The Fresno State Student Cupboard looks brand-new after renovations made the space more accessible for students over the summer
Jessica Medina, Coordinator, said that the facility had been operating with equipment that had been there since its opening in 2015, such as bookshelves that were in disrepair.
“We were able to put in brand-new grocery store shelves. We got another three-door refrigerator and now have produce racks,” Medina said. “I think the renovations make the space easier to shop from; to allow students to have more access to healthy produce and more items that are refrigerated.”
Medina said renovations started at the beginning of summer break and were completed before the fall semester began.
She added that the campus did not pay for anything.
“All of the funding came from Hunger-Free Campus funding that we received through Senate Bill 85,” Medina said. “We have $40,000 for renovations, but we haven’t spent most of that on the renovations themselves. We are still looking to purchase more hygiene items: diapers, wipes, feminine hygiene items, other hygiene items and things like that.”
Medina said an anonymous donor gave the Cupboard the new refrigerator.
“We thank all of them (donors and volunteers) for their support in helping us to provide a great Student Cupboard space,” Medina said.
Lauren Sorpin, a Fresno State student, said she had heard a lot about the Student Cupboard.
“I haven’t had the chance to go check it out myself, but I think, in a way, it’ll be easier for students,” Sorpin said.
Lawrence Barba, a Fresno State student, said he hasn’t been down to the space since the renovations.
“I think that’s probably a good idea. It’s a good cause. It’s a worthy cause,” Barba said.
Medina said the Student Cupboard will be using some of the funds to put up signage and will use additional funds to launch a pilot program.
“As part of the Senate bill funding that we received, we received an additional $25,000 to do a pilot program, and part of that pilot program will be a ‘How to Adult’ series. It’s a new series of workshops to help students be successful outside the classroom,” Medina said.
She said the series will include workshops on cooking, budgeting and transportation.
“Our first workshop will be Friday, Sept. 14, as a Making Your Financial Aid Last workshop for budgeting,” Medina said.