The Collegian

11/17/04 • Vol. 129, No. 37

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Insurgents willing to kill own for terrorism

Insurgents willing to kill own for terrorism


Iraqi militants showed this week that they are entirely out of control, and why no one—and I mean no one—should be sympathizing with them.

Based on reports coming from Al-Jazeera television in Iraq, insurgents this week killed British humanitarian worker Margaret Hassan. The station reported that militants had released a video of a hooded man shooting a blindfolded woman in the head.

The woman is suspected to be Hassan, the director of CARE in Iraq, who was abducted Oct. 19 in Baghdad.

Hassan was a British citizen born in Ireland who gained citizenship to Iraq when she married an Iraqi, the Associated Press reported.

This is a woman who dedicated nearly her entire life to helping the people of Iraq. According to the AP, Hassan was well-known throughout the Middle East for her concern for Iraqis, particularly during the years of U.N. sanctions, which she said had a negative effect on Iraqi children.

The apparent moral of this story: Don’t try to help Iraqis. It might get you killed.

It’s the same principle our soldiers are being so brutally taught every day. They are there doing their best to help free Iraq, and they’re being killed for doing so.

“To kidnap and kill anyone is inexcusable,” British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw told the AP. “But it is repugnant to commit such a crime against a woman who has spent most of her life working for the good of the people of Iraq.”

Where is the line for these terrorists? Before they were abducting, torturing and killing their “enemies” in a futile attempt to scare people. Now they’re killing their friends.

Clearly these animals have no respect for human life. Jihad is much more important to them. They’d rather complete their pretended God-given mission than follow the rules God has actually given them.