An individual’s sex and gender should not be a basis for integrity or guilt.
For instance, an incident emerged on December 18, 2018, when actress Amber Heard published an Op-Ed in The Washington Post about her personal abuse. That post sparked massive outrage toward Johnny Depp, Heard’s former husband, that led to a loss of numerous film opportunities and ostracization for the actor.
Nevertheless, audio recordings recently published reveal Heard admitting having abused Depp. She even mocks him for not retaliating as he reiterates that he has had to walk away multiple times due to her recurring abuse. She even attempts to discredit him and portray herself as the victim although the recording reveals that Depp is the genuine victim.
This incident epitomizes how individuals, like Heard, can make unfounded malicious allegations about men that perpetuate mindless and unjustified perceptions that men are automatically guilty without due process. Just because a woman makes a claim does not mean we ought to immediately believe her.
Women can also be violent, manipulative and deceitful because they are humans subjected to fault, wrath and a desire to benefit. Consequently, as a society governed by the rule of law, we should make the greatest efforts to remain objective and let the evidence speak for itself to ensure justice for all.
Everyone should be considered innocent until proven guilty, as with Heard, who was considered to be an innocent victim but now appears to be guilty, according to the evidence presented.