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The Collegian

3/3/04• Vol. 128, No. 17

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Karbassi loses city council race

Prop 57 passes, voters approve bonds

Election draws students to polls

Kerry carries nine states

Autry wins mayoral race by significant margin

Journalism symposium to feature Pulitzer Prize winning journalists

News in brief

Karbassi loses city council race

Student receives 16 percent of votes in District 2

There were no crying family and friends, or a candidate making excuses for a loss. Just family and supporters gathered at the Primavera Italian restaurant in what seemed more of a social gathering than a campaign headquarters.More>>


Election draws students to polls

Tuesday’s election was expected to draw few voters and even fewer students to the polls.

Secretary of State Kevin Shelley predicted a 43 percent turnout rate statewide, a decline from the 54 percent turnout rate in October’s recall election.More>>


Autry wins mayoral election by significant margin

Close races were not an issue for local electoral offices. One such race was that of Mayor Alan Autry who won the election for Fresno City Mayor. Autry won by a landslide victory, earning 73 percent of the votes. Fresno State alumnus Sue Saigal came in a distant second with 21 percent of the votes.More>>



Kia Karbassi embraces his father after seeing the results of Tuesday's election on a big screen television at his campaign headquarters.


Prop 57 passes, voters approve bonds

State will borrow $15 billion in bonds to combat budget deficit

It seems the threat of drastic cuts motivated California voters to approve Propositions 57 and 58.

Proposition 57 and Proposition 58 were approved by wide margins; Proposition 57 was approved by 61 percent of voters, while 70 percent approved Proposition 58.More>>


Kerry carries nine states

,It was indeed Super Tuesday for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry. Kerry won nine of 10 states including California, and finished the night without his biggest rival for the Democratic nomination, North Carolina senator John Edwards.More>>


Journalism symposium to feature Pulitzer Prize winning journalists

The department of mass communication and journalism is bringing two Pulitzer Prize winning journalists with more than 50 years combined experience to discuss media coverage of the war in Iraq in the first Roger Tatarian Symposium in journalism.More>>


News in Brief

Health services to offer anxiety tests

University Health and Psychological Services will offer free anxiety screening services for students, faculty and staff Thursday in the health center.

Participants will learn how to recognize the signs of anxiety disorders, complete an anonymous anxiety checklist and have a brief, individual review of the checklist with a counselor.More>>