Let’s face it. College work has basically gone fully digital. I can’t remember the last time I actually did an entire assignment on paper. Especially this semester, from my specific class schedule to working at The Collegian as an editor, I am looking at a screen, of some sort, for hours on end.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I love what I do, but I also have to take care of my health. LED screens emit blue light that is known to have health effects on individuals. I have noticed that for the past year, I have been experiencing very intense headaches and eye strain when spending large amounts of time looking at a screen.
As time went on, I noticed that I began to feel this aching and strain after even just half an hour of using my electronics. So, I turned to blue light glasses.
Game changer.
College students are reported to consume over eight hours of screen time every single day from homework to social media, for some students an online job, etc. That is more than the average school day for K-12 students.
That cannot be good for our eyes, as well as our brains.
Retinal damage is not impossible when it comes to looking at a screen all day long. When exposed to too much blue light, it can cause damage to the human eyes.
Most people utilize the alarm clock feature on their phones to help them wake up the next morning. This means that a majority of the population is sleeping close to their phones. More often than not, people are not making it a priority in their everyday lives to put away their phones at least an hour before going to bed.
Phone, go to bed, wake up, phone, then utilize laptops/tablets at school all day while scrolling through social media on their phones once again throughout the day. This is usually how it goes.
Even Nike has encouraged the potential benefits of investing in a pair of blue light glasses.
Not only does Nike state that the use of blue light glasses can help improve the quality of sleep, but it also reduces light sensitivity and the chances of experiencing symptoms of dry eye.
Now I understand that there may be other health complications present that would cause someone to feel these types of aching and straining and it may not solely be at the fault of blue light from screens.
However, this does not take away from the reality of how much blue light glasses have helped me personally. Whether you are experiencing eye strains and headaches/migraines and are searching for a solution, or simply want to protect yourself from any potential future health risks, try out blue light glasses.
Plus, they have so many cute options to choose from so you can be safe and stylish!