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The Collegian

5/5/04 • Vol. 128, No. 40

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9-11 fund creates feeding frenzy for families

Random Thoughts—the clip show

9-11 fund creates feeding frenzy for families

If you haven’t heard of the Sept. 11 Victim Compensation Fund you might want to check it out—it could make you a millionaire. For those of you not already in-the-know, just 10 days after the terror acts Sept. 11, the United States government created a fund available to relatives of deceased victims from the World Trade Center and the airlines involved in the Trade Center bombings. The fund was part of a law titled “To preserve the continued viability of the United States air transportation system,” which was enacted to preempt lawsuits threatening the airline industry.More>>

Random Thoughts—the clip show

You know when you’re in class, your mind starts to wander, and you come up with weird thoughts like, “A clip show? Who do these two jerks think they are?” Well, we decided to write down our favorite comments. Enjoy.

•Freshman Tip #22:Your professors may need to e-mail you. So when signing up for an e-mail address, Mr_Big_Stuff69@aol.com might not be such a good idea.

• While watching MTV, Alberto came up with this musical equation: 2 Pac minus Talent equals Ja Rule.

• Ryan’s Tips on Dating #21: Guys, never take your woman to a movie that stars Vin Diesel, Colin Farrell or The Rock. Why? Because when the movie’s over, she’s going to get hit with the reality stick and realize she has to go home with you and your butter-stained T-shirt.More>>