Friday, January 26, 2007                                                                        Serving California State University, Fresno since 1922

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Dancing for funds

"Catch and Release" misses the hook


Dancing for funds
Break, belly and hip-hop dance styles will share the stage Saturday night, in The Dance Studio of Fresno’s production, “Ironies.”  “Ironies,” the studio’s third annual dance show, is also its first nonprofit production, to raise funds to help finance its 2007-2008 performance season. More>>

"Catch and Release" misses the hook
Although I own the bubble-gum scented DVD of “13 Going on 30” and cry every time Billy Crystal proclaims his love to Meg Ryan in “How Harry Met Sally,” as someone who is newly engaged, I wasn’t totally sold on a movie that begins with the sudden death of a girl’s fiancé and centers around her falling in love with her fiancé’s best friend.  More>>