Monday, September 25, 2006                                                                         Serving California State University, Fresno since 1922

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Campus rules on parking vary

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Campus rules on parking vary

By Chris D. Hernandez
The Collegian

Some students are not relaxed about relaxed parking.

At Fresno State parking lots marked in yellow are reserved for faculty and staff, which means that students are prohibited from parking in those spaces.

“Faculty and staff lots are enforced from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.,” Fresno State Traffic Operations employee Amy Armstrong said. “You got to have a yellow faculty and staff decal to park in those areas. After 7 p.m. students with a green decal can park in these spaces. The signs say you got to have a pass.

Permits are intact until 10 p.m.”

“I say that [relaxed] parking should start at 5 p.m. due to the volume of working students,” said senior liberal studies major Michelle Clark. “Students rush from work to school which makes them late because of the student parking lot being far away.”

“They should extend the relaxed parking hours,” freshman criminology major Anthony Arroyo said. “I think it should change and be different.”

“Because if there is available parking, why not?” social work major Leticia Aguilar said. “They’re closer to the classrooms.”

Some students believe that the relaxed parking should be kept as it.

“Because there is not that many students at five and there is more in the morning, so that the other parking for the students won’t be full, like lots Q, J and A,” Emily Derderian, a sophomore majoring in liberal studies, said. “There’s not as many students on campus at 5 p.m. as there are at 8 a.m. It is not tough to find parking. I think it’s fine.”

“The students need to make time to get here,” communications disorder major Natalie Arredondo said. “If the students have a nine-to-five work schedule, they should plan ahead. It would be convenient at five, but it is not a requirement.”

According to Leah Wilkins, a dispatcher for the Fresno City College Police Department, some faculty lots on their campus are relaxed at 5 p.m. and all lots are relaxed at 10 p.m. and on weekends.

Paulette Blumberg in the department of parking and transportation at California State University, Fullerton said permit parking is enforced from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Parking is relaxed after 5 p.m. on Fridays.

At Fresno State, students with night classes could get their wish for earlier relaxed parking.

“Students can write to Lieutenant Shrum and express their concerns for changing that,” Armstrong said.

Lieutenant Lupe Canales-Shrum can be reached at 278-2950.

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