Local yoga instructor Lindsey Huerta holds classes in Fresno that provide students with alternative settings to entice expert and beginning students.
Huerta, began teaching just over a year ago and has since picked up the popular Downtown rooftop yoga class from previous instructor Cole Judge. Huerta first picked up yoga five years ago and cemented her passion when she took a yoga trip to Bali.
Huerta plans to launch her own yoga place, High Spirit Yoga, in Tower District by the end of the year.
Huerta teaches primarily hatha yoga and said the best advice for those interested to try yoga is to focus on “connecting your movements and breathe in rhythm.”
Yoga at the Warnors Theatre takes place on Tuesdays at 5:45 p.m. to 7 p.m. Downtown rooftop yoga is on Fridays at 8 a.m. The Downtown classes are donation based and are held in the Fulton Mall. Lessons at the Warnors Theatre are $12 per class or $40 a month.
For more information, visit www.highspirityoga.com.