FTL (Faster Than Light) is an addictive Roguelike spaceship game of cat and mouse. You are a federation spaceship that has information about the rebel flagship. This is a take off on Star Wars where you are like stormtroopers trying to take down the Millenium Falcon.
In FTL, you are on one end of the galaxy trying to get to the other end as the rebels slowly follow you. This makes it so that there is always a time limit.
The way that you move is that you jump from set position to set position. You can only ever jump a certain distance so you have to leapfrog across each system until you get the final point. From there you get to choose which system you go to next.
The galaxy that you occupy, the systems, the places you jump to, the people you encounter, and the equipment you get, are always different. This makes the game extremely repayable and tons of fun.
There are several distinct alien races each with their own ships that you can unlock. Each of those ships have three variants that you can also unlock. On top of all of that, each time you play, your ship will gather new people and new equipment so the ship will never look the same.
Also the way that you unlock new ships to play with is that you beat the game. If you are bad at it, you won’t actually be able to get to the fun parts of the game. You need to stick with it and try to get better to really enjoy your time with it.
The game is extremely difficult. It took me 24 hours of gameplay to finally beat it. That was about 20 times playing, and rage quitting over several months. The worst part of the game is the ridiculous difficulty spike with the rebel flagship– the final boss. You really have to know what he is going to do before he does it so that you won’t die. If you don’t want to have my 20-hour-long learning experience, I suggest watching some good let’s-plays on YouTube or reading a few walk-throughs.
I did have fun with the game. I wanted to unlock all of the ships and all of their variations. Even though I had a love/hate relationship with the game for the first 20 hours I now really do love the game. Once I got really good at the game, I was able to beat the game 5 times back to back and scream at the top of my lungs.
FTL: Faster Than Light is currently $10 on Steam and is Def finally worth it. If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t have spent 84 hours of my life on it.