Fresno State's student-run newspaper

The Collegian

Fresno State's student-run newspaper

The Collegian

Fresno State's student-run newspaper

The Collegian

Around the room

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? Why?

“Finally a week-long break and then after, about three more weeks — our big winter break. It’s going to feel good not having to worry about school for a little while. The stretch between Labor Day and Thanksgiving is so long. Finally — rest!â€Â

Brandon Santiago
Editor in Chief

“Graduation! Can’t wait to be done — for a little. I’m excited to see where graduate school takes me.â€Â

Paige Ricks
Features Editor

“Ditto on the graduation. I know I still have a semester to go, but every day feels like a major accomplishment.â€Â

Ben Keller
Senior Writer

“I’m thankful for our military, because without it, we wouldn’t have the freedom to enjoy simple things like sports. For families with troops overseas, we’re all praying for your loved ones to come home safe. Thank you for giving us all the opportunity to enjoy the holidays.â€Â

Jimmy Graben
Sports Editor

“I’m thankful for the opportunities we have in our country. Even in tough economic times, I’d rather be in America than any other country in the world. Of course, I’m thankful for friends and family. Thanksgiving wouldn’t be much without people to share it with.â€Â

Logan Hopkins
Sports Editor

“Family, friends, good health and soccer.â€Â

Juan Villa
Photo Editor

“So many things: my health, my friends, my family, the weather, the time off. It’s easy to let life get overwhelming, but taking time to remember all the good things helps keep it in perspective.â€Â

Heather Billings
Multimedia Editor

“There are a lot of things I appreciate, but mostly, I’m just thankful for a Don Pepe’s near campus.â€Â

Mathew Gomes
Opinion Editor

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  • S

    SarahNov 26, 2008 at 10:00 pm

    I would like to commend Jimmy Graben for thanking our military this holiday season. With my boyfriend serving in the Marine Corps in Iraq, I understand what it means to be thankful for my freedom. Without the freedom provided to us by our miltary serving at home and overseas, we would not have the opportunity to be thankful for everything we have this Thanksgiving. Thank you Jimmy for your thoughts and prayers for our servicemen and women.

  • S

    SarahNov 27, 2008 at 5:00 am

    I would like to commend Jimmy Graben for thanking our military this holiday season. With my boyfriend serving in the Marine Corps in Iraq, I understand what it means to be thankful for my freedom. Without the freedom provided to us by our miltary serving at home and overseas, we would not have the opportunity to be thankful for everything we have this Thanksgiving. Thank you Jimmy for your thoughts and prayers for our servicemen and women.
