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The Collegian

9/5/03 • Vol. 127, No. 5

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Decorating the dorms

Poetry Jam promotes a sense of unity

Poetry Jam promotes a sense of unity

Wednesday night at the Coffeehouse and Pub, people were treated to a night of poetry. The festivity started off with a friendly “get to know your neighbor” activity that promoted unity among the many ethnicities and races.

Poetry jam coordinator Mary Lee McGough began the evening with a short narrative before the poets began sharing their work.

McGough carried out a message of unity that echoed throughout the night.

“ We are a team and we came to learn more from each other,” McGough said in explaining why the event was being held.

She also wanted to thank the sponsors for their support.

The audience was very attentive and involved, laughing and clapping at the right times.

Each poet was allowed three minutes to perform his or her poem and each performer got a good reception from the crowd.

Bryan Medina and Jason Gatewood helped act as masters of ceremonies and also performed some of their own poems. A poet who called himself Kilroy also delivered a passionate reading of his poem about love.

Many of the poems performed focused on the importance of being accepted by one another.

Over 20 students performed their poems for an audience of about 50.