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The Collegian

5/10/04 • Vol. 128, No. 42

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Don't care for Kerry as president in '04

Spain—A national model for international democracy

Don't care for Kerry as president in '04


Want to know why you should not vote for John Kerry ? • He never can figure out what he believes. He votes for $87 billion to help fund the Iraq war, then he votes against it. He protested the Vietnam War, then he tries to use his service in it to help his image. In a speech on Feb. 25, 2003, Kerry said, “I believe that the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq poses a real threat to the security of the region and of the United States and that he must be disarmed.” But now he criticizes Bush for disarming him.More>>


Spain—A national model for international democracy


Spain is a country with a very long history. Democracy in Spain, one of the strongest in the world, flourished only after centuries of monarchic rule, many bloody civil wars, a ruthless dictatorship and a period of severe instability. Yet, for the past 30 years, my country has had one of the strongest democracies in the world, where more than 70 percent of the registered voters exercise their right and power to vote on elections. It is the democracy of this country, which has recently voted the socialists into power, and has established and authorized a government, and pulled its 1,300 troops out of Iraq.More>>


-Art by John Rios