The Collegian

12/6/04 • Vol. 129, No. 42

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Both fans and athletes contribute to violence

Sex education funding increases, accuracy falters

Letters to the Editor


Both fans and athletes contribute to violence
At the Indiana Pacers game, there were more punches thrown than a boxing match. Perhaps the players forgot which sport they were playing, and perhaps the fans forgot their role as spectators. Either way, this fanatic display was not an isolated incident. The incidents that unfolded were a perfect example of the epidemic that has infested the sporting world.   More>>

Letters to the Editor
Concerning the opinion article written by Nathan Hathaway on November 17th (“Insurgents willing to kill own for terrorism”): Hathaway concludes that the moral of this story is: “Don’t try to help Iraqis, it might get you killed”.  More>>

Sex education funding increases, accuracy falters
Since President Bush took office, federal funding for “abstinence-only’’ sex education has more than doubled.  More>>