Overweight flyers should shed pounds or pay up
By MARC FISHER of The Washington Post
Two pounds of apples cost more than one. Mailing a big, fat envelope
is more expensive than mailing a letter. Smokers pay more for life insurance
than do non-smokers.
So why shouldn’t you pay an airline according to how much you weigh
and how much space you take up?
A report the other day from the National Center for Environmental Health
tells us that our collective national belt-loosening is costing the airlines
big money—an extra $275 million in fuel costs in one year to account
for the 10-pound average increase in Americans’ weight over the
past decade.
The airlines are desperately trying to cut fuel costs by cutting the weight
they carry—replacing metal utensils with plastic ones, scrapping
heavy magazines. But the solution lies directly beneath the floor of the
passenger cabin: Charge passengers by the pound, just as freight in the
cargo hold is priced.
That would not only help the airlines, but more important, would create
a social and financial disincentive for becoming or staying obese.
As things stand, the one-third of Americans who are not overweight subsidize
the two-thirds who are. It’s in everyone’s interest to shift
the balance back toward healthier, slimmer lives.
The last time I took up this quest, a couple of years ago, I had the sad
duty to report that L.L. Bean had changed its pricing policy and would
charge the same for its clothing no matter the size. It was a big break
for the big-boned, and a strike against fairness for everyone else.
Traditionally, clothing that’s made of more material has, logically
enough, cost more than the same item in a smaller size.
But compared with L.L. Bean cravenly chasing after the loyalties of its
broadening customers, the transportation industry faces a tougher predicament.
After all, an airplane seat is only so wide.
Advocates for the obese— yes, they have a Washington lobby, too—reject
solutions that put the responsibility for obesity squarely on the bellies
of the big. The American Obesity Association argues that our commercial
and entertainment culture bears a good part of the blame for our becoming
a nation of wide loads.
With almost any other malady, we distinguish between people’s behavior
and their affliction. You might behave in ways that make it more likely
that you’ll get cancer, but when you do get cancer, it’s generally
perceived as a really bad break that deserves oceans of sympathy.
But if you’re large, the public reaction is that it’s your
own darn fault and maybe you should lay off the Mars bars. “We suspend
the compassion that we normally feel,” as Morgan Downey, director
of the obesity group, put it.
Instead, we laugh in the general direction of fat people, making a “moral
judgment of laziness, lack of self-control, weakness,’’ Downey
Fair enough.
But accepting the idea that obesity is a community problem actually strengthens
the case for creating such disincentives as paying by the pound for air
Yet when Southwest Airlines tried to draw the line against corpulent passengers
flowing over onto someone else’s seat, the obesity lobby rolled
into action. Southwest’s policy is simple and fair: If you take
up more than one seat, you need to buy the extra seat. The airline refunds
the extra charge if there are empty seats on a given flight.
The Obesity Association reacted by asking Southwest to install wider seats
for the extra-large. No way, said Southwest, which went ahead with its
policy, noting that only six seats per airplane account for their profit
margin. Replacing only three rows of seats per plane with extra-wide seats
would suck up all their profits, Southwest’s president argued.
All that extra weight we’re carrying is a burden not only on the
airlines’ bottom line, but on our very survival. After a commuter
plane crashed last year in Charlotte, federal investigators said it might
have been overloaded. So the FAA ordered airlines to revise the formula
they use to estimate the weights of passengers.
The feds tacked an extra 10 pounds onto the assumed average weight of
an American adult. The answer: Public weigh-ins before every flight.
Heck, it’ll add some entertainment while we wait at the security
checkpoints. Shame, a nearly-lost tool of social persuasion in this society,
is good: Line ‘em up, weigh ‘em in and watch the pounds come