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The Collegian

02/09/04• Vol. 128, No. 8

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AS Senator Simenson resigns; replacement needed

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AS Senator Simenson resigns; replacement needed

By Rory Sa

Associated Students senator Tim Simenson resigned this week from his position as senator for the College of Engineering & Computer Science.

Simenson sent an official resignation letter to the AS on Monday. A memo from AS President Neil Gibson said Simenson had resigned due to workload issues.

Simenson said he would still be involved with AS, but to a lesser extent.

Finance Vice President Michelle Jurkovich served with Simenson on the Finance committee.

“ I think we’ll all miss him very much,” she said. “He was a very important member of AS, but we respect his decision.”

Simenson is the third student senator to resign from the current administration. In November senator Johnny Williams, for the College of Agriculture Sciences and Technology, and Student Affairs liaison Richard Sanchez resigned from their positions, which were filled by Nicole Richardson and Nazia Khan.

Williams left because of conflicts with other commitments, while Sanchez resigned in order to study abroad in London.

Students interested in the position should send their applications in to the AS office by 5 p.m. Wed.

Gibson will interview applicants Wednesday evening. His final recommendation will be presented at the Thursday’s AS meeting.

Applications can be downloaded at the AS Web site: www.csufresno.edu/studentgovt/ news/2003/applicationssenator.html

—Rory Sa