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The Collegian

2/20/04• Vol. 128, No. 12

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Don't support society's harm

Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor



Homosexuality not taught in schools

In response to John Brannon’s column in the Feb. 18 issue of The Collegian, I have only this to say—I didn’t know they taught homosexuality in school. I must have been sick that day because I don’t remember when they made me kiss a guy for credit. Also why does this article say there is no prayer in school? You can pray in school whenever you want, I see most people doing it right before a test. As long as you’re not disturbing anyone you can pray your little head off. I think what is being gotten at here is there should be class for praying—just like there’s a class for homosexuality.

I would love to learn how to pray like a Jew, Catholic, Baptist, Buddhist, Muslim, Jehovah’s Witness, Mormon, Druid, Animist, Wicca, Lutheran, Hindu, Satanist, Presbyterian, Pagan, Taoist, Shintoist and Atheist. I mean, it would be cool to learn how to pray like an Atheist. They say they don’t but, actually they do, it’s just a well-kept secret.

Unfortunately due to budget cuts not only can we not add a class—Prayer 112—we have to say goodbye to everyone’s favorite class—Rainbows 101. One more class I won’t be able to take next semester.


Columnist's views redeem paper

For a long time I stopped reading The Collegian because I thought it consisted of useless articles that either talked about parties, sex or stuff on campus no one really cared about. I stopped until a week or two ago when my friend had a copy of The Collegian and I saw John Brannon’s name and picture and remembered him from my speech class and decided to read his article. I read the one about how it’s hard to make yourself study even though you know you should (Feb. 6). That struck a chord with me because I am so like that. Then this morning I noticed that he had another article about what people consider hate. I agreed with what he had to say about hating the sin but loving the sinner. I am so glad that a columnist is finally bringing God and faith to the front. I commend you for that. Keep it up, I really enjoy reading your articles.


'I don't hate Bush'

Contrary to columnists, Geist and Garza, “most reasonable people” do not hate Bush. It was amazing to watch them build an image of thinking, even-handed men, then destroy it in a single statement.

We can count “mistake after mistake” for a lot of presidents. I remember one in office before Bush who lied to a grand jury and killed innocent civilians by bombing an aspirin factory in Sudan, based on bad intelligence! I even recall him talking up the threat of Iraqi weapon programs, based on the same bad intelligence given to Bush.

I may not vote for him, but in the next election, Bush will have the benefit of being looked at with the same level of scrutiny as every other politician. He is free of my hate, just as past presidents’ mistakes did not deserve hatred.