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The Collegian

11/03/03 • Vol. 127, No. 30

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310 students line up for extravaganza tickets.

Report: Alcohol Views skewed.

Pill that promises to alleviate drinker's hangovers hits market.

Offices displaced by fire restored.


Offices displaced by fire restored

More than a month after arsonists set the Lab School ablaze, The Learning Resource Center (LRC) and The McNair Graduate Program have held an open house party in their new temporary trailer home.

“ We have to look at challenges as creating opportunities,” said Maxine McDonald, executive director for Academic Enhancement Services.

Roxanne Villaluz, a graduate student assistant in the LRC, said the transition was shocking.

“ We kind of dug in our heels in right away and we went from having a building burn down and realizing that we just have to get to work,” Villaluz said. “We actually haven’t stopped yet to really contemplate the seriousness of what happened.”

The center received tables and chairs donated to them by the Philip Morris Company.

The LRC is now located in a trailer complex between the Joyal Administration building and the Satellite Student Union. The LRC was forced to relocate after arsonists destroyed the offices Sept. 18.