Since Oct. 10, registered voters have been receiving their mail-in ballots for the 2022 General Election, which will be held on Election Day, Nov. 8.
Voters can submit their ballots until Election Day by mail or in-person through various ballot drop off locations and polling places. Here’s how:
By Mail
Mail-in ballots must be postmarked by the postal office by 8 p.m. on Election Day, so it is recommended to mail it a couple of days beforehand. However, if you mail it in on Election Day, county election offices will accept mail-in ballots up to seven days after the deadline as long as the date is signed for Nov. 8.
Ballot drop-off locations and early voting locations will be available throughout all California counties for at least 10 days prior to the General Election, with some already available. Some early voting locations also offer voter registration, replacement ballots, accessible voting machines and language assistance.

On Election Day, voters can submit their mail-in ballots at any polling place available in their county. Fresno State will open up the Student Recreation Center (REC) as a polling place on Nov. 8 for Fresno County voters.
Student voters registered outside of Fresno County will need to return their ballots at a voting center or drop box in the county in which they are registered; or get the ballot in the mail in time to meet the postmark requirements for their vote to count.
You can find early voting locations, ballot drop-off locations and polling places on the Secretary of State’s official website for your respective county.