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The Collegian

Fresno State's student-run newspaper

The Collegian

Fresno State's student-run newspaper

The Collegian

Knowing how to market yourself is the key in any successful job search

Great self-marketing can result in an interview with a great company, and perhaps a job

A company can have a great product, but if it doesn’t know how to market the product, then no matter how great the product is, it won’t sell. The same thing applies to marketing yourself. Knowing the best way to market yourself can be the difference between getting the job of your dreams and having just another run-of-the-mill job.

The first and most basic thing to remember is to have a good resume. A resume is the most traditional way of applying for a job, yet some people­ don’t know how to create a superior one.

A good resume generally should be one page. A resume longer than a page might show that you don’t know how to organize or prioritize things. A good resume should also have your work experience on top. The top of the resume is prime space, so it should be utilized to highlight work experience and skills. Historically, the education section tended to be on the top of the resume. However, over the years higher education has become expected when applying for jobs. An objective statement is something that should be removed from a resume entirely. An objective statement should be removed because it states the obvious. Another good idea is to create a separate references page. This will save you space and allow you to expand on who your references are.

Another important thing to have is an online presence. A professional Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and blog are great to have, but when it comes to having an online presence, an online portfolio is paramount. An online portfolio is a way for an employer to see all of your work in one easy-to-find place. An online portfolio should reflect your best work. An online portfolio can benefit anyone.

Another important thing to remember is to make sure you utilize search engine optimization (SEO). SEO basically means improving the visibility of a website or web page. In terms of marketing one’s self, SEO means making yourself easier to find. For myself, that would mean instead of using Tom Pearson (there could be 5,000 Toms), I would use Thomas J. Pearson to optimize my search results and make it more likely prospective employers find my online portfolio and social media sites.

The infographic resume and presentation resume mentioned in my previous columns are great tools to use as well, but should be used in addition to traditional ways because some still prefer the traditional route.

Networking is important as well. Networking and building relationships are extremely important because you never know whom somebody knows. Networking also is great because it can help create a buzz that results in a company seeking you out as opposed to you seeking them out.

An important tool in both networking and marketing yourself is having a business card. A business card is a must-have because it is a quick, nonintrusive way of providing a prospective employer with your information. Adding the URL to your social media sites and online portfolio on the business card is a smart idea, as well. This allows prospective employers to view your sites at their leisure.

The final and most important thing to remember when marketing yourself is to highlight your strengths while downplaying your weaknesses.

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  • K

    Kathrine DulacMar 26, 2012 at 11:34 pm

    Self marketing plays 60% role to get a job.

  • W

    walterMar 20, 2012 at 7:58 pm

    Knowing your market and making connections, networking and self-marketing is key in any business or career.

  • G

    GlassFeb 20, 2012 at 6:15 pm

    Agreed. Self marketing is so important if you hope to get a job.

  • T

    timFeb 10, 2012 at 10:46 pm

    I agree,even if you are eligible,having know how to market oneself definitely gives you an edge over others.
