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The Collegian

3/3/04• Vol. 128, No. 17

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Who needs talent when you don't have morals?

Third party not at blame for political loss

Who needs talent when you don't have morals?

Just what does it say about the performing talent of someone when the only way they can get their name in the headlines is to strip, sleep around or push the envelope of decency just a bit farther? More so, what does it say about our society when we endorse these talentless hacks whose only shot at stardom is to be just that much more shocking than the next?More>>


Third party not to blame for political loss

It’s amusing to watch democratic politicos denounce Ralph Nader for running for president, claiming the consumer champion cost Al Gore the presidency and could do the same for their candidate in 2004. The republicans similarly complained Ross Perot cost Bush Sr. the 1992 election to Bill Clinton.More>>