Lemuel Rivera
I believe that I am a strong candidate for the position of ASI Senator for the College of Science and Mathematics. As a result of my involvement, I have a great understanding of my college and its students. I am part of two big programs in CSM which are the Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP) and the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP). Not only that, I am a member of the Pre-Med Club, American Medical Student Association (AMSA) club, and Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS). In addition, I possess the leadership skills and professionalism necessary as Senator. I have participated in some of Fresno State’s Leadership Programs such as the Emerging Leader’s Retreat, Leadership Academy and Co-Curricular Leadership Certificate.
I believe that our time in college is a pivotal moment in our life which is why my platform is geared towards preparing students for their future careers.
As Senator, I plan to:
Represent CSM students in student-body government
Bring more awareness about the opportunities in the College of Science and Mathematics
Encourage students to partake in research
Guide students into leadership positions/programs
Fund programs/clubs vital for student success
Additionally, I want to enhance students’ experience by advocating for a 24-hour library and possibly placing a coffee joint near the Science I building. If elected Senator, I will seek other ways in promoting student success and improving student experience.
Thank you for your time.
Zachary Jones
Hi, I am Zachary Jones, an undergraduate Kinesiology — Exercise Science Major. I want to represent the College of Health and Human Services in our student government. I think I would be an excellent choice for The College of Health and Human Services, because I care about the future of our college and our university. My goal as the Senator of the College of Health and Human Services would be to connect with my constituents and learn about the problems they see in our college. I would also use my previous experience as a transfer student to make the transition to Fresno State easier and gain a true connection to our new first time students.
Through this connection hopefully I can become more knowledgeable about The College of Health and Human Services. If I’m elected my hope is to give the not only the constituents in my college, but the entire population of students at Fresno State the resources to succeed in their life during and after college. Remember to Be Bold. Be Great. And GO FRESNO STATE!
Ally Zavala
My name is Ally Zavala and I am running for Senator at-Large. Fresno State holds a special place in my heart and I cannot think of anything I would love more than serving this campus. As a second year student, I am learning more about the level of commitment required to address the concerns of Fresno State students. I am very engaged in the community and have the advocacy and passion to be a voice for my fellow peers. I want to be more involved in the decision-making process that affects the campus as a whole, because many students don’t know the impact they can have on administration. I am confident that I am well qualified to be the voice that will fight for students concerns and meet their needs. What is also most important to me is that when my time at the Fresno State comes to an end, I can look back on my years as a bulldog and know that I did everything in my power to leave this University an even better place for students, not only to attend to, but thrive. As a Senator at-large, I hope to give back to all of you and Fresno State that has done so much for me.
Nicholas Georgouses
Hi my name is Nicholas Georgouses and I am running for Senator of the Craig School of Business. I am an Accounting option and member of the Sigma Chi Fraternity. Commencing my acceptance to the Craig School of Business Scholars, a scholarship group within the school, I have dedicated my time at Fresno State to the continued refinement and progression of the school of business. This academic year I have had the honor of serving the school and scholarship as the President of the CSB Scholars. Taking invaluable experience and bonds I have formed this year along side administration, I plan to serve as a relentless advocate for my peers. I believe it is pertinent that the representative of the school truly reflects and embodies the ideals and intentions of my fellow counterparts. I will enact a culture of communication, inclusion, and action if elected.
In detail, the CSB is over 30 years old and in need of renovation. With allotted ASI funds, I will strive to improve our inadequate study accommodations within the school, notably the Bulldog Corner Office. Secondly, I would continue to expand internship and career development to align programs and education to meet the demand of employers.
My experience as Scholar President has shown me the immense work it takes to serve my peers to our extensive potential and I truly love serving all of my fellow business students. I am running because I care about my peers, our school, and our future.
Manwinder Singh
Thank you for taking your time to read this, my name is Manwinder Singh, I am currently running for senator at large. I am going to keep it simple, whatever I get elected to, I want to get things done and make a positive change. However, I am going to keep the good qualities of my predecessor but make better improvements during my time in office. I’ve held many leadership positions throughout my life from actual workplaces to volunteer opportunities. I am a current member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, I held the position of Brand Manager and I am the current Director of Philanthropy. With all the skills I’ve obtained I want to make a positive difference at Fresno State. I want to make this college campus the place you earned to be at. Let’s get things done. Opportunity is knocking and I need your vote to make my mission a reality. Respectfully, Manwinder Singh
Austen Z. Radke
There comes a time in a young man’s (or woman’s) life that the decision must be made to have
a positive effect on those the immediate community. In my junior year at Fresno State, my time
has come. I decided to take the course of action through student office, where I saw I could
make the largest positive impact on the student body and surrounding community by working
with the Associated Students Incorporated. This past month, I had the opportunity to represent
the student body in collaboration with ASI at a meeting regarding the San Madre Revitalization
Project. I noticed that a real impact was being made through the efforts of ASI and other
community groups. This is the exact reason I want to represent the students as a Senator at
Large this upcoming school year. In my experience as the Sigma Chi Vice President I learned
how to work with a team to achieve a goal and be successful, much like what would be done at
ASI. Additionally, I have a history of volunteering in the community and would love to involve
more student groups in philanthropy, as well as create cohesion and new partnerships amongst
these different groups during my tenure as Senator at Large. Thank you for your consideration
and don’t forget, Be Bold.
Go Dogs.
Blake Zante
Hello my fellow Bulldogs! My name is Blake Zante and I am running for the position of
Senator-At-Large on a slate called Students Serving Students. I am currently the President of Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity and a student in the Smittcamp Family Honors College majoring in Political Science, with a minor in General Business. As a current ASI Senator at-Large, I hope to use my experience to act as a voice of effective change for the Fresno State student body. I plan to develop a clear channel of communication for students on campus, and represent their concerns in a way that will improve their collegiate experience. As a liaison between upper administration and students, I hope to foster a greater sense of community and increase involvement as well as opportunities for students at Fresno State. Given my extensive background and involvement in other leadership positions, I will develop a more accessible connection and positive relationship between students, ASI and administration. I want to be YOUR voice, listen to YOUR vision for Fresno State, and help YOU address your concerns on campus. I would be honored to have your vote, and vote Blake Zante for ASI Senator at-Large! Thank you, and go dogs!
Tanner Melton
Hi! My name is Tanner Melton and I feel that I’m the best candidate for the College of Science
and Mathematics Senator because I have a passion for helping others find a love of science
and would love to do what I can to help people discover and nurture a future in the sciences. I’m
a second year PrePharmacy Biochemistry Major, Chemistry Tutor at the Learning Center, and
Student Ambassador for the Alumni Association Discovery Program. Through these jobs I have
learned how to communicate effectively with my peers as well as how to communicate with
alumni from the College of Science and Mathematics. I also have experience interacting with
faculty across campus, including our own Dean of Science and Mathematics through these jobs.
Prior to college, I was team captain for both high school water polo and swim as well as a club
president. These positions helped me hone my leadership abilities and showed me how to lead
not only in calm times, but also how to lead while under pressure. As the CSM Senator, I will
push for resources and awareness for our college and find a way to host a CSM wide event that
brings together all our majors for a few days of camaraderie and communication. I would also
like to continue working with our Dean to develop an alumni chapter, which would allow for
events, fundraisers, networking, scholarships, and many other options. If you elect me, I will
strive to broaden our college’s horizons.
Ishaq Ali
My fellow Social Science students, I am a junior studying Political Science and I would like the privilege of representing you and our College as your ASI Senator. I currently represent the Political Science department in the inaugural Student Leadership Council (SLC), a student organization seeking to connect the departments within the college and improve the academic opportunities available to Social Science students. I wish to take my involvement a step further and represent the entire college, allowing me to broaden the impact of my service. The projects that I have currently been involved in as a member of the SLC, and would like to continue as Senator, include improving the efficiency of communication between departments, the distribution of a Social Science newsletter, and the organization of graduate school workshops and career fairs. If given the honor to represent our college I can promise hard work and positive progress.
Alex Gallo
I am a viable choice for Senator at-Large because since my time at Fresno State, I have committed myself to serving both Fresno State students and the community. As an Ambassador for the Richter Center, which is the community service hub on campus, I have made it my goal to help students find service projects that they are passionate about, specifically in relation to their major, setting them up for work life after college. In addition, I have committed to working with faculty members next year in order to create a larger and stronger student support system. As President of the League of Women Voters, a non-partisan political organization committed to increasing voter participation, I have worked with upper-administration to implement student forums at Fresno State in order to gather student input on higher education that will guide future advocacy and policy decisions. I have been an advocate for students my entire college career; I would be honored to have your vote and continue serving you!