’s their devil, or the one who gives them technology. Middle class white people call him dad. The jews call him BROTHER. We don’t call him hitler because HE ISN’T/WE AREN’T.
Its time to step aside. You clearly cant handle your politics.
Proclaiming NAZI VICTORY on the FRONT PAGE? The balls you must have…as a journalist no doubt. Your’e no Ezra Klein though. Your’e a child, and your’e getting sonned for this very soon.
So sit tight.
Rory Appleton • Feb 22, 2016 at 5:12 pm
See the giant “EDITORIAL” tag on this? This website is the best college newspaper site in the state, so people should be able to differentiate this from the news stories.
You guys should have put your names on it, though. You write opinion pieces, especially ones like this, you gotta take the trolling and death threats on the chin. That’s part of the job!
tsingtao • Feb 22, 2016 at 6:25 pm
I concur with Rory, you should have put your names on it. Labeled as an opinion piece, you’re not likely to get sued for libel. But give us a name to go with the trashy opinion piece. And maybe try and give us some investigative reporting next time. People might be more interested in reading an investigative piece, instead of an anonymous opinion piece.
Felicia Van Buren • Feb 22, 2016 at 10:23 pm
What specific traits did the writer lack in the opinion piece?
Or more specifically, what exactly did the writer say that labeled with trashy? I could understand wanting sources and citations for a research piece but maybe you’re misunderstanding what an opinion piece is?
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:29 am
Ironic that it’s only brand new accounts here defending this drek. Are you the writer, perhaps?
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:30 am
You out yourself as someone who just showed up to attack people without knowing anything about the city. No, he did not write the article. It doesn’t matter if the account is new, either. He’s a known Fresnan; you’re not.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:33 am
You have me there. This piece of fail is now starting to make national news.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:29 am
Well, it’s pretty standard for editorials to just be left as “editorial”, which means an editor wrote it. However, the author’s name was mentioned this morning in a short NPR segment, so it’s not like he’s hiding, either.
Flea Press • Feb 24, 2016 at 12:46 pm
You say: “it’s not like he’s hiding”….can you tell me who you are referring to and point me to the NPR segment?
FWIW, the author is a SHE. The only person given attribution in the article is the graphic artist who was offered compensation for an image he produced for the author.
Flea Press • Feb 24, 2016 at 12:58 pm
You say: “it’s not like he’s hiding”….can you tell me who you are referring to and point me to the NPR segment?
My source indicates to me that the author is a SHE. I will verify. The only person given attribution in the article is the graphic artist whose name is under the image of Trump in front of the White House — and he was offered compensation to create that image by either the author or another person in the editorial staff.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 24, 2016 at 1:07 pm
The editor has taken credit for the article, hence “editorial”.
The NPR piece was a short local segment, so I haven’t seen any actual articles. It’s not hard to find his name in a number of other articles, such as on the Fresno Bee, though.
I think I’ll decline to share his name here, to avoid making it too easy for some of the ridiculous people posting here to harass him personally. It’s not really necessary.
Person223 • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:39 pm
People are able to differentiate this from a news story. That’s not the point. My grandfathers, like so many others, both fought to uphold our freedoms as Americans. This includes the freedom of speech, even to say something as outrageous as appeared here. I’m not a supporter of Trump. He is many things, but a NAZI is not one of them. There lies the point: The WW2 generation fully understands what and who the NAZIs were. They fought the NAZI war machine by taking up arms or working their fingers to the bones in factories. The writers of this editorial haven’t a clue what a fascist is. It’s something that is bandied about while losing sight of the very meaning of the word.
Lincoln Fresno • Feb 22, 2016 at 3:48 pm
1980 Reagan is Hitler
1984 Reagsn is Hitler
1988 Bush is Hitler
1992 Bush is Hitler
1996 Dole is not Hitler (libs took the cycle off because Dole actually fought Hitler)
2000 Bush is Hitler
2004 Bush is Hitler
2008 McCain is Hitler
2012 Romney is Hitler
2016 Trump is Hitler
Real original and just as stupid.
John Ellis • Feb 22, 2016 at 5:12 pm
You forgot Obama is Hitler.
Lincoln Fresno • Feb 22, 2016 at 5:18 pm
Anybody invoking Hitler is an idiot
John Ellis • Feb 22, 2016 at 5:19 pm
Just trying to help out a friend here. Your list was a little one sided.
Lincoln Fresno • Feb 22, 2016 at 5:20 pm
My point is that with Republicans the comparison to Hitler is automatic
John Ellis • Feb 22, 2016 at 5:28 pm
Seems like it is with the Democrats as well —
Hillary Clinton is Hitler
Al Gore is Hitler.
John Kerry is Hitler
Lincoln Fresno • Feb 22, 2016 at 5:34 pm
Everybody is Hitler! John Ellis is hitler!
John Ellis • Feb 22, 2016 at 5:37 pm
JFlores • Feb 22, 2016 at 3:29 pm
This is one of the most pathetic pieces of writing that I have ever seen, and it’s sad to see how much the university system has failed, especially in the area of journalism, which requires more accountability than ever before. I’m sure that the writer has never taken the time to study Mr. Trump and his business and political practices, and in all likelihood researched from left-wing blog sites.
denisicle • Feb 24, 2016 at 11:39 am
uhhh…Flores…it is an opinion piece, not a news report. I imagine as poorly as you think it is written, that you got the message.
printable january 2018 • Dec 3, 2017 at 6:15 pm
But that was before the profession of journalism failed in America. Utterly and totally, this being Exhibit A.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 22, 2016 at 3:10 pm
The hyperbole is a tad overboard, and the writing comes across as more of a rant than an argument for a position. It makes a lot of assumptions of the worst possible outcomes. In short, it’s pretty typical of a college student’s tendency to go a little overboard on politics.
Really, if you’re going to go straight for a Hitler reference, you should have a really good argument, because Hitler is the default point-of-reference for emotional rants (Godwin’s Law, for example). Even with a pretty effective argument, Hitler comparisons tend to just turn people off; you could compare Hitler to Hitler these days, and a fair number of people would doubt the arguments.
Some good research on the actual history of Hitler’s rise, such as “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” would have helped. For example, reading that would tell you that there are some huge differences between the political structure of the United States and the Weimar Republic (Germany Post-WWI and pre-Third-Reich). Hitler rose to power by exploiting serious flaws in the way the Weimar Republic’s government was structured, rather than by winning elections (Hitler lost his national elections… badly).
So, I expect you’ll get a fair amount of hate for the article, but this is intended as constructive criticism. Take it or leave it.
Dan Waterhouse • Feb 22, 2016 at 2:47 pm
Simmer down folks. This is an editorial. It’s not a news story. It’s an opinion piece. It doesn’t have to be sourced or its assertions verified. Unfortunately thick-headed readers don’t get the difference. As for Trump, I wouldn’t vote for him even if hell froze over.
Rick Laczavics • Feb 22, 2016 at 3:24 pm
Oh, the “Thick headed readers” get the difference. You think calling this full front page piece of irresponsible journalism an “editorial” relieves you of responsibility for your words. It does not. Further, hiding behind the author “Collegian Editorial Board” simply demonstrates that the fear so prominent in this article extends to its writers, who fear taking responsibility for their writings. I am not a fan of Trump either. However, I am less a fan of the journalistic misuse of the paper for fear mongering. Instead, I suggest employing journalistic skills to investigate a candidates claims, and report the facts related to their statements, or mis-statements. Use the news media as an outlet for truth and education about the issues, not for irresponsible, sensationalist rants with no fact supporting them at all. After all, isn’t that the problem with all of the candidates to begin with? The obscene misrepresentation of the issues, made up “facts” and outright lies? We combat such embarrassing stupidity with provable facts and truth, not by descending to their level. No matter how you slice it, this piece is an embarrassment to Fresno State.
Fooly Cooly Nationalist • Feb 22, 2016 at 8:31 pm
How bout I write an editorial about you?
Jeff T • Feb 22, 2016 at 9:51 pm
I will not be voting for Trump. That doesn’t make this garbage worth publishing.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:26 am
It’s now news because it shows the total fail of the Fresno State Journalism Department.
Millkowski Supertramp • Feb 22, 2016 at 2:42 pm
This article is absolute drivel and further proof the left has no clue how to write an article let alone knows what America is about. You call racism whilst making hasty over generalizations about a group of people. Your liberal teachers likely approve but your hypocrisy is clear
Felicia Van Buren • Feb 22, 2016 at 10:26 pm
“Liberal teachers”
It’s not really an over generalization when redneck conservatives get all hot under the collar and jump to buzz phrases like that when they don’t have an actual clear basis for their assertion. Especially when we point out the rampant racism that is still thriving in his demographic.
My dear, we’re not all liberal teachers….we’re just more educated than you are.
Millkowski Supertramp • Feb 22, 2016 at 11:06 pm
First off, it was an over generalization…the writer classified anyone who essentially disagrees as racist, facist, or redenecks…the poor writing speaks for itself.
I didn’t call all teachers liberal, don’t put words in my mouth.
“redneck conservatives”, you’re just as bad as the writer.
You’re making yet another assumption about your education level and you’re coming off as haughty and condescending…so, in the spirit of this horrible article, I’ll assert that you’re definitely liberal.
Millkowski Supertramp • Feb 22, 2016 at 11:13 pm
and if you want to talk about racism, it’s not exactly specific to any one group at the moment. Our current president has fanned the flames himself. I’m not blaming one group or another, but if you want to truly address this issue as the critical thinker you’re fancying yourself as, you’d be remiss to ignore the fact that racism is not exclusive to any specific group.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:35 am
Little girl, I’ve seen your writing here. You’re going to have a rude awakening when you encounter the real world for the first time, with your lack of education in anything that matters to the productive half of society.
Person223 • Feb 24, 2016 at 12:20 am
You make plenty of sweeping generalizations yourself. For instance, you hastily assumed RedzoneDog was uninformed. You did this without anything actually suggesting it was the case. You do the same here. You say that liberal teachers is an over generalization and a buzz phrase with no basis for the assertion. In the same breath, you used the phrase redneck conservative and make the accusation of rampant racism. Worse than all of that, you assume you are more educated than Millkowski. You have no way of knowing if any of that is true. This post has some biases of your own.
RedzoneDog • Feb 22, 2016 at 2:29 pm
Your “Trump is going to get us all killed” article in today’s Collegian is terrible. It is not because it has a strictly liberal agenda, but because there is very litlle journalism involved. Was this article actually approved by staff? I understand this is a college paper, but the quality of the work is just plain bad. There are many assertions that are made with absolutely no supporting references. I am disappointed that our campus can’t do better than this. This article is of tabloid quality. I would be embarrassed to have been a part of this.
My advice to you is to read up on political science so you know what a Nazi is. Read about capitalism, socialism and communism. Compare and contrast. After doing so, you would be better equipped to write on a topic involving politics.
Your use of the English language needs a bit of work also.
I hope to see future articles with some of the priciples of journalism as a foundation.
George at Fresno State
Matt Jacobs • Feb 22, 2016 at 2:50 pm
The Nazi party was fascist, not socialist, nor communist; you really should know that you’re not going to learn about fascism by reading about “capitalism, socialism and communism”. There is a very big difference, and it’s why the Nazi party opposed socialist and communist parties, but allied itself with the nationalist and conservative parties of the time. No, pointing to Hitler’s shotgunning of as many political buzzwords into the party name as possible is not proof otherwise.
RedzoneDog • Feb 22, 2016 at 3:10 pm
My point was to read up before you write. Any way you look at it, I would be embarrassed to be associated with it as something produced by the Collegian.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 22, 2016 at 3:13 pm
Sure, they could have stood to do a lot more research, and better-form their arguments, rather than rant. I worked at a college long enough to see worse, though.
Fahrenheit 616 • Feb 22, 2016 at 9:55 pm
Ever hear of Julius Evola? He was an Italian philosopher who was alive through WW2. He has a lot of writings taking a critical look at the Axis’ politics, not including his work before the war.
Yeah, he was highly critical of Hitler being so much of a socialist that he was actually banned from Nazi Germany. Your little debacle with “Fascism isn’t socialism or communism” is absolutely retarded when the only people who seem to be allowed to define what Fascism is tend to be political enemies of fascists. Never having actually opened a book written by an actual fascist to see what it is about, you just sat through lectures to hear a communist tell you that fascism is just authoritarianism and there’s nothing else to it. Hitler was the least fascist of all the fascist states and parties. No where near as fascist as Italy, or even Spain at the time. The only reason they found themselves forging alliances was due to the inherent nationalist tones of all their ideologies in the face of the explicitly imperialist, internationalist Communism which had already invaded and absorbed short lived nations like Estonia, Lativia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Caucus Republics etc. and also trying to overthrow the governments of Spain, and Germany. and many Western Europeans had fought in the Freikorps in Germany, Poland and Eastern Europe against the Red Army.
You’re so ignorant of other ideologies, you look like a fool.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:05 am
If you discount any historians that disagree with what you want to believe, because “they’re communist”, you out yourself as an ideologue out to revise history, not someone interested in learning from it.
Julius Evola was a sort-of fascistic philosopher, not a historian. His views hold some value, but primarily as his viewpoint, not an objective fact. He disagreed with pretty much all fascist movements, because he was more of an advocate of returning to feudal caste systems than a fascist.
Fahrenheit 616 • Feb 23, 2016 at 4:55 pm
I don’t discount them, I just take in more views than theirs. The whole “they’re communist” remark is very much true, considering the state of higher education. Nothing learned in any of these social classes comes without a lens that paints all their ideological enemies as evil.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 5:04 pm
“Taking in more views” is well and good, but giving extra weight to those who tell you what you want to believe, rather than the bulk of the research, does not indicate intellectual rigor. It indicates a selection bias.
“The whole ‘they’re communist’ remark is very much true, considering the state of higher education.”
Having spent a fair amount of time working, as staff, at a university, I can say with a high degree of certainty that you have no idea what the “state of higher education” actually is.
“Nothing learned in any of these social classes comes without a lens that paints all their ideological enemies as evil.”
Coming from someone that has just finished “painting his ideological enemies as evil”, that doesn’t carry a lot of weight. In reality, most higher education is not at all concerned with “good and evil”, except for ethics, philosophy, and religion programs, and not in the way you think. There is a tendency among publishing professors to push the envelope, in order to gain recognition, but that has to do with challenging existing viewpoints, not deciding “good and evil”.
Fahrenheit 616 • Feb 23, 2016 at 7:19 pm
It sounds like you’re just describing yourself.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 24, 2016 at 10:03 am
Right, because reading one of the most comprehensive, well-known and respected books on the history of Germany and the Third Reich (William Shirer’s work) is totally just selection bias.
BooBoo75 • Nov 13, 2016 at 1:43 pm
I’ve read that book twice and your still full of shit. FYI – it has been criticized since it’s publication and is not considered the pinnacle of historical analysis of WW2. It’s a great book no doubt but these arguments have nothing to with the reality of Trump or Trump supporters. They aren’t Nazi’s and he’s not Hitler. Period. Just saying it doesn’t make it so.
Creating nonsense analogies with Native Americans and internment camps only makes your side look egregiously stupid. Trump was voted for in droves by LEGAL immigrants because they understand personally the negative effects of illegal aliens. The Muslim thing had the caveat of being temporary until rigorous vetting could be established.
There is nothing in Trump’s policies that remotely resemble internment camps or frigging genocide. It’s incredibly insulting to suggest otherwise. It’s precisely this kind of egregious lying and smearing that has turned people away from utterly regressive left wing identity politics. This type of crap has thoroughly poisoned the well. Same as the all “hate crime” hoaxes popping up (Muslim lady claiming scarf ripping was charged with crime for lying to police. Another “anonymous” note had backwards swastika’s on it. Backwards. Think about it.) Plus all the violent temper tantrums and riots and antisocial behaviour. It’s just loathsome and disgusting.
Matt Jacobs • Nov 15, 2016 at 10:35 pm
You really should have actually read my comments before typing up that rant, because you replied to exactly nothing I said. Maybe instead of assuming an argument based on what “side” you assumed me to be on, you should actually spend time reading my arguments.
LeLeMans • Feb 23, 2016 at 6:25 am
Yeah, because National “Socialist” has ab-so-lute-ly NOTHING to do with socialism. Uh-huh. Stalin killed a whole boatload of socialists, too. I’m pretty sure that he still qualified. The only difference with Hitler was that Hitler was more racist and corporatist.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:02 am
What was I thinking, reading history books, when clearly, just looking at names and deciding for myself what was the case is so much easier?
Coach_Bombay1992 • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:04 am
You’re wrong man, and I don’t think you read history books
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:08 am
The quality and thoroughness of your rebuttal astounds me.
Coach_Bombay1992 • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:16 am
“the quality and thoroughness of your rebuttal astounds me,” how hard are you trying right now?
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:20 am
I’m putting in roughly the same effort in replying to you that you are in replying to me: very little.
friendlyargument • Mar 7, 2016 at 10:47 pm
you are mad if you think Hitler was a socialist. He wanted power a common and effective way is to promise those you want to support you stuff they need and want.
JohnnaCal • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:37 am
The Nazis movement starts off with mostly socialistic tone and approach as most socialist movements do. As it fails, and it always does, it uses fascist tactics for its survival.
I can see it here in America now. The NSA tactics here in America are pushing us into facism. Look at the whistleblowers now to see what happens to anyone who goes against the increasingly corrupt agenda.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:48 am
Actually, the Nazis started off with a completely nationalistic tone. “Socialist” was used, but was never part of actual policy; Hitler always used language about the “German people”, and almost never dealt with economics (which is what socialism is about).
In Hitler’s words in 1922, from The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, by William Shirer:
“Whoever is prepared to make the national cause
his own to such an extent that he knows no higher ideal than the welfare
of his nation; whoever has understood our great national anthem,’ Deutschland ueber Alles,’ to mean that nothing in the wide world
surpasses in his eyes this Germany, people and land””that man is a
Hitler was describing nationalism, and calling it “socialism”. That’s what he did.
There was a more left-wing section of the Nazi party, but Hitler never intended to let them run anything, and they were quickly dispatched in the “Blood Purge” after he gained power.
JohnnaCal • Feb 23, 2016 at 3:58 pm
The mere fact the “socialist” was use but not actually part of the policy…is exactly what socialist do. However I disagree with your premise you present that Hitler was not a socialist.
A quote from Hilter “my task is to convert the German volk to socialism without simply killing off the old individuals”
Hitler used the old classical liberal class, the entrepreneurs and the
individualist’s resources to build socialism in Germany. Socialism is
defined technically as public ownership of the means of production, and
instead of doing what Stalin did and purge the capitalists, he committed
himself instead to simply confiscating their capital. The economy could
easily be controlled simply by dispossessing the capitalist class of
their means of production, and guiding their productive capacity through
the hands of the state.
Hitler also once said “we must find and travel the road from individualism to socialism without revolution”
Speaking to his associate, Hitler argued that the problem with Russian
Communism was that they had chosen their path as a revolutionary one. If
individualism was to be destroyed, revolution was the most painful and
difficult way to destroy the capitalists. Marx and Lenin had the right
goals in his mind, but simply chose the wrong tactics.
Hitler was also quoted as saying “Why need we trouble to socialize banks and factories? We socialize human beings”.
Hitler’s SPECIFIC idea of national unity was to take socialism directly to the people. He wanted socialism to
not just be about nationalizing industry, but nationalizing the people
themselves. The people are the servants of the state, and socialism was
the solution all of society’s ills. This is exactly how Bernie Sanders presents and frames his narrative.
As you attempt to paint the Trump supporters as nationalistic, you fail to understand that there is nothing nationalist about wanting laws enforced and that is the heart of the matter for Trump supporters. Trump does not present the government as the solution to all the problems we face, just the opposite.
The Democrats seem to want everyone to think that Trump and his supporters are against immigration. As a daughter of immigrants I can tell you nothing could be further from the truth. We are against illegal immigration. If you think that illegals should be allowed into the country I propose you work to pass different laws. This does not include passing laws and EOs that are in violation of the constitution either. It would mean you would have to change the constitution. We have a process to change the constitution for a reason. Cherry picking laws you want to be enforced will come back to haunt you as the next president will only have to point to the lawlessness of this president and you would be hard pressed to push back.
friendlyargument • Mar 7, 2016 at 10:35 pm
its really simple to see the difference. Even just learning about both of their basic principles shows how greatly they differ.
Person223 • Aug 25, 2016 at 11:17 am
The difference is that Stalin killed socialists who were a threat to his power, not all socialists. Hitler killed any and all socialists, anyone who took the term socialist in the acronym NAZI seriously. Hitler did kill some who weren’t socialist, but only those perceived to be a threat to his power or spot at the top of the heap. I’ve said this time and time again. People are still being fooled by Hitler’s propaganda 70+ years on even though we’ve had decades to pore over everything to do with the NAZI party and Hitler. I can understand where someone living through it in real time with those rapid changes might be bewildered by it all; I cannot understand why someone now would be.
Corporatism is a sort of fascism lite, if you will, at the very least in an economic if not political sense. Note that in both corporatism and fascism, there is private property and there is private profit. These are two things which do not exist in a socialist system.
Quaz E Moto • Feb 23, 2016 at 7:42 am
Hitler was a socialist Matt.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:10 am
The quality and thoroughness of your rebuttal astounds me.
Quaz E Moto • Feb 23, 2016 at 10:01 am
I figured I didn’t need to mention that Hitler’s party was the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Thank you for your kind words.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 10:16 am
Right, because why read history books when you can get all your knowledge from a dictionary?
Nationalism was Hitler’s “socialism”.
Quaz E Moto • Feb 23, 2016 at 10:43 am
Well, I concede that Hitler’s nationalism may not be socialism as we know it. But certainly a twisted form of socialism. But similarly, Trump’s form of nationalism is nowhere near that of Hitler’s. For sure, the comparison of Trump””who I am not behind at the moment, but who is definitely a capitalist””to Hitler is way off the mark.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 10:56 am
“I concede that Hitler’s nationalism may not be socialism as we know it.”
Yes, nor as it was known at the time, either. He did attract some socialist-ish Nazis along the way, though. They formed a sort of left-wing section of the party, but who were wiped out in Hitler’s “Blood Purge” shortly after he became chancellor.
There was some nationalizing of some elements of industry, but there was a significant difference from socialism, in what and how that was done. Nationalism does that in order to make the nation as a whole stronger, as opposed to socialism, which does that to serve “social” goals.
“Trump’s form of nationalism is nowhere near that of Hitler’s”
That, I agree with. The one major similarity is their tendency to speak in a lot of grandiose, yet vague terms, but that’s hardly unique to the two men, either. That would be like comparing Trump to Hitler because they both wrote books.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:00 am
All socialism is twisted. Hitler’s form. Stalin’s form. Bernie Sanders’ form.
Person223 • Aug 25, 2016 at 11:09 am
It boggles my mind that people STILL think Hitler was a socialist. If so, let’s go to basics. First of all, why did they even invent a different term and call themselves fascists? Second, I can start a party and call it the USA party of green ducks. It doesn’t mean those who are in that political party are green American ducks. Don’t forget that Hitler violently purged the party of all who took the word socialism in the NAZI acronym seriously as soon as he cemented power and didn’t need them anymore. 70+ years on and people are STILL being fooled by Hitler’s propaganda.
There are fundamental differences between socialism and fascism. Fascism regiments the economy and business, but doesn’t actually own businesses. Private property still existed, private profit still existed in the third reich. This is something that wasn’t true in the USSR except for the black marketeers.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:21 am
Actually, Nazism was socialism with a nationalist face. Nazis were socialists. The movement originated with socialists who thought they could do the whole socialism thing better, by applying a nationalist face to it.
Fresno State journalism student, are you, with such a firm grasp of ideologies?
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:18 am
You have that backwards. Nazism was nationalism, with a socialist veneer (among others). Nazis were nationalists, first and foremost, who didn’t think the existing nationalist party went far enough. Everything in Nazism served nationalism, from its racist policies, to the attempts to form a national church.
Hitler himself declared that his version of socialism was just German Nationalism, and nothing more.
“Whoever is prepared to make the national cause his own
to such an extent that he knows no higher ideal than the welfare of his
nation; whoever has understood our great national anthem, ‘Deutschland
ueber Alles,’ to mean that nothing in the wide world surpasses in his
eyes this Germany, people and land””that man is a Socialist.” – Adolf Hitler, translation from The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, by William Shirer
Sorry, but you’re not going to learn actual information about ideologies from ideologues.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 10:54 am
No, I’m going to learn it from history. A history that taught us that the Nazi Party arose from Socialism.
Why is it you that occupy Obama’s half of America feel the need to change history? Are you ashamed, for some reason?
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:02 am
Where’s that history? Just because you say so? You insist that what you believe must be true, but where’s the actual history that says so? Funny how somehow a book first published over 50 years ago doesn’t agree with you.
“Why is it you that occupy Obama’s half of America feel the need to change history [from the version I want to believe]?”
Fixed that for you.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:04 am
Anybody can look it up. You have a book from 50 years ago, I have millions to choose from, thanks to the internet.
Why the shame over the various shades of a failed ideology, socialism? Kind of like the shame leftists show, when calling themselves “moderate.”
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:09 am
” You have a book from 50 years ago, I have millions to choose from, thanks to the internet.”
A book widely known as one of the definitive works on the Third Reich and Nazism in general.
Indeed, you can select from many works, which is why many choose their sources based on what they want to believe, not based on historical value. I chose a book based on its value and influential nature among historians; you chose your source based on what you want to believe.
friendlyargument • Mar 7, 2016 at 11:01 pm
http://europeanhistory.about.com/od/germanyandprussia/fl/Was-Adolf-Hitler-a-Socialist-Debunking-a-Historical-Myth.htm here try reading this
Person223 • Aug 25, 2016 at 11:03 am
No, Todd. Nazism was not socialism. It was a government regimented economy but still with private ownership, whereas socialism is where government owns the means of production. Both systems are collective systems which interfere, to say the least, with personal freedoms. Still, they are different systems. Hitler did purge those from the NAZI party who took the socialism that makes of the acronym NAZI seriously at one point. This is also why Hitler crushed the trade unions.
JohnnaCal • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:23 am
The Nazis were national SOCIALISTS who ganged up with everyone they needed to take power and when in power killed whomever they needed to stay in power. So many parallels to today’s Democrats for the last 7 years.
The Nazis created Nazis youth and took over education much like the left wing activism you can see in this article. They branded everyone they did not agree with as dangerous and ignored laws they did not like.
An in depth analysis of what we see on today’s college campus was outlined in Ann Rands “Return of the Primitive” which chillingly predicted the rise of an emotionally driven education system and deliberate dismantling of logic in order to produce people such as the writer of this article who’s group think and shaming tactics replace solid journalism. This University does itself no favors by putting a note at the top of this article reminding everyone it’s an opinion piece.
It would be much more refreshing to see someone outline the reasons why Trump is popular and gaining traction rather than yet another panic driven attack piece of the man and his supporters.
If you can explain his popularity you would also be able to discuss why he would not be a good choice as POTUS for those reasons
Attacking Trump and his supporters has only made him rise in polls and votes. The root cause is the beyond worn out PC culture and tactics the people of this country have been subjected to and is being used in this article that keeps his numbers rising.
The writer uses the worn out shaming and mocking tactics that are now being passionately rejected by a majority of the country. The writer probably knows no other way to express themself because they are so fully immersed in the PC driven education system where emotional expression is valued and rewarded.
Shaming, mocking and group think are on thier way out.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 10:26 am
“The Nazis were national SOCIALISTS”
Cherry-picking facts in action. Funny how “national” doesn’t get the all-caps treatment. Let’s look at Hitler’s definition of “Socialism” once again:
“Whoever is prepared to make the national cause his own to such an extent that he knows no higher ideal than the welfare of his nation; whoever has understood our great national anthem, ‘Deutschland ueber Alles,’ to mean that nothing in the wide world surpasses in his eyes
this Germany, people and land””that man is a Socialist.” – Adolf Hitler,
translation from The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, by William
In case you weren’t aware, that’s not a definition of socialism; that’s nationalism.
“It would be much more refreshing to see someone outline the reasons why
Trump is popular and gaining traction rather than yet another panic
driven attack piece of the man and his supporters.”
OK: Mostly, Trump is popular because he’s espousing nationalism, which will often be popular with a certain segment of the population. He’s also proven very popular with racists groups like the KKK, as nationalism appeals to their ideology.
JohnnaCal • Feb 23, 2016 at 12:07 pm
Not cherry picking. Simply giving you a fact. If you were to dismiss the Socialist part of National SOCIALIST you would be cherry picking.
He starts out with the idea or ruse of socialism, as they always do, and once in power it goes full tilt facist. This is out they operate. Today we have smiley face facism, but if you look close you can still see it.
Where is your proof he is popular with the KKK? Do you survey such a group?
He is popular because the PC culture suppression of the first amendment is now that of what was going on under Hitler. People are tired of it and are gravitating to someone who is speaking truth in the open. People are also tired of the immigration laws of this nation being ignored and full blown lawlessness of this administration.
You are quite sure this has to do with nationalism, but in reality its more to do with the lawlessness and suppression of the first amendment and encroachment of the second amendment that has people looking to Trump. We are a nation of laws…not men.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 12:22 pm
“He starts out with the idea or ruse of socialism, as they always do, and once in power it goes full tilt facist.”
False. Hitler had very little to say about actual economics and class, which are the hallmarks of actual socialism. He was nationalist from the beginning, specifically promoting German identity and “volkisch” concerns. Trying to pretend otherwise is absurdly ignorant.
That you keep trying to insist “as they always do” is an indicator of your intent to make the history fit your narrative, rather than actually read the history for what it is.
“Today we have smiley face facism, but if you look close you can still see it.”
No, you don’t. You’re trying to fake a narrative that isn’t based on reality.
“Where is your proof he is popular with the KKK? Do you survey such a group?”
The endorsements and campaigning by KKK groups for Trump is probably the best hint, including David Duke’s endorsement.
“He is popular because the PC culture suppression of the first amendment is now that of what was going on under Hitler.”
You have never read an actual history book on Hitler’s rise. Nothing in America’s current political landscape is close to “what was going on under Hitler.”
“We are a nation of laws…not men.”
A very nationalist sentiment, indeed. Jefferson, and the rest of the founding fathers, would be very disappointed in you, though, as they believed that men decide laws, not the other way around.
JohnnaCal • Feb 24, 2016 at 10:25 am
On the contrary, Hitler had plenty to say about economics a.
as it related to socialism.
Hitler on Socialism: In 1927 he was quoted as saying:
“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic
system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair
salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all condition.
You are failing to see how Hitler used socialism at every turn to get what he wanted, total power and control. That’s what socialists historically do.
While you question whether Hitler himself actually believed in socialism is no more relevant than whether Stalin was a true believer. The fact is that neither could have come to power without at least posing as a socialist. The constant emphasis on the fact that the Nazis were nationalists, with barely an acknowledgement that they were socialists, is as absurd as calling the Soviets “internationalists” and ignoring the fact that they were socialists (they called themselves the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). Yet many who regard “national” socialism as the scourge of humanity consider “international” socialism a benign or even superior form of government.
I am not faking any narrative. I am explaining to you the obvious quotes and actions from Hitler that he was a card carrying socialist. When it all went south he turned to fascism to keep control, as socialist have done time and again So many examples in history of this its stunning that you are absurd to not see it.
Where is your evidence that David Duke formally endorsed Trump, I cannot find it. I do not see Trump acknowledging anything from David Duke. However, when you have the guy in the white house meeting with Black Lives Matter, who openly advocate for the killing of white people, its probably not a good idea to have them meet up at the white house. You are cherry picking who is the racist stoking racial tensions.
Again, we have laws that we want enforced. It is you who constructs the false narrative to suggest that people who want laws enforced in a nation of laws to be “nationalism”.
People see through it all now. We no longer feel the need to be suppressed by the lefts “PC” tool in the radical left tool box on the march to the lefts smiley faced fascism.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 24, 2016 at 12:39 pm
“You are failing to see how Hitler used socialism at every turn to get
what he wanted, total power and control.”
I fail to see it because that’s not what happened. If socialism was hat he used “at every turn”, then why was he politically allied with conservative and nationalist groups, when large democratic socialist and communist groups existed? That makes no sense.
“That’s what socialists
historically do.”
No it’s not. Various socialist parties have existed in many countries, and have often led them at times, for close to 100 years now, yet somehow you think that your shoehorned couple of examples proves a pattern? You’re cherry-picking a few pieces of Hitler’s work, while ignoring and discounting massive pieces of his history, to try and prove your narrative. It’s made it very clear that your narrative comes first, not history.
“The constant emphasis on the fact that the Nazis were nationalists, with barely an acknowledgement that they were socialists”
Yes, because the Nazis emphasized their nationalist elements, far, far above and beyond any socialist-ish elements. Oddly enough, the elements of Nazism that they emphasized are the things that should get attention.
I mean, how is there any reality to the argument that socialism was the real issue, but nationalism and the racism that accompanied it really wasn’t? There’s no logical basis for that argument. They didn’t attempt any major societal restructuring, like the USSR, China, or Cambodia. They didn’t restructure the economy, nor class structure. It makes no sense as an argument.
“Yet many who regard ‘national’ socialism as the scourge of humanity
consider ‘international’ socialism a benign or even superior form of
You mean “democratic socialism”, and yes, it has proven itself to be quite benign, considering varying levels of democratic socialism are implemented in all industrialized nations, including the US. How does that fit your narrative?
” I am explaining to you the obvious quotes and actions from Hitler that
he was a card carrying socialist.”
Except you can’t prove that he ever was. He never joined socialist groups, because he wasn’t one. He joined and led a nationalist group, then remade it with some socialistic-sounding veneer thrown on top.
“When it all went south he turned to
fascism to keep control, as socialist have done time and again So many
examples in history of this its stunning that you are absurd to not see
You know, when people don’t “see it”, perhaps it’s time to consider if it’s really there to see. But, OK, let’s see if you can back up this narrative.
If Hitler only turned to fascism after “it all went south”, what was the socialist elements that “went south” exactly? Why did he have to turn to fascism?
“Where is your evidence that David Duke formally endorsed Trump”
It doesn’t have to be a formal endorsement to indicate Trump’s popularity with racist elements like the KKK, nor does Trump need to accept the endorsement.
“However, when you have the guy in the white house meeting with Black
Lives Matter, who openly advocate for the killing of white people, its
probably not a good idea to have them meet up at the white house.”
Well, if it were true that BLM “openly advocate for the killing of white people”, then that might be the case, but it’s not, so it isn’t actually a problem. Try getting facts about a movement from someplace other than outlets specifically interested in discrediting them. You might find that what they actually advocate isn’t quite so terrifying.
“Again, we have laws that we want enforced. It is you who constructs the
false narrative to suggest that people who want laws enforced in a
nation of laws to be ‘nationalism’.”
Nationalism is about emphasizing national authority, so yes, saying “we are a nation of laws” is a nationalist sentiment. Democracy, on the other hand, emphasizes a nation of people who decide their laws, rather like our founders intended.
“We no longer feel the need to be suppressed by the lefts ‘PC’ tool in
the radical left tool box on the march to the lefts smiley faced
Right, because the whole “PC” thing was really just so very oppressive. Oh horror of horrors that some people think showing some level of courtesy to others, including minorities, is a good thing.
JohnnaCal • Feb 24, 2016 at 11:03 am
On the subject of class, Hilter was very sly. The concept of the Volksgemeinschaft” was to transcend class within the confines of the community.
Hitler is quoted saying ” We have endeavored to depart from the external, the superficial, endeavored to forget social origin, class, profession, fortune, education, capital and everything that separates men in order to reach that which binds them together”. Spoken like a true socialist.
Hitler made it clear in speech after speech his goal was to have no dividing lines between rich and poor. In his speech about war torn Spain he said:
“What a difference compared with a certain other country, there it is class against class, brother against brother. We have chose the other route: rather than wrench you apart we have brought you together. We are the first to overcome class struggle”.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 24, 2016 at 12:04 pm
Now you’re actually producing some interesting arguments. There are some problems with your quotes, that you’re not really getting. Marxism, and economic theories based off of it, are about *removing* class differences by *winning* a class struggle. Hitler, on the other hand, talked about *forgetting* class differences by *overcoming* class struggle. Hitler doesn’t say that class differences were removed, just that they are unimportant, because the service to the German nation and people was the ultimate good in his work.
JohnnaCal • Feb 25, 2016 at 2:37 pm
Oh I get all of it. I have endless socialistic quotes from Hitler if you are intetrsted.
How many more do you need. A full on socialist who fell into facism when he lost control.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 25, 2016 at 2:52 pm
“I have endless socialistic quotes from Hitler if you are intetrsted.”
The quality of your first choice of quotes does not inspire confidence, but sure. Of course, when you just go through cherry-picking the quotes that fit your narrative, it doesn’t really prove all that much. You’re searching and selecting for the quotes that fit what you want to believe, not just reading history.
“A full on socialist who fell into facism when he lost control.”
You keep saying this, but you can’t seem to explain how, exactly, he ever tried actual socialism, nor how it is that he “lost control”. There is no historical basis for this claim. German nationalism was always Hitler’s focus, as far back as we have records.
JohnnaCal • Mar 4, 2016 at 5:32 pm
I am sorry you do not like the quality of what Hitler said both verbal and written.
It’s terrible to realize he started with socialism and turns into fascism.
I tell people to move to a socialist country to understand what socialism is and where it always goes.
Look at Europe coming apart as we speak from all those socialist policies.
Matt Jacobs • Mar 7, 2016 at 4:14 pm
“I am sorry you do not like the quality of what Hitler said both verbal and written.”
The quality isn’t the problem, it’s just that you cherry-pick only the quotes that support the narrative you want to believe, yet ignore the massive amount of evidence otherwise, which I’ve already supplied. Hitler was a prolific speaker, who tailored his statements to the audience; you can find an abundance of quotes by him for most positions.
“It’s terrible to realize he started with socialism and turns into fascism.”
Interesting that you “realize” this without any apparent facts with which to base this on, since all you can do is quote-mine, but can’t actually point to a single “socialist” policy he supposedly started with, nor what the problems were that made him turn to fascism.
“I tell people to move to a socialist country to understand what socialism is and where it always goes.”
Like Sweden, Denmark, and Canada? Your narrative doesn’t fit reality.
“Look at Europe coming apart as we speak from all those socialist policies.”
I have no idea what you’re talking about. If you’re referring to the problems with the European Union, I think you really need to stop trying to shoehorn everything into your ridiculous meme long enough to read actual news. Some of the countries doing the best, economically, are more socialist, by policies, than countries that are struggling.
JohnnaCal • Mar 7, 2016 at 7:00 pm
The number of times he talks about and practices socialism is overwhelming. But then its national socialism so its in the name itself. You can fool youself as you have never lived in a socialist nation for any period of time as I have.
Look no further than what is happening in socialist nations in europe to know what socialism really is and how in just a few short years it will end badly. As the once utopian bliss called the EU is coming apart at the seams, the socialists attempt to prop up this inevitable disaster by all means possible.
My German sister in law and nieces are now asking how they can move to the USA. Mind you, they are afraid to write on FB, by email or tell us on the phone why, but I and my mother both got a piece of snail mail to outline what they are asking and why. Seems the “benevolent” government does not like dissenters and they will be dealt with accordingly.
Socialism always fails. Call it “democratic”, “benevolent” or some other fake label to make it sound good.
Felicia Van Buren • Feb 22, 2016 at 10:17 pm
As a History major whose focus is on WWII and Nazi Germany, reading your comment felt like rubbing sand paper on my eyeballs. Maybe before you say things such as, “My advice to you is to read up on political science so you know what a Nazi is”, maybe it would be best to be better informed on subjects that you yourself seem so sorely lacking in. Future care in this matter before you throw around such nasty rhetoric may prevent any future insertions of your foot into your mouth.
For your information by the way, the system that the Nazis implemented was a form of Fascism that incorporated Scientific Racism with Antisemitism. Much like the racism that we see in so much of Trumps speeches and debates. The term “National Socialism” (What I’m assuming everyone is grasping to like a life raft for their assertion) was Hitler’s attempt to create a nationalistic redefining of the type of fascism he was implementing because, as he felt he was “the peoples champion”, he felt it better emphasized his intentions with the community as a whole.
I sincerely hope that in the future before you continue with these outbursts that you think make to this moment where you insulted the writer of this article only to make yourself look like a silly asshat.
dturbo6go • Feb 23, 2016 at 12:21 am
Asshat? Interesting comparison.
Definition Fascism: “a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.”
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:25 am
It looks to me that you’re failing history, child.
Get used to a life of low level food service, with such a worthless degree.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:09 am
Right, because why? You say so? Maybe come back when you can actually contribute something.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 10:55 am
I’m trying to help a child avoid the trap of extreme debt and a worthless degree. A History degree that doesn’t teach any actual history. What are you contributing?
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:16 am
You have yet to show any evidence you know any actual history, so why should anyone listen to you?
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:36 am
OK, I’ll tell her to listen to you. To continue to wrack up debt pursuing a worthless degree that doesn’t lead to gainful employment.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 12:05 pm
In other words, you don’t actually know any history, and don’t have a single reason why she should listen to you, so you’re going to pretend that the only alternative to you, is me. I’m pretty sure we aren’t the only three people in the world, and there are people who know her better and can actually offer relevant advice.
J.R. • Feb 23, 2016 at 5:22 pm
I’d love to know what degree you earned in college? By the way you discredit journalism, English and history degrees, I hope you’re a rocket scientist getting ready to fly to Jupiter. Get off your high horse, buddy.
VoxPopulus • Feb 24, 2016 at 9:58 am
Besides the cluelessness of your response, MNHawk – your condescension in using the term “child” exposes a sad little mind. You’re failing – in commentary.
MNHawk • Feb 24, 2016 at 10:09 am
I take it you aren’t going to be any more successful than your low information friends in telling me who exactly Trump is racist against?
Sigh. Another day, another failure of Obama’s half of America trying to gin up racial unrest where none was. When you children mentally grow up, maybe the grown ups will let you start sitting at the grown up table. Until then, work your racism angle, little boy. This faux journalism obviously connected with you.
RedzoneDog • Feb 23, 2016 at 8:42 am
You are correct that I left out Fascism. After all is said and done, I would not like to be the person responsible for this so-called editorial. How would you feel if you were the target of this? My hope is that Trump does not sue the paper for libel. Again, bottom line is that the content was disgraceful for a university.
Sydney Rizzoli • Feb 23, 2016 at 3:09 pm
You poor child. Who are your History professors? They should be fired. You have the standard college answers which demonstrates to all of us that you know very little about how Hitler actually came to power. His tactics and strategies were more reflective of our modern day Democrats/Liberals. There is nothing quite as unique and frustrating as a young person who thinks they’re immersed in knowledge. Such little life experience and limited ability to access common sense. I doubt you’re even 25 years of age. Why does the age of 25 matter? Maybe you can learn why in school. Good luck to you by the way. You’re going to need it with a History degree.
Person223 • Aug 25, 2016 at 10:57 am
Notice how Van Buren ignored all these posts, and one of her replies included a crude insult. Insulting others in place of logical argument is a sure sign she doesn’t have a logical argument.
Person223 • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:49 pm
There was absolutely nothing in RedzoneDog’s post that would allow you to make such a sweeping generalization that he or she isn’t informed. It was an embarrassing editorial. It was of poor quality. There is nothing insulting about that, he simply told the truth. He or she wasn’t so crude as to call anyone an asshat.
friendlyargument • Mar 7, 2016 at 10:23 pm
As some one who disagrees with Trump on most of his point and believe that it would probably not be in Americas best interests if Trump becomes president(in fact I’m pretty sure he would be the worst presidential candidate), but the writer did a poor job with this piece a lot of the points made in the article are based in misconceptions or false assumptions like when the author writes about the Native Americans and how it was the government that massacred them and not smallpox but “some academics estimate that approximately 20 million people may have died in the years following the European invasion ”“ up to 95% of the population of the Americas.”(-PBS) While you could try and argue against the fact I presented it remains a reality that small pox was a major cause in the tragic fate of the Native American. While it may seem nit picky to bring up a small part of the article that isn’t detrimental to the greater point its trying to make, there are many of these falsities through out the article and it makes the authors argument mute. I would point each one I found out but that would take a sizable amount of time. Finally the piece uses nearly no facts and no source of any kind. (oh and the comparing Trump to Hitler is unoriginal, there are plenty of horrible people through out history the author should pick one that Trump has more parallels with)
heres the source for the quote http://www.pbs.org/gunsgermssteel/variables/smallpox.html
Lee • Feb 25, 2016 at 7:29 am
You know this is an Opinion article, right?
Person223 • Aug 25, 2016 at 10:57 am
Opinions are only valid to the extent they can be backed up with logic based on facts.
Rick Laczavics • Feb 22, 2016 at 1:59 pm
Well, that’s certainly a mouthful. Your colorful writing and fear mongering not withstanding, I’m afraid I’m going to have to insist you provide your evidence and/or sources that justify such wild accusations. I am not a Trump supporter, yet I find myself in an unfamiliar place; defending him. Your comments regarding the release of a cell phone number and calling one of his competitors in the race a “pussy” refer to events that are verifiable. But your other comments, I’m afraid, require you to put your money where your mouth is;
“The hardcore racist and fascist people supporting Trump don’t want to kick out Muslims and undocumented Mexicans ”” they want to murder them.” – You are not suggesting that this is a possible outcome, you are stating it as a fact. Therefore, what is your source? Where did you acquire this insight, and please help us out by identifying who exactly are all these racists and fascists you speak of.
“If we let them elect Trump, there will be lynchings.” – Again, not a suggested outcome, but a stated fact. What is your source supporting so bold an accusation?
“Trump represents the rise of a new Hitler and is capable of the same atrocities.” – You need to provide your evidence that Trump has demonstrated or has committed atrocities related to Hitler and the Third Reich. You do not get to make such accusations without the responsibility of evidence.
“What happens when one group subverts another because of their skin tone? Because of their religious beliefs? Internment camps. Death marches. Genocide.” – Or you can simply have disagreement. Your conclusion that these are the only possible outcomes implies that this society is really just an uneducated mob of mental midgets.
“Just like the majority of Muslims that live in America ”” they are citizens who face the real fear of internment camps because of fear mongering perpetuated by the possible future president.” – The “fear mongering” is here, in your article. It is incumbent upon you, as a journalist making such a serious accusation, to provide your evidence and sources of data supporting this conclusion that there is a plan to create internment camps and then populate them with “Muslims”.
“Trump has no foreign policy skills. He will literally corner off the United States into an extremist zone that cause us to be the focus of militarized attacks from countries who would be facing the wrath of an inhuman leader.” – What is your source for this reckless accusation? Please share your data with us containing documented or stated plans to isolate the United States into an “extremist zone” that inevitably can only result in focused militarized attacks from [insert country facing wrath of inhuman leader].
You may not like Donald Trump as a presidential candidate. There may be many good reasons for that. But because you are writing for a newspaper, that is read by quite a few students, you have a responsibility to report accurate, well thought out stories that convey factual information. Today’s paper does not look like a reputable information source; it looks like a supermarket tabloid. Which is appropriate, because that’s where such a poor representation of journalism belongs. Journalism is about finding the FACTS, and reporting them… not about writing your personal extreme, unfounded fears. That’s reserved for the National Enquirer.
Whoever is providing oversight of publishing The Collegian should be ashamed of themselves today. This is not good journalism, it is not even good writing. This issue represents everything that is wrong with the mainstream media today; reckless accusations, wild misrepresentation of facts, and the complete absence of responsibility for what they say. This front page article is not even signed by its author, but instead “By Collegian Editorial Board”… an established method used in academia to avoid individual responsibility… “the committee did it… not me”. If you do not have the courage to sign your own article and take responsibility for your words, then DON’T PUBLISH IT.
I am willing to bet that the California College Media Association that awarded The Collegian those 13 awards did not see this article…
Jerry Duncan • Feb 22, 2016 at 12:23 pm
With garbage like this, obviously our educational system has seriously failed us.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 9:51 am
Right, because a person not finished with their education would never produce a shoddy product, ever. What’s your excuse?
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 10:58 am
I’m so old, I remember when Journalism Professors taught their students actual journalism. That would include telling the rug rats that Photoshopping a picture is one of the cardinal sins of journalism.
But that was before the profession of journalism failed in America. Utterly and totally, this being Exhibit A.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:06 am
In journalism, photoshopping would be bad, especially if done with intent to deceive, much as current fake journalists edit videos to deceive the public.
On the other hand, it’s not quite the “cardinal sin” you want to believe it is, if it was part of a graphic intended for opinion, or to illustrate a point, and not intended to be deceptive. That’s been done for far longer than “photoshop” existed, back to edition presidential candidates on top of the animal representing their party, for example (see: edited photo of Teddy Roosevelt riding a moose).
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:09 am
Amazingly enough, no one wants to employ a journalistic fraud from Fresno State.
And no, leftist extremist, such photoshopping may be a staple of your failed journalism department, but it is not an accepted part of journalism.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:11 am
Amazing! You mean to tell me a person still studying in their field hasn’t been hired yet! What a shocker!
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:14 am
Not even an internship. Not that there are any jobs left in journalism, anyway, with the rampant fraud driving away so much of their readership.
There’s just isn’t a lot of demand for Photoshop, bad editorials, and made up history.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:19 am
“Not even an internship. Not that there are any jobs left in journalism,
anyway, with the rampant fraud driving away so much of their
So it’s his fault their aren’t any internships available? You can’t even commit to one line of partisan attack, so you’re undermining your own argument.
“There’s just isn’t a lot of demand for Photoshop, bad editorials, and made up history.”
I think the abundance of partisan news sites like Brietbart, Drudge, Huffington Post, and others indicates otherwise.
MNHawk • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:36 am
It’s the profession’s fault, which he is now a part of. Too bad he doesn’t have caring parents, guiding him towards something that has a shot of paying off the extreme debt.
Matt Jacobs • Feb 23, 2016 at 11:57 am
Funny how you know all about his parents, even though you aren’t from anywhere around here.
I do find it interesting how a person who trumpets his supposed historical knowledge relies on little more than personal insults, though.
Flea Press • Feb 24, 2016 at 10:41 am
I have heard from reliable sources that the graphic artist you are referring to —->
graduated high school as a valedictorian with an augmented GPA of 4.32
* has a brother who graduated Fresno State summa cum laude with a degree in Electrical Engineering,
* another who graduated magna cumme laude with a Masters degree in Computer Science and Engineering from UCLA,
* another who graduated Fresno State magna cum laude with a Biology/Chemistry degree.
* another brother who is a licensed contractor with a reputation for excellent workmanship.
* a sister who is married to very successful businessman (with 3 children)
perhaps you would like to impress us with your credentials??? ITCHING TO KNOW ????
MNHawk • Feb 24, 2016 at 10:48 am
Good for him. His e-peen is the biggest on the web, and I’m sure your is the second biggest.
But he’s a fraud as a journalist, and you are a fraud as his professor.
Flea Press • Feb 24, 2016 at 11:26 am
He is not a journalist — merely a graphic designer who was offered compensation by the author to create the image.
MNHawk • Feb 24, 2016 at 11:36 am
So journalistic fraud isn’t journalistic fraud if the fraud pays someone else for the fraud.
American Journalism, **** Yeah!
Erik Kolvenson • Feb 25, 2016 at 1:34 pm
Fuck you! You are still an idiot!Trump is our President!
READY2SCRAP • Dec 29, 2016 at 5:38 pm
He’s not an Idiot,sir…
he is an educated moron, like the majority of liberals…
the children of the inventers of the liberal progressive idealouge offspring laugh at these Idiots, who believe their ancesters false concepts same as their ancesters did when it was created…
Liberals are truly stupid Goyum…
Flea Press • Feb 24, 2016 at 10:24 am
It’s called SATIRE whether its done in pencil, pen and ink, water colors, or Photoshop.
MNHawk • Feb 24, 2016 at 10:26 am
Yes, child. As opposed to journalism.
You failures in Fresno keep teaching the dumbest on campus, Journalism majors, photoshopping. I see nothing but win for a profession that’s already in crisis.
Flea Press • Feb 24, 2016 at 11:30 am
Lighten up dood —> Satirical Journalism is becoming a profession [Andy Borowitz] and they are a brave bunch. Remember Charlie Hedbo.
http://www.abcactionnews.com/decodedc/journalism-and-satire-a-discussion-of-the-responsibilities-and-risks https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/316ed904b044a4b5c5c5a90865b2af0e08afff0443e8c3f99e79aa3e74bee292.jpg
MNHawk • Feb 24, 2016 at 11:38 am
So the Fresno State Journalism Department is teaching and promoting “fake news?”
Keep digging, child.
ThaddeusQuackenbush • Feb 25, 2016 at 11:35 am
They’re training people to work at any of Rupert Murdoch’s fine examples of journalistic integrity.
MNHawk • Feb 25, 2016 at 1:11 pm
No, little monkey, Fox News isn’t satire. Fresno State graduate, are you, what with your keen ability to spurt talking points like a little monkey?
Flea Press • Feb 24, 2016 at 10:10 am
Is this the same Jerry Duncan who had to apologize for saying “If I had one dirty bomb . . . I could eliminate all the liberals in Fresno at once.” ?????
– See more at: http://www.progressive.org/mag_mcliberals#sthash.EtroiZIb.dpuf
signed: The Flea Press —> itching to know?????
denisicle • Feb 24, 2016 at 11:35 am
great catch!
Belinda Boundreau • Feb 26, 2016 at 8:36 am
Completely true. Seeing similar pathetic nonsense in higher learning institutions all over America. It started with the collapse of the public school system in the 60s – 70s. Illiterates arriving at university overwhelmed the system to the point the curriculum collapsed.
audi s7 • Apr 23, 2017 at 12:04 pm
I agree with you jerry!
free calendar 2017 • Oct 26, 2017 at 9:48 pm
They were likely anti-Muslim before 9/11, and now use it as an excuse to be openly racist in our supposedly sophisticated, modern 21st century.
printable january 2018 • Dec 3, 2017 at 6:15 pm
totally right !